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The economy

We’re stuck with crappy aged care because Morrison won’t ask the young or the old to pay to fix it
Aged care

We’re stuck with crappy aged care because Morrison won’t ask the young or the old to pay to fix it

I’m sorry to be so pessimistic but I fear it is unlikely the aged care royal commission’s report will bring change.

  • by Ross Gittins


Peter Costello warns ultra-low rates risk creating the next financial crisis

Peter Costello warns ultra-low rates risk creating the next financial crisis

Future Fund chairman Peter Costello has warned central banks against keeping borrowing costs at record lows for longer than necessary.

  • by Clancy Yeates
Battlelines have been drawn for the next US-China stoush

Battlelines have been drawn for the next US-China stoush

China has made its ambitions clear as it looks to challenge and then surpass America’s lead in the next generation of technologies that will determine global supremacy into the future.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
QE is a lobster pot: easy to get in, hard to get out unscathed

QE is a lobster pot: easy to get in, hard to get out unscathed

Since the global financial crisis and more so since the coronacession, the normal way things work in financial markets has been turned on its head.

  • by Ross Gittins
Call for women-focused rescue plan after COVID recession ‘triple whammy’

Call for women-focused rescue plan after COVID recession ‘triple whammy’

Economists, think tanks and industry groups are using International Women’s Day to call for a suite of policies to repair the disproportionate damage done to women by the nation’s first recession in 30 years.

  • by Jennifer Duke and Noel Towell
Pandemic property boom: will it get too hot to handle?

Pandemic property boom: will it get too hot to handle?

Low interest rates, pent up demand and government incentives have triggered a surge in house prices. But what are the consequences?

  • by Matt Wade
Economic rebound was the easy bit, ‘recovery’ could take an eternity

Economic rebound was the easy bit, ‘recovery’ could take an eternity

The economy has taken off like a stimulus-fuelled rocket, but it’s going to take a long time before all our troubles are behind us.

  • by Ross Gittins
Heard the one about interest rates rising? Don’t be so sure

Heard the one about interest rates rising? Don’t be so sure

As the pandemic crisis recedes, the big weaknesses of the economy will again surface – and they will need to be tackled.

  • by Jessica Irvine
The Biden economy is at risk of growing too fast

The Biden economy is at risk of growing too fast

The US economy is operating below potential but there are still limits to how fast the economy can go.

  • by N. Gregory Mankiw
Only one thing will end the squalor of aged care
Aged care

Only one thing will end the squalor of aged care

More money is needed but it will only happen if Labor and Liberal parties take politics out of the decision.

  • by Ross Gittins
Europe’s economic recovery is under threat before it has really begun

Europe’s economic recovery is under threat before it has really begun

Concerns that central banks were sliding ever deeper into a “debt trap” were invariably brushed aside as a problem for the future. That future has arrived.

  • by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard