In the Herald: March 10, 1911

In the Herald: March 10, 1911

By Harry Hollinsworth

Methylated spirit drinkers

“At the Water Summons Court, sub-inspector Branston proceeded against Alfred Harmansen, for having kept his Bourke Street shop open for the purpose of trading. It was stated the defendant sold a bottle of methylated spirits by his agent – a girl in the shop. Three men were then found sitting on a seat in the park nearby drinking the methylated spirits. It was added that police had great trouble with methylated spirits drinkers on Sundays.”

Bondi heroine

“Whilst swimming at Bondi Beach, Miss Bessy Williams noticed a girl, 9 years old, in difficulty. She brought her to shore and almost immediately had to go out to the rescue another who was being carried seaward in the same gutter. She supported the second girl until two lifesavers reached her, but this girl was unconscious. Resuscitation methods were applied and after about 20 minutes the youthful surfer was revived and able to go home.”

Offensive behaviour arrest

“Samuel Slavin was employed at a hoop-la establishment in the city and was involved in a scuffle when a police constable appeared. After restoring order, the constable left, but ran into the accused later in the street. The accused said to him ‘you are only a ______ murderer’. After restoring order again, the constable crossed paths with the man a third time. The man said: ‘I’ve killed better men than you’. He was then taken to the station.”

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