Elizabeth Knight | The Sydney Morning Herald

Elizabeth Knight comments on companies, markets and the economy.

Where’s Solly? Lew’s gone quiet on Myer, but he’s not gone away

Where’s Solly? Lew’s gone quiet on Myer, but he’s not gone away

There is next to no chance Solomon Lew has abandoned his Myer ambitions. The billionaire retailer has made the struggling retailer his mission.

  • by Elizabeth Knight


Rio shareholders played the long game and ultimately got their prized scalp

Rio shareholders played the long game and ultimately got their prized scalp

Behind the scenes, a group of mainly Australian shareholders continued guerrilla warfare at Rio aimed at unseating UK-based chairman Simon Thompson.

  • by Elizabeth Knight
Corporate Game of Thrones: Nine’s fractured board belies its booming business

Corporate Game of Thrones: Nine’s fractured board belies its booming business

With Nick Falloon’s position on the Nine board more tenuous, shareholders are dumbfounded by how a company at the peak of its success is struggling with board politics.

  • by Elizabeth Knight
Police get in on Crown act as Packer looks safe to keep his stake

Police get in on Crown act as Packer looks safe to keep his stake

The Australian Federal Police has confirmed a report it is investigating potential criminal offences related to Crown having received a referral from Commissioner Bergin.

  • by Elizabeth Knight
It’s a minor miracle Joyce didn’t front up with a worse result

It’s a minor miracle Joyce didn’t front up with a worse result

Qantas chief executive Alan Joyce has just provided a corporate lesson in how to run a business in crisis.

  • by Elizabeth Knight
Woolworths bets on sobering up when it quits hotels, pokies and booze

Woolworths bets on sobering up when it quits hotels, pokies and booze

Whether by design or accident, the demerger of its liquor and hotels business will boost Woolworths’ wholesome image. But the company has always said the move was driven by strategic reasons rather than a desire to jettison the less ethical and social assets in its portfolio.

  • by Elizabeth Knight
Andrews throws Crown a lifeline disguised as punishment

Andrews throws Crown a lifeline disguised as punishment

The Victorian Premier worked the loudhailer on Tuesday to assure the public that he is willing to rip up Crown’s licence if the royal commission finds it unsuitable.

  • by Elizabeth Knight
BoQ boss makes next move in his career as an empire builder

BoQ boss makes next move in his career as an empire builder

Over the past 18 months George Frazis has engineered an impressive performance turnaround at BoQ - a feat that has earned him the licence to undertake this stage two transformation.

  • by Elizabeth Knight
If this is the new transparent Crown, then ‘saviour’ Coonan needs to work miracles

If this is the new transparent Crown, then ‘saviour’ Coonan needs to work miracles

Helen Coonan turned herself inside out attempting to answer questions on whether she is part of Crown’s problem rather than its solution.

  • by Elizabeth Knight
Payday: How Australia tamed the Google gorilla

Payday: How Australia tamed the Google gorilla

It’s raining Google dollars in Australian media land. Whether it’s a drenching or a light shower depends on who you talk to, but it’s way more generous than publishers overseas have managed to negotiate.

  • by Elizabeth Knight
Packer will be parched as Crown’s dividend drought likely to drag on

Packer will be parched as Crown’s dividend drought likely to drag on

James Packer’s 37 per cent stake in Crown is his largest investment and the dividend it yields is his major source of income.

  • by Elizabeth Knight