
Vector is the critical journal of the British Science Fiction Association, publishing articles and features on genre fiction across the world, with some focus on UK science fiction. Vector publishes two to three issues per year. Many of our articles also appear on this site.

You can subscribe to Vector by becoming a member of the British Science Fiction Association. Membership is open to anyone in the world, and also includes subscriptions to our sister titles, Focus and The BSFA Review, among other membership benefits.

Vector was founded in 1958. Its contributors have included such authors and critics as Brian Aldiss, Gregory Benford, Christopher Fowler, Mary Gentle, Damon Knight, Michael Moorcock, Brian Stableford, and of course many more. In addition to writers and scholars, various artists have generously permitted their work to be used as cover art for the magazine. David A. Hardy’s painting ‘Stellar Radiance’ (1969) features as the header for Vector online.

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Vector is always open to queries, pitches, and submissions. We’re interested in academic and non-academic articles, interviews, roundtables, reports and reviews of exhibitions, conventions, conferences, and other events related to SFF, both in the UK and around the world. Vector and the BSFA are entirely volunteer-run. From 2021, all Vector content will be published under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license, unless expressly arranged otherwise.