How the IHR is supporting historians at this time

In this period of uncertainty, the IHR looks to support historians, and their research, with a range of digital initiatives - including primary and secondary resources, online events and training.

Our Century: thinking back, looking forward Events: Open Call

Do you want to get involved in a programme of events to celebrate the discipline and practice of history, and shape its future? Apply now.

Sign up for the IHR's monthly e-bulletin

Our monthly news update covers what's going on and what's coming up at the IHR. It's delivered at the end of each month by email.

February 2021: 'Environment & History' blog series

February to April, the IHR blog, 'On History', hosts a series of posts exploring 'Environment & History' - new historical research and its meanings for today.

February 2021: Open Access publishing: 325 chapters from recent IHR books now available

28 books now available for free download. The latest - Ewan Gibbs' 'Coal County. The Meaning and Memory of Deindustrialization' - appeared on 15 Feb 2021.

Taking Public History Online

This workshop will give advice on developing digital engagement programme, running online events, and promoting your activities to a broad audience.

January 2021: first IHR Partnership Seminars

The first 3 IHR Partnership Seminars launch in January 2021: international interdisciplinary dialogues on topical historical themes & methods.

January 2021: online resources to help during lockdown

A listing of the IHR's digital resources to help when access to libraries and archives is restricted: includes primary & secondary content, plus online events.

October 2020: launch of the new IHR MOOC -- 'Applied Public History'

The Institute's MOOC (a Massive Open Online Course) invites you to discover 'Applied Public History: Places, People, Stories'. Available now, free enrolment.


August 2020: Teaching British histories of race, migration and empire

With The Runnymede Trust, the IHR Library launches a new crowdsourced guide for teachers and learners on British histories of race, migration and empire.

From our blog - On History

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