
Campaigning & organising in the time of coronavirus

The coronavirus pandemic has changed everything, and campaigning & organising is no different. Every union is rapidly working on new tools and techniques to adapt to the public health restrictions caused by coronavirus. In this newsletter, I’m going through some headline “best practice” for your union’s campaigning and organising during this crisis. For years, I’ve …

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Resisting the Shock Doctrine in the age of Coronavirus

As Australia (and the world) grapples with the coronavirus crisis, we are already seeing that the Liberal Government and business lobby are trying to exploit the crisis to further push through extreme neoliberal policies. The brutal tactic of “Shock Doctrine”, the exploitation of choas, public disorientation and the enrichment of oligarchs, must be resisted. Wait …

Resisting the Shock Doctrine in the age of Coronavirus Read More »

union websites responsive mobile

Five union websites worth getting inspired by in 2020

There’s always a union somewhere that’s redeveloping its website, or creating a campaign-specific website, and it’s been a long time since I last pulled together a list of well-designed union sites. It’s fair to say that since 2013, union design standards have significantly improved, driven largely by Vic Trades Hall and the ACTU — both …

Five union websites worth getting inspired by in 2020 Read More »

hands with a green plant shoot

Should unions fundraise?

In this issue, I want to address the question “Should unions fundraise?” This is a question that occasionally gets debated, and for many (most?) union leaders, the answer is “no”. The reasons vary, but mostly come back to the notion that it’s not right for unions to ask for money from members who already pay …

Should unions fundraise? Read More »