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The COVID-19 bubble is heading for a hard landing

The US Federal Reserve is now a prisoner of the forces it has unleashed. The COVID-19 bubble will crash in a stagflationary bust.

Nouriel Roubini


Nouriel Roubini

What if it wasn’t Porter facing the allegations?

Scott Morrison’s acceptance of the Attorney-General’s version of events from 33 years ago sits uncomfortably with his rhetoric on believing the victim, writes Laura Tingle.

Laura Tingle


Laura Tingle

After the show trial, there’s no way to know the truth

All sides are playing politics with the allegations against Christian Porter. And an independent inquiry can never tell us what really happened.

Phillip Coorey

Political editor

Phillip Coorey

Morrison defends rule of law over the tribe

Scott Morrison is arguing that the rule of law is fundamental to the proper functioning of liberal democracies such as Australia. But the political pandemic is overwhelming that logic.

Big super’s sense of entitlement

The way REST feels entitled to the money of so-called ‘members’ spotlights the governance and other problems in the default superannuation system.

The AFR View


The AFR View

Greensill on the brink

That the supply chain finance company is on the brink suggests it might be better if companies just paid their bills on time.

The AFR View


The AFR View

Green eggs and ham and a great green power scam

Some of Dr. Seuss’ greatest texts have been banned. Here’s one that you were not meant to see.

Rowan Dean


Rowan Dean

Sluggish start in race to hit vaccine rollout target

The arithmetic shows that if 20 million adults are to be vaccinated by late October, Australia will have to set a world-leading pace of daily injections.


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