Hello, I’m a Reader in Clinical Pharmacy and Drug Safety, and a registered pharmacist, with a specialised interest in adverse drug reactions, pharmacovigilance, patients’ views of risks and benefits of medicines, and medication errors.

I work at the University of Birmingham within the School of Pharmacy, which I helped to establish. I’m lead at the Medicines Safety Research Group at the University of Birmingham, and an honorary Pharmacovigilance Pharmacist at the Yellow Card Centre West Midlands. You can see my photography hobby here.

Medicines Safety Research Group

I am also a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a member of the British Pharmacological Society, and a Fellow of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (from 2013 to 2016 serving on the Royal Pharmaceutical Society’s English National Board and Assembly).

ORCHID: 0000-0003-2294-3440

Twitter: Cox_A_R

Google Scholar: UhZaARgAAAAJ

ResearchGate: Anthony_Cox3

Open Science Framework: osf.io/vce76

GitHub: coxar

For the nerds amongst you, this website is written in Markdown, and built into a static site using the Marie Kondo of blogging, Jekyll, as a generator, with the standard minima theme with a couple of tweaks.

I run a twice monthly news letter on items of interest I come across. Sign up here.