Aural Sculptors - The Stranglers Live 1976 to the Present

Welcome to Aural Sculptors, a blog aimed at bringing the music of The Stranglers to as wide an audience as possible. Whilst all of the various members of the band that have passed through the ranks since 1974 are accomplished studio musicians, it is on stage where the band have for me had their biggest impact.

As a collector of their live recordings for many years I want to share some of the better quality material with other fans. By selecting the higher quality recordings I hope to present The Stranglers in the best possible light for the benefit of those less familiar with their material than the hardcore fan.

Needless to say, this site will steer well clear of any officially released material. As well as live gigs, I will post demos, radio interviews and anything else that I feel may be of interest.

In addition, occasionally I will post material by other bands, related or otherwise, that mean a lot to me.

Your comments and/or contributions are most welcome. Please email me at

Thursday, 11 February 2021

The Numan Who Fell To Earth - Melody Maker Interview 18th October 1980

Talk about a man laid bare. With the UK leg of the 'Teletour' behind him Gary gives a candid interview to Melody Makers Editor-in-Chief, Ray Coleman. The interview is awkward, not surprising given the awkward nature of the interviewee. But clearly, in  Ray Coleman, Numan identified a trustworthy quality that resulted in the former authoring the first Numan biography. It may have been that Melody Maker, always conservative in its opinion towards punk, would be the champion of Gary Numan's take on the music business, over Sounds and New Musical Express! 

On the subject of punk, whilst a huge fan of Numan, I have never really agreed. Of course the accusation of 'sell out' can be directed towards a number of bands, but generally speaking the punk movement was a force of creative good. Aside from some of the greatest music to originate from these shores, punk provided the touch-paper for a veritable explosion in all branches of the creative arts, the seismic shock of what occurred in '76-'78, including Tubeway Army's contribution (of all the punk bands that I would have loved to have seen in the early days.... The Clash, The Jam, Adam and the Ants... Tubeway Army in 1978 are right up there!) changed this country for the better. Music (beyond the three chord constraints of punk, art, theatre and film all benefited from the freedoms that punk realised.

Anyway, back to this interview. Gary expresses some well versed (over the years) opinions and insecurities. Those opinions it has to be said sat very awkwardly side by side with the spirits of punk, new wave and post-punk of those extraordinary years. The music press of the day were more or less willing to accept the rock star dialogue from the likes of Messrs Bolan and Bowie, the rock demi-gods of the pre-punk era. The same stance from the new man Numan after the punk Year Zero was never going to be accepted.

See what you make of this interview, conducted at a pivotal stage in his then short career, retiring from stage performances with a renewed focus on studio albums and the new fangled video.

Melody Maker 18th October 1980

The Numan Who Fell To Earth

That morning, Gary Numan had a blazing row with his girl friend, Debbie. He stormed out of her home near Croydon, slammed the door, strapped himself into his £13,000 Stingray Corvette, and bombed up to Soho for our rendezvous.

He was visibly agitated. No amount of consolation or small talk, which was natural as this was our first meeting, was to divert his obsession for most of the day from that morning bust-up.

"What's happening to me?" he asked eventually. "One minute I reckon I've got complete control of everything, all around me. And the next I go to pieces with this violent temper and I can't handle myself, let alone a relationship.

"I'm really frightened of what I do, what I say, how I deal with people now. Is it the fame, the money, being a star? Sometimes, I feel my whole personality is out of control."

Two days earlier, Numan had made a riveting appearance on the BBC-TV children's Saturday programme, "Swap Shop." Palpably nervous, he fenced with innocent fans on the phone-in section of the show, and went all defensive when one young girl asked the most searing question ever put to him: why did he never smile?

He did, sometimes, he replied hesitantly. But his face hardly moved as he said it.

The programme had dealt also with Gary's threat to retire from concerts now that he had finished a British tour. After his current American visit and a trip to Japan, he was coming off the road for good, he declared. It was no fun. It was not satisfying. Too much aggravation. Anyway, he'd done it. Time to move on. He muttered something about getting into video.

Laughter and fun, it must be said, are easily words discarded when taking on Gary Numan. He’s 22, a failure at school, but perhaps the most brilliantly successful manipulator the opportunistic, wonderful world of pop and rock have experienced.     He’s also a genuine star, a natural who will move on to more creativity if his tortuous, self questioning character allows him to do so before he burns himself out with nervous energy.

His electronic music is uncomfortable, brooding, and morose- but hypnotic. At the dawn of the bleak Eighties he was the perfect acnchot for the thousands of disillusioned young people wanting their fears articulated. He spoke for the New Depression.

Technically and musically, Numan releases simplistic records, but that has always been the case with the best pop music for the masses. He's a Buddy Holly for the Eighties; while Holly used a guitar and dainty love songs, Numan's all-black uniform matches the stark imagery of his message and perfectly catches the mood of today with the emphasis on synthesisers. His fans respond by dressing exactly like him.

If the Beatles spearheaded the optimism if the Sixties, and if Bowie and Bolan played a large part in the Seventies as mentors of the Glam-rock movement, Numan groomed himself to be heir to the throne at the start of the sombre Eighties.

The trouble is - he doesn't want the job.

Spending  a day with Gary Numan  was a daunting prospect. But having tuned into his bizarre sounds three years ago through his haunting record "Cars," and being fascinated with the chance to penetrate that iron and doom-laden facade, it seemed a gamble worth taking.

He suggested a few hours of driving, ending up at Virginia Water where he has just bought a mansion. Numan's white car contrasted vividly that day with his black mood, but he quickly warmed to the problem of talking about himself.

"It's everything to me, this car," he said. "It symbolises everything I ever wanted. Really, it's like me recognizing my own success, being able to drive it. I don't understand why people are so funny about having 'status symbols. This was my first and I love it and I'll be honest with you, I love showing it off.

"And yet," he said as we became ensnared in a Piccadilly Circus traffic jam and taxi drivers stared across at him, "people won't allow me to simply enjoy it. The car arouses people's jealousies. They shout nasty things. But I've developed a bit of a thick skin.

"I can take anything now. If my level of success meant that I'd not be able to drive my car around anywhere, and go' where I choose, I'd stop that level of success. That's not the reason I'm giving up touring, but I want to pack it in before I'm a sort of captive.

"This is a'powerful car. It would not be good for me to be in it if I lost my temper, and I find I lose my temper a lot in London. I hate London. Too much stopping at traffic lights, too many people, too busy and not enough trees.

"For the last couple of years I've been taking flying lessons and, I've done 40 hours down at Blackbushe. It's a problem finding the time to finish off my training. The feeling of flying is marvellous. One day I'll have my own plane and people can call me even more flash . Oh well, at least up there they won't be able to shout rude things across at me."

Numan's driving was fast but safe. His judgment, particularly as he was driving a left-hand drive American motor, was excellent and his concentration was steely. Cars and planes and houses seemed to obsess him. What was he trying to prove with them?

"I'm out to prove to myself and those around me that I'm a success at what I set out to do," he answered frankly. " It's quite simple. I had a plan. I wanted to be rich and famous and be a star and sign autographs and have enough money to be free.

"Now I've done it, and it's time for the next chapter in my life, and that doesn’t include touring. This last tour of this country cost me £100,000. That's a ridiculous amount of money"

" I might be prepared to carry on doing it in the future, even at a smaller loss if I enjoyed it. But who’s going to tell me it' fun? I don't need it and I want other things. Buying the house and that tour have cleaned me out of cash.”

And so, after America and Japan, he would probably pIan a farewell appearance at his beloved Wembley Arena next April, and that would be the end. Nor would he change his mind. What could be more boring than declaring a retirement and then later making a comeback?

The fans, he said, deserved to know properly, and he was telling the truth. Wasn't he, then, seeking a kind of new power as a former star who could use his position in another way for two or three more years?

"No, I don't want that power even if it's there for me to take. Look, I can hardly handle myself, let alone be a leader. Right now, I'm trying to build a proper relationship with my girlfriend so that we can get married and have children, and I'm so worried about my own personalty that that's the next job after the tour.

"Get myself straight - I can't seem to get to grips with whether it's all the rock star thing that's messed me up or whether I was going this way all along."

Time after time, through the day, Gary would return to this worry about himself; we pursued the theme because it seemed important. After all, if this worryand self doubt was at the end of a rock ‘n’ roll rainbow for a meteorite who was cascading to earth at the age of 22, there was something wrong with either him or the star system or both. 

Numan didn’t pretend to have the answers. But the staggering story of his method of reaching his current pinnacle must rank as the most brazenly successful piece of planning which the recording industry has experienced.

We went for a walk in the woods near his home,  and the peaceful  countryside relaxed him sufficiently to reflect and put himself in perspective.

Four years ago, as a Bowie and Bolan worshipper, Gary Numan watched the punk explosion and he mourned the passing of the superstar era.

"No matter how many new bands came up, I saw that every one had a singer or a guitarist the fans latched on to, but nobody behaved like a star.

They were all shouting about their attitudes and they were all saying how they didn't like this and that, but whatever band there was, the fans were desperate for just one person to get hold of. But nobody wanted to act the part.

"Well - I did. I saw the gap and went straight in and worked at it. I came on like a star, didn't say much so the fans could make up their own minds - unlike the punk bands who were all mouth - and it was so obvious to me that I was going to do it.

"I'm not saying this now to sound big-headed, and I'm sure that's how it might sound, but I just planned it. I had this band, Tubeway Army, and we went to the record company like hundreds of other young hopefuls and we got a contract through a bit of luck and the music was, in the early days, based on the guitar sound that was fashionable.

"That was just to get a contract the record companies were signing anything that moved with a guitar. "But when we signed, I decided t change the style to contrast with the other bands, and we concentrated on the synthesiser sound. By now, it, was too late for the record company to drop us. They'd put so much money behind us, I knew they'd have to go along with my music. They didn't like it, but they  put the record out." The record was "Cars."

There was a grand plan, Numan agreed. "There was a desperate need for a solo star, and I also thought it was time for a change from the guitar. Bowie had done sex, Bolan had done the wizard and occult bit, and the rest of Seventies rock history was all good music based on guitar sounds and what was it called, progressive rock. So I had to come up with something that wasn't necessarily based on the guitar and which also pushed me as an individual.

"I decided it was going  to be machines. I thought: 'Right, the Eighties. Machines.' Synthesisers - and as

it happens, I was no good on guitar and the synthesiser was dead easy to play. So I went and learned how to push synthesisers and it was simple.

"I also felt the kids would identify with me if I came on as a kind of sharp seer who said the right things and looked good.

"It was the whole rock star thing, plain and simple, working out a gap in the market and seeing it through. You call it manipulation? I call it a campaign . . . working out what people hadn't got and getting something right for the market. I got it right for a period of time.

"I wanted to be rich and famous and ever since I was 11 years old I dreamed of being a rock 'n' roll star. The only thing I misjudged was not important: I thought people needed someone who was a bit of a prophet, but as it turned out I got famous long before I needed to say anything." 

He allowed himself a half smile of self-satisfaction.

So now, I teased him, having made the strategy work, and before the lifespan of a pop star meant that the public spat him out after chewing him up, he planned to ditch the public first.

Too harsh, said Numan. He had extremely strong views on a rock star's relationship with his audience. The fans had a basic right to say they made him, "but if I hadn't been up there on stage, or in the recording studios in the first place, they couldn't have made me.

"It's a funny way of looking at it, but I don't think they owe me anything and I don't feel l owe them anything. They took me because I decided to offer myself. It was a two-way agreement. I understand what it's like being a fan, because I was one myself.

"I grew up dancing and playing to my heroes as a kid, who were Dave Clark and Hank Marvin. But I don't recall thinking they owed me anything. I took them because they were there."

"You make shopping for a rock star sound like a visit to a supermarket," I said .

"I had my eye on the Eighties," he said crushingly. "I saw this opening in the market and the sound had to be machines."

If all this makes Gary Numan sound like a robot who exploited a situation, that would be only partly true. He's much more vulnerable than his moody public exterior allows, and he says that although he's not sentimental he fights back the tears sometimes.

Because people didn't feel like making the effort to understand his approach to rock, he had suffered jibes of abuse for music, his earring and face make-up, his mere success. 

This had penetrated his iron mask. He didn't want a lot of praise, he said, just recognition for having achieved something, and for giving I good few thousands of fans a bit of pleasure.

Where was the tolerance, he wanted to know? Why were so many people down on him for making it? Even if they didn't like his music, why did they criticise him for what he was, in view of the fact that a lot of people liked him?

That hailstorm of jeering had taken the fun out of making it, for him. "Not long ago, a guy came up to me and said he assumed I would attack the likes of Genesis and Yes because I seemed to him to represent everything those bands weren't. I said no, I had no intention of criticising all those bands.

"I said I wasn't about to have a go at anything that had gone before me because they obviously had something going for them, and it wasn't up to me. It was up to the fans to judge.

"Genesis and Yes and Led Zeppelin must be doing something right if they have all those people going to their concerts and buying all those records. What gave me the right to slag them off just because I was in a different style?

"This guy persists. He says those older bands are ripping people off. They're charging too much for concert tickets, he says, and how come they can afford to live in these great mansions.

"Ah, now we have it. I now see what he's driving at. He's one of those idealists, and I can't stand idealists. You can't be into the rock 'n' roll thing, which is a lot to do with being free and feeling great and having a good time, and be an idealist. Rock 'n roll is a lot to do with live-and-Iet-live. That's where the punk thing was totally wrong. Well, not so much wrong as not sincere.

"Most of the musicians were saying one thing and doing another. I've nothing against the ones who set out to be famous and make a fortune, but why didn't they admit it? The bands that have survived have turned out to be the biggest capitalists the rock world's ever had.

"I looked at all these punk bands saying they didn't want to follow in the ways of those old bands like Genesis and Yes, didn't want to be rich, and I wondered who they thought they were kidding.

"Can anybody from that scene tell me they would rather drive a Mini than this Stingray Corvette? Who wouldn't prefer my house to a little flat somewhere? There are lots of things wrong with fame, which I'm finding out pretty fast, but the benefits like cars and money aren't exactly a hindrance to my life.

"I enjoy hearing the fans scream my name. I enjoy signing autographs and having a good seat in a restaurant and all the pleasures that being well-known bring, and there are quite a lot.

"But now I've come to the end of that part of the story of my life and I know it's got to end because when a tour starts, I can't wait for it to end - even though I'm going to enjoy the concerts."

Still, in a couple of days' time, he was off to America, and flying Concorde. That was something “another dream come true.”

The Numan operation is a family affair. His father, Tony,  was a British Airways transport driver at Heathrow before becoming Gary's manager; "He's taking to it like a duck  to water. It's as if he's been in the music business all his life. He knows exactly when to turn nasty - and believe me, it's a real jungle."

Gary's mother, Beryl, also goes on the road, and takes care of the band's wardrobe. "She has to sign autographs - she's almost as popular as me. I'll have to watch it," said Numan.

Lunch was taken at a Schooner Inn in Virginia Water. A drink? No, just Coke, of which he drank a lot. He had never drunk or smoked, although Debbie had tried to persuade him to try a little champagne - without success.

The waitress, who eventually plucked up courage to ask for his autograph, twice, asked whether he wanted French fries or a jacket potato with his steak. "Chips, please," said Gary. "McDonald's hamburgers are my favourite food, really, although I had a really nice Wimpey the other day," he confided.

"I don't like anything fancy. I have the chance to sit around all night getting stoned out of my head, but for what? I drink what I like, and that's Coke." A night on the town for him often means a visit to Legends, the showbiz restaurant/disco in Mayfair, which is where he met his lady.

The name of that haunt seemed particularly inappropriate to his surprising  decision to surrender his status.

"A legend? I don't think I could ever be that. I never intended even to 'take the Eighties,' let alone be a legend. I remember always wanting to be famous, that's all. I had the talent for putting myself up for something at the right time, and I don't think that makes me a legend.

"I want a life; and even the past few years have made it frightening for me. I hadn't the talent to write the atmospheric songs needed on a guitar, so I went for the synthesiser which doesn't need so much.

"So my only talent musically is as an= arranger of noises. And my second album went to number one! I learned to play piano by watching a man at college it was as simple as that. In the last couple of years I've been learning more about keyboards, but they're just a means to an end for me." He cannot, of course, read music.

Numan was an educationalists nightmare. Born in  Chiswick, West London but brought up mostly in Wraysbury a few miles from Heathrow, Gary Webb was the joker in his class at Ashford Grammar School. He would sit at the back of the room and disrupt lessons  by telling jokes and generally playing up, " making mischief."

"I'm intelligent, " he said modestly. "I was told I had an usually high IQ when I went through a ‘gifted children' survey, and although I haven't got any O-Ievels, I'm quick to pick things up. I was expelled from grammar school.

"I went to Stanwell Secondary School for a year and then to Brooklands College in Weybridge but I didn't put in enough hours to qualify for a second term. I left there just before my 17th birthday.

"They said at grammar school that I was unstable, disturbed or something. I don't know about that, but I do know that I wouldn't recommend to any kid that they don't work at school like I didn't. I chucked away a natural ability to do well - and it's no good saying I made it to fame and fortune in the end. 

"I'm just lucky. I was stupid not to take advantage of myself. Sometimes now, I miss not having worked hard at school" He was self-conscious, for example, about his poor ability to speak grammatically. 

"The child psychologist called it 'star tensions' or something. I don't think it was that, just plain stupid behaviour. I only got the chance to learn properly at that period of my life and I blew it." He left college and drifted through jobs like air conditioning, driving, clerical work - writing as he went, and getting picked on by colleagues for having dyed-hair. 

It all came back, he ventured, to his failure to cope with situations. Right now he wanted to plan some stability in his future - a big house, a wife, children and a determined move into making video films on subjects which inspired him from reading books. But the new, ratty, short-tempered side to his personality was frightening him.

He'd always been on a short fuse, but never this badly and it was affecting his relationship with Debbie.

It infuriated him and yet he couldn't control his frayed edges properly. If he couldn't control himself, how could he enter the next serious phase of his life - and that worry had contributed to the decision to stop touring.

"Also, if I'm going to get married and have children, I don't want them to grow 'up as the son of a rockstar. It's no way for children to live, with people all the time recognising who they are through their father . No child should have to suffer that”  Mine certainly won' t.

"I want to have leisure and enjoy myself."I never wanted to tour, but you have to do so to become a rock 'n' roll star . Having become one, I'm frightened about staying one.

"So I'm stopping." 

His mother thought he was crazy. His father suspected so, too, but took the view that Gary had been right all along so far, so his judgement and timing should be respected.

"It's not the fun I thought it would be and the nasties have spoiled it for me," he said finally. "Put it this way: what I'm doing is like committing suicide before someone kills me."

While Numan is plainly serious about retiring from the stage, he will continue to make albums. "The madness is at the moment that planning records and making them has to be fitted in between tours, as if the record-making is a hobby," he explained: "I want the records to be the thing, that and video."

Had it all happened too early in his life? "No, the fans had to be able to see a person of their age. If I'd left it until now, the right time would have passed, I think. By the time I'm 28, or 30, I want to be out of the limelight , anyway - I'm probably going to be one of those people everybody despises, who goes around in a flashy car and does nothing I'd love that."

But he would, one suspects, be keeping an eye on his royalties. He confessed to "watching the markets" in America on the eve of his tour there,  and was proud of the fact that in Canada they were playing 9,000 seater arenas.

And the age of the Numan audience was maturing. There were now people of his age, dammit, and that was encouraging because he had begun by appealing mostly to the very young.

It was good textbook stuff, we agreed, but growing old with his audience was something he was not equipped to do. He was not sufficiently interested in advancing his music or adapting like, say, Yes or Genesis. He did not like jazz .. so influences from that area were out. Folk music was "too feminine."

Japanese and Indian music interested him and there might be scope in adapting some Eastern sounds into Western rhythms, but who knew? His mind was a whirlpool of problems and the future seemed a long way off.

"I'm not one of those writers or players who write songs that are simply excuses to solo. You can't say it's bad, because so many people like it, but I'm more interested in making a point with a song, fairly quickly.

"The new Yes album is great, by the way. They've changed from their last thing, and they obviously have something fresh in their minds, musically. 'I'm not that musical." For the record, he has about 60 albums, with the emphasis on Bowie/Bolan/Lou Reed and Bebop Deluxe; the newer artists are represented in his collection by Human League, Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark, Simple Minds and Ultravox.

The synthesiser, he insists, is just beginning as an instrument, and would make great strides, just as the guitar took a long time to become electrified.

But he didn't particularly want to be a part of its evolution: "I used it just like I used everything else," he said candidly.  "Whatever you're doing in life, you should use the latest technology. I did that - I have no real love of the synthesiser as an instrument, but I like the noise it makes."

The drive back to London was punctuated by more self-analysis and concern on how he was going to reapproach Debbie. Motoring through Wraybury, Numan reflects on his family and old friends who were pleased to acknowledge his success now but had been sceptical, in his early days, of his dyed hair and whole star trip.

"A lot of people would say you n't do this and you'll never make that, but it was all much simpler to me, and I looked on the thing like a child looks at something. Children come out with the most original things because they have nothing else to ' judge it by . . . I was that child."

Had I been to see Frank Sinatra's recent London concerts, Numan suddenly asked as we drove into Knightsbridge. I  said it was odd to reflect on a creature of the Eighties being even mildly interested in a 64 year old ballad singer from such a different era.

"I'd like to have seen him because he seems to have a lot of style," Gary said simply. But Sinatra sings chiefly songs about love and human encounters, totally removed from the cheerless, dark imagery of Gary Numan and his self-confessed machine music.

His music was  designed to meet a national mood, he said. And this was where we came in.

Popular music at its most powerful always reflects the people, the society, the environment around which it created. Numan got it right in one, at the dawn of 1980, with his elementary, sinister, ethereal synchionisation of daunting haunting keyboard based songs that ingrained themselves into a nation's sub-consciousness. Uncomfortable sounds for a neurotic age, Numan's messages are, whether he aspires. to notoriety, or not in the long term, anthems to mirror our world of computers and calculators and multistory car parks, advanced technology, self-service petrol and two million on the dole.

And then, he got his image right to sell it correctly. He was a loner who rarely smiled, and that was a help.

"FLOWERSl" he said ,quietly as we neared Soho again. "I'll send her some flowers. Always works."

Paradoxically the machine proved human. For that, and his burning determination, for his candour and doggedness, and for a whole lot more which boils down to honesty, it was impossible not to warm to him. He's a speedy child of our time, the kid down the street who had a dream that came true. Before pop got too clever by half, Gary Numan was what it was all about, and for some of us, he still is.

Sunday, 7 February 2021

Top of the Pops Video Compilation 1977 - 1990


It's not perfect but I think that it is the complete tally of the band's Top of the Pops appearances between 1977 and 1990. In fact, the sleeve is incorrect as the video includes both 'Golden Brown' appearances.

Disc image:


Saturday, 6 February 2021

The Adverts The Greyhound Croydon 26th February 1978

Here then are The Adverts in early set performing  set that includes most of the 'Crossing the Red Sea' album. Not sure what occurs at the end of 'Bombsite Boy', whether there is a fight or whether TV Smith is chastising heavy handed bouncers. He is also less than impressed by the gobbing that the band are subjected to throughout the gig!



01. One Chord Wonders
02. Safety In Numbers
03. Bored Teenagers
04. Male Assault
05. Quickstep
06. Bombsite Boy
07. On The Roof
08. New Day Dawning
09. On Wheels
10. Newboys
11. New Church
12. Gary Gilmore's Eyes
13. Drowning Men
14. No Time To Be 21

Steve Lamacq BBC 6 Music Album of the Week - Crossing the Red Sea with The Adverts - Excerpt


In Steve Lamacq's 6 Music show on 3rd February, 'Crossing the Red Sea with The Adverts' was the featured album of the week. To accompany the full run through of the album (missing here as you should all own a copy - and if you don't, shame on you!) the show featured a 2015 interview with TV Smith of the band who talks of the album, the Roxy and his pre-punk days on the English Riviera.


Poster ad for the band's debut album

Before I had a copy of the album, I persuaded Tim to tape the album for me - I was an impoverished student at the time! This was at a Cheap gig at the Anglers's Retreat in West Drayton.... a long time ago now. Tim reluctantly agreed to do it (possibly because I accosted him in the Gents and he was focussed on having a pee! He moaned that this meant that he would have to listen to it! This was though at a point where he was still struggling to get his band Cheap something of a name, a struggle that was to continue right through to the demise of the band a couple of years later. As such I guess association with past glories was not the way forward and rather unfair on his current band mates.

Barry Cain Declares His Appreciation Of The Stranglers As People! Record Mirror 2nd August 1980

As an accompanying piece to the material posted on the Nice debacle, here is the interview that Barry Cain did with the band in Rome where they discuss the public and press perceptions of the band, the forthcoming 'Meninblack' album oh..... and their life as lags!

By the way, the gig Barry attended at the Castel St Angelo in Rome on 2nd July 1980, their first gig since Nice University can be found here along with Barry's review.

Record Mirror 2nd August 1980

Lasagne and Quips

BARRY CAIN (slimy toad) actually admits to liking THE STRANGLERS as people. Mind you he did get a free trip to Italy to see them.

DANGER lurks beneath the wall to wall shag pile of rock journalism. It -grows In silence, inordinately, in between every mouthful of free prawn vol-au-vents, In between every free album in between every free plane ride, in the unbearable heat of record company ,generosity.

It's called friendship.

Not the podgy kind plundered from the vaults of voracity - a ravenous desire to be liked by the right people - but a genuine, true blue nexus that grows stronger with each meeting.

Every rock writer has been guilty - if that's the right word - of cultivating such a relationship with particular artists. Immediately that happens the writer has compromised his position. Critical faculties are dulled as personality clashes with product presented. The pen is blunted. It maybe mighier than the sword but it's a veritable pin prick in the shadow of friendship.

No crime, merely a natural misdemeanor. You can't don a habit, shave half your barnet off and find some suitably bleak cell to write your reviews on illuminated manuscripts.

Like, hey, you gotta have suss, you gotta wash your hair in Supersoft and breeze with the sleaze and be seen.

Now, I could say I hate The Stranglers' guts, that their pose offends me. that I find it unbearable to be in their company but I adore their music. Then I would demonstrate my great ability of not allowing personal prejudices to interfere with my aural awareness.

On the other hand I could say I love The Stranglers to death, that I admire their intransigence, that I find their company both stimulating and rewarding but I think their music stinks. Again an admirable statement, professionally speaking.

Unfortunately neither would be correct - and I'm compromised. No, I don't hate them and their music. The opposite.

Pause for gasps all round from music journalists everywhere. Gasp, gasp, gasp, gulp, gasp.

How could you possibly like the pugnacious Burnel, the chair throwing Black, the infamously rude Cornwell, the tacit Greenfield? And all ex -cons too.

There is an inveterate fear within the media and the business of The Stranglers.

"People are frightened of all sorts of things - the dark, crossing the road, spiders." Jet Black, his customary drawl drill spiel slowly filling the room like an inflatable dinghy, sits on the edge of a Roman bed. Hugh Cornwell lounges on a pillow at the other end.

"Our black clothes are not meant to evoke fear. Have you ever been frightened by a priest walking down the street?" Says Hugh. No, but Joyce and Jung were - but that's another story.

The band have just finished their first show since the Nice incarceration. An untypical alfresco gig in a Roman park attended by 8000 lusty, slick spicks who didn't understand one word but loved them all the same.

Only the ignorant love The Stranglers. That's those who can't read English and those that can but who possess suss sieves and refuse to accept the hallowed printed word.

It's 3am. Dave Greenfield sits cross legged on the floor with his back against the bed. The Mephistophelean motor madmen of the Mediterranean are all asleep in the ancient city dreaming of hooters and scooters.

Next door Jean -Jacques Burnel sleeps. Earlier in the day the following 'interview', took place. He recumbent in his bedroom. Me, sitting on the edge of the bed. A tape machine whirring conspicuously preventing him from a pre -gig snooze which he so obviously wanted.

Why are The Stranglers always finding themselves in trouble?

"I don't think about it. Past caring why we go in nick all the time, why we have so much bother.

" Do you go looking for it as a lot of people assume?

"That's their problem." Laughs.

I can see this one's gonna be a good 'un. I’m only gonna keep you for half an hour. Er, aren't the band after the maximum amount of publicity.

"It really doesn't bother me if people think that or not." Pause.

So come on Jean, have you changed in any way over the last year, I haven't seen you for so long.

"No. I only see you when you want to get an interview done." Laughs.

That's crap.

"We've provided you with some good f- king gigs in the last few years."

True.. l hate The Stranglers really. I only made out I liked you so you'd take me to Japan, Iceland, France and now Italy. But em .. shit it's hard asking questions when I've asked so many in the past.

"So why are you bothering?" Laughs.

Look, what about this Record Mirror policy - of not mentioning your name. Has it annoyed you?

"Not at all. I thought about it when I realised they weren't printing my name or photograph. But I forgot about it pretty soon afterwards. It's very flattering to think that people can hold something against you for so long. I'm very flattered."

Recently the music press has avoided you

"Great. Maybe we're the plague. Maybe they're still scared of us. I really don't know and I really don't care to tell you the truth,' Laughs.

I bet you do really (In primary school tones).

"No, I don't."

I just don't believe that. You still must be concerned about ‘an image'.

"No, not at all. How can we be concerned about an image when everyone knows about us anyway?"

Do you think you're as popular as you were?

 "Course not."


"Every band has fluctuations. We haven t had big hit singles but we still do well with albums. We don't get played on radio - mind you we never did get played on radio did we."

 It seems like you're not really concerned with the singles market. You're just putting them out for the sake of it. Not really serious.

"Well what else do you do with singles but put them out? That's your opinion anyway. I certainly wouldn't release something if didn't take it seriously, being serious young men that we are. Or rather serious old men that we are."

Do you worry about gelling old?

"Getting old?" Pause.

"I worry about my faculties diminishing. I think everyone does. How would you like to be senile?”

 I'm not talking about that old. Just a few years passing in this game. Reports In the paper say you're 38. Things like that.

"Yeah, that was a good one."

You look 38, that's why they said it.

"Well yeah. It's rock 'n' roll that does it. There's not much you can do about getting old is there?"

Getting back to my original question. Are you a different person than you were say a year ago?



"I'm a year older."

Come on, that's no answer.

"It is. It'll do for now. Look, The Stranglers' music has mellowed out and Tie Stranglers' have gone the opposite way”.

Opposite way of what?

"Mellow. What's the opposite way to mellow .. , ? Rougher, Yeah."

 And you?

"I'm not really important." Laughs.

I feel as though I'm disturbing you. I tell you what, if there's anything to talk about alter the gig, er, you have a kip and if there is anything - I don't know what ...

"You've got nothing to talk to me about”.

 It's true.

And it is true. Imagine interviewing someone you've known for four years, someone you like, someone you enjoy talking to (when you get the chance to see them which ain't too often). Impossible.

And the lasagne was great.

Back in that bare, boiling bedroom I ask Hugh how he felt about his rapid rise to the position of prison veteran. What was it like when the door slammed behind you for a second time in a matter of months?

"I thought it was ironic. You appreciate everything that happens to you when you come out of nick simply because you were denied so much. I was just getting back into enjoying freedom and a really good work ethic when suddenly it all happens again.

"See, at first, when you're inside you have to adjust. It's hard but when you've got over that you're okay. But in that situation were you have to keep adjusting that lead to long term mental damage. I derived many benefits from that first spell inside. I got nothing out of it in Nice. “

People simply over -react to us because they expect us to continually do what we get charged with. We think we have a right to state our point of view and maybe to some people we overstep the mark. But either you’re free to say something or you're not."

Hugh raises his head from the pillow - "A of people gel to the point where they think 'Oh God, I know what I felt but it I stick my guns now something's really gonna happen'. The difference is, when we reach that point we still stick to ours. All those people end up compromising themselves just save the situation."

So will you keep your fingers off the trigger in future?

“No." maintains Jet. "The only thing that change now is we'll make sure we have a lawyer waiting for us in every city we visit from now on.”

But you have perpetrated some pretty nefarious deeds - dirty ones done dirt cheap in fact - in the past.

“Such as?"

Intimidation, violence, kidnapping and then there are the really naughty things ...

“Who can honestly stand up and say that at one point in their life they haven't intimidated someone." says Hugh, his film star face blurred through the heat and cigarette smoke.

“Sure,”  interrupts Jet, "we've got a reputation for violence and aggression. People are wary of us because of this nasty mage. But anybody who takes the trouble to get to know us will find out the truth for  themselves.

"What is misunderstood is the fact that we do possess a sense of humour. For us there’s a lot of humour in the way we express an idea behind a song for example. But very few People see the humour - and unfortunately the wrong conclusions are drawn. But that's just an occupational hazard."

It couldn't be construed as humorous to beat a journalist up.

"By the same token it wasn't very humorous to have a journalist writing a pack of lies about us. We're only human beings y'know. If somebody writes a load of lies about us then, from time to time, we act like human beings. We get angry - and we've paid a heavy price for it.”

Apart from the semi abortive tour, the band were in Rome mixing their new album 'Menlnblack'. "One of Its themes," says Jet, Disney starlight piercing the window and mingling with the smoke in a midnight cocktail, "is the Men In Black, mysterious people connected with interstellar travel,

“There have been in the past well documented reports from UFO witnesses who, a while after filing a sighting, have been visited by strange men dressed in black who issue very strong warnings not to  discuss what they've seen. Nobody knows it these Mibs are from outer space or the government.

"We've been planning this album for a long time. Look at the window on the cover of the Rattus album ..."

"The unknown," says Hugh, "is one of the fundamental points of interest of the band. We haven't revealed the Mib thing before simply because it wasn't the right time."

It may be the right time for a Mib,but It's a crucial time for a Strangler. Little airplay, singles that don't make the Top 20, a concerted antipathy within rock circles. No friends, no fun.

Yet despite the watershed the band are at the apex of their musical ability. The Rainbow concert on their return from the continent was a provocative display of indifference to their current situation. They played better than I have ever seen before, their innate talent for concise but complex construction being fully displayed especially on the new songs from 'Meninblack’ .

"Of course my writing has matured," says Hugh, his head heavier on the pillow. "It's dependent on the cells that become the thoughts that write down the words and those cells have matured. Logical connections. In the same way our playing has matured. The hands that play the instruments are older."

Jet begs for an audience. The bed vibrates.

"In our conceit we consider ourselves lo be artists and when we do something we do it for a reason that we understand. That really is all we want to do - explore our art form as we see it and it's great going round putting ideas in front of people and watching them get off on it.

"On the way we get the hazard of people either not understanding or misinterpreting what we are doing and we make no excuses for that.

"I hope we're not an average band, if we are then we're not artists. We are probably the most different band there is. Most groups are of a similar age group, are brought up together and have the same musical and lyrical ideas.

"We're just so different it's ridiculous - Hugh and Jean are academics, Dave is a statistical whizzkid, I'm just thick, no, I think I'm great. It simply shouldn't work, but luckily we happen to be four people who understand each other."

"We came," says Hugh, "from four different directions but we ended up in the same state of mind."

Jet continues - "At the beginning it was very confusing for us. We didn't understand each other's personality. But gradually we've grown up together and got into what we were all actually into in the first place but which was difficult to express so that the others understood it. Now we all express ideas in confidence. I think the only common denominator about The Stranglers is we were all brought up in England."

Do you expect to find yourselves in trouble again?

“We've been in so much trouble in the past I guess the odds are stacked against us. It's Iike with Hugh. If you look at the record books you have to draw the conclusion that they were trying to make an example of him when he was sent down on the drugs charge because he was a Strangler. Much worse things have been done and lighter sentences given. It's character assassination."

Dave responds - "You're charged, you're a Strangler, you're guilty - automatically."

"And," says Hugh, "It made it all the more despicable, in their eyes, the fact that I was intelligent. But if I'd have been one of the Kings Singers it wouldn't have happened:" Jet makes a large sweep with one arm then crosses his arms. "Your average Mr Bloggs never does anything more serious than getting a bit drunk, parking in the wrong place and occasionally try and rip something off. But they get away with it. A lot of people inside have done exactly the same things - but they got caught. Of course there are the obvious exceptions…”

Hugh - "But even the murderers are only the murderers that got caught."

Jet - "Most people don't experience prison - so whenever the subject of capital punishment comes up they say 'Yeah, hang the bastards' without any consideration. Always there's the assumption that somebody who is charged with murder is guilty.

"A brief glance at the legal history in Britain alone shows that hasn't always been the case, despite the fact that the truth only came to light years after execution. I would argue that it's better a number of guilty people get off than one innocent person get executed.

"And it's like that in prison. Everyone should be treated as human beings inside because one or two of them may be innocent. The fact that those innocent are confined should be sufficient.

"It would be great If everyone could experience prison for a week. When people like us come out and talk about it, it gets written in the papers but people still don't really understand it. How strange it is to be put in a room and the door locked behind you. It's a real worthwhile experience.

"I felt comparatively easy there. It's funny, you expect to find all these tearaways and you discover they are just like eveybody else. I was in a cell with two blokes, one had been in a year.”

It seems The Stranglers too are guilty until proved innocent in the eyes of many. But they don't really give a damn about other people's opinions, a fact that should make them all the more attractive.

Jet again - "All the 'punk' bands have now been exposed for not being into what they said they were into. In our case we never said we were into anything. We have nothing to answer to. "We’ve seen very little in the press that's accurate - but they are simply in the business of selling papers. We play music, we're not in -the business of putting newspapers out of business. If they want to behave Iike a load of assholes let them get on with it."

It's not only newspapers . . . "Only one of our songs has ever been playlisted on Radio One. Everybody liked 'Who Wants The World' on the playlist panel apart from one or two who refused to play it because I think, Jean - Jacques supposedly kicked down a door at the Top Of The Pops studio a few years back.

“Our career is following similar lines to Elton John's. He never got airplay either, until he made it big in the States. Maybe somebody didn't like his glasses or gold lame piano.

"In fact, we know quite a few singles which have sold less than ours during the course of a week but still reached the top five while ours only scraped into the Top 30. There's something very strange gang on.

"There's definitely something very strange going an ..."

And that from a man in black. It must be very odd indeed.

Excuse me while I go sharpen my pen ...

Barry Cain with The Stranglers
Rome 2nd July 1980

Kraftwerk Paradiso Amsterdam 23rd January 2015


So here is the last installment of an extraordinary run of consecutive gigs, a tour of the Kraftwerk back-catalogue culminating with 2003's 'Tour De France Soundtracks'. This was the last tour that the band did with founding member Florian Schneider, who wanted to step back from touring. In addition to revisiting the title track, 'Tour De France' that the band originally released in 1983. 

Featuring some excellent new material such as 'AĂ©ro Dynamik', and 'Electro-Kardiogramm' the album was a strong reassertion of Kraftwerk as a trendsetting band, a happy return to form after the disappointment of their studio album of new material, 1986's 'Electric Cafe'.

Sadly we lost Florian last year, but Ralf Hutter continues to play with the band. It is funny that on the first two occasions that I saw then in 1991 and 2004 getting my hands on a ticket was not an issue. It was a different story when I tried to get a ticket for one of the back-catalogue that Kraftwerk put on at the Tate Modern, itself a former power station (geddit?)....  I failed. It was a similar story in 2017 when Kraftwerk announced a 3D tour. I did eventually manage to get a ticket for my daughter and I but we had to travel to Belfast to see them.

01. [intro]
02. Tour De France 1983
03. Prologue
04. Tour De France Étape 1
05. Chrono
06. Tour De France Étape 2
07. Vitamin
08. AĂ©ro Dynamik
09. Elektro Kardiogramm
10. La Forme
11. Régéneration
12. Intermission
13. News
14. Geiger Counter
15. Radioactivity
16. Spacelab
17. The Model
18. Neon Lights
19. The Man-Machine
20. Numbers
21. Computer World
22. Home Computer
23. Computer Love
24. [banter]
25. Trans-Europe Express
26. Abzug
27. Metal On Metal
28. [encore break]
29. The Robots
30. [encore break]
31. Planet Of Visions
32. Boing Boom Tschak
33. Techno Pop
34. Musique Non Stop
35. [encore break]
36. Autobahn

Wednesday, 3 February 2021

'Animal Now' by Ruts DC Review Sounds 9th May 1981


I cannot confess to know what the band or the creatives behind the album ad were thinking with the rather terrifying imagery that was used to advertise the first Ruts DC album..... Leigh? But creepy ads aside, 'Animal Now' is one of my favourite albums of all time.... true there are very many favourites, but still you have to go some to make the list!

It is an album born out of anger, frustration and despair and each those emotions spill out from your speakers each time you play this album. It is the very rawness of those emotions that make this debut album so compelling. In 1979, The Ruts had it for the taking, the music press loved 'em, the kids love 'em, radio loved 'em! They were angry, yet fun, highly accomplished musically and just, well, generally a cut above most of the second wave of punk bands (along with Stiff Little Fingers). But that potential was lost to the heroin that took Malcolm Owen's life in the summer of 1980. It is primarily the genuine loss of a mate along with the loss of a golden opportunity to grow as a band of style and substance that shaped 'Animal Now'.

Segs and Ruffy have in the past spoken of how difficult it is to play some of those songs, a feeling compounded later by the loss of Paul Fox in 2007 no doubt. As I write this, I am listening to the track 'Despondency' and it makes me feel tense, it is brilliant and yet it jars, it is claustrophobic in a way that certainly qualifies its place in the 'Uneasy Listening' rack of your local record shop (if indeed you still have one!). Funnily enough, Killing Joke's music has the same effect on my wife, Gunta, her blood pressure actually increases if I play them!

I am in no way complaining about Ruts DC's industry since they reformed in 2011, far from it, but an inevitable consequence of new material is that the old must give way and this has happened for the songs from 'Animal Now'. I really do miss them as they are such a big part of the Ruts/Ruts DC story.

Perhaps some day, when this is all done and dusted (in the year 2525 as Zager and Evans would have it), the band could do a set (a convention set?) of this album.... I reckon I'll be ready for another gig by then!

Anyway, in the post title I mentioned a review and her it is, from Sounds, Garry Bushell's Oi! vehicle at the time. In contrast to Bushell's slating of 'Different View' in the same said publication Robbi Millar's review is positively glowing, he clearly being one of the 'fortunate few who have the ears to hear, the vision to see and the intelligence to comprehend' as Hugh Cornwell may have said once upon a time.