The IWW is a union for all workers — One Big Union!
Join the NYC General Membership Branch today!

As a result of a motion passed on September 1, 2019, at the North American IWW General Convention, all new members signing up through General Headquarters (GHQ) Red Card will become members of their correspnding branch no later than January 1, 2020 (whereas this was not the case before; at-large Wobblies paying through Red Card currently will soon become members of their correpsonding branch as well). In addition, begining October 1, 2019, members joining through Red Card will be automatically opted-in to receving the new, stampless, plastic, membership cards. Contact the IWW NYC GMB at [email protected] (public key) or General Headquarts at [email protected] for more information.

Who can join the IWW?

As long as you are a worker — not an employer — you can join the IWW. Members of other unions (except officers), students, retirees, the unemployed, the self-employed, those in informal professions, and those unable to work may also join. Learn why you should join the IWW.

Choosing an IU

You can choose an Industrial Union based on your current job.

Show list of IUs


You select your dues level based on your self-reported current monthly income. Your first month as a member will include an initiation fee that is the equivalent of your dues rate. A breakdown of our current dues rate can be found below, as well as on page twenty-six of the IWW's constitution.

Coming to meetings

After becoming a member, we encourage you to meet with a branch delegate or to come to a new member orientation before joining us at our monthly branch meetings. Our branch's calendar can be found here, and you can email us at [email protected] (public key) to meet with a delegate.