The Art World

Artsy features the world’s leading galleries, museum collections, foundations, artist estates, art fairs, and benefit auctions, all in one place. Our growing database of 1,000,000 works of art, architecture, and design by 100,000 artists spans historical, modern, and contemporary works, and includes the largest online database of contemporary art. Artsy is used by art lovers, museum-goers, patrons, collectors, students, and educators to discover, learn about, and collect art.

The Artsy iPhone App

Access from anywhere

Our iPhone app allows you to browse, save, learn about, and collect from your phone. It also serves as a personalized, on-the-ground guide to any art fair we feature on Artsy.


There are currently over 600,000 works available for sale on Artsy, provided by galleries, auction houses, museums, and institutions from around the world. These works range in price from $100 to over $1,000,000, with new ones added every day. We serve as a link between our gallery partners and those interested in collecting.

How it works

Collecting art and design on Artsy

If you’re interested in a for-sale work, simply visit the artwork page to send a message directly to the gallery or institution. You can ask about pricing, availability, shipping, and further details. Often, the more information you give the gallery about yourself, the quicker the response will be. You can also click “Ask an Artsy Specialist,” who will be happy to answer any questions you might have. There is no charge for making an inquiry or consulting with one of our specialists.

Stas Chyzhykova

Artsy Specialists

We’re here to help you find art

Artsy specialists are available to all Artsy users, whether you are purchasing your first work or building upon an existing collection. Our specialists join Artsy from leading auction houses, galleries, and museums, and are available to help you find works that you love, with your price range, interests, and current collection in mind. Your specialist can also source works which aren't publicly listed on the site through our international network of gallery partners.

Becca Starr
More questions about collecting?

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