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“TAAT is a strategic alliance with the goal of mobilizing $1 billion towards its goal of scaling up agricultural technologies” – AfDB
“TAAT represents the “most significant effort to pull resources together to deliver technologies at scale across agroecological zones to farmers in Africa”. – AfDB

Priority Areas

The overall goal of TAAT is to radically transform African agriculture into a competitive sector by deploying productivity enhancing technologies and focusing on 9 Priority Areas.


This Compact is led by the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) through partnerships in eight countries located in upland areas of Central, East and Southern Africa…
Within the first six months of implementation, the TAAT small livestock compact has undertaken public private partnership projects on livestock technology scaling activities in….
The Cassava Compact is led by IITA with partnerships in 15 countries of Central, East, Southern and West Africa. Because cassava is suited to a wide range of climatic conditions…
The Rice Compact is led by AfricaRice and has established partnerships in 16 countries, mostly in West Africa where massive importation of rice occurs. The rice technology toolkits based…
The technologies disseminated to Aquaculture value chain actors include: Fast growing fingerlings of catfish and tilapia, mono-sex tilapia, quality low cost fish feed formulated…
The Wheat Compact is led by the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) with activities in seven countries including the East African Highlands,
Maize is one of the most important staple crops in Africa on which an estimated 300 million people depend. However, several challenges severely undermine maize production…
The Sorghum-Millet Compact is led by the International Crops Research Institute for the SemiArid Tropics with national partnership in seven countries of the Sahel. Its toolkits support…
This Compact is led by the International Potato Center (CIP) with partnerships in eight countries located in Central, East, Southern and West Africa. Its toolkits are based upon the widespread…

Our Priority Areas

The overall goal of TAAT is to radically transform African agriculture into a competitive sector by deploying productivity enhancing technologies and focusing on 9 Priority Areas.


This Compact is led by the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) through partnerships in eight countries located in upland areas of Central, East and Southern Africa…
Within the first six months of implementation, the TAAT small livestock compact has undertaken public private partnership projects on livestock technology scaling activities in….
The Cassava Compact is led by IITA with partnerships in 15 countries of Central, East, Southern and West Africa. Because cassava is suited to a wide range of climatic conditions…
The Rice Compact is led by AfricaRice and has established partnerships in 16 countries, mostly in West Africa where massive importation of rice occurs. The rice technology toolkits based…
The technologies disseminated to Aquaculture value chain actors include: Fast growing fingerlings of catfish and tilapia, mono-sex tilapia, quality low cost fish feed formulated…
The Wheat Compact is led by the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) with activities in seven countries including the East African Highlands,
Maize is one of the most important staple crops in Africa on which an estimated 300 million people depend. However, several challenges severely undermine maize production…
The Sorghum-Millet Compact is led by the International Crops Research Institute for the SemiArid Tropics with national partnership in seven countries of the Sahel. Its toolkits support…
This Compact is led by the International Potato Center (CIP) with partnerships in eight countries located in Central, East, Southern and West Africa. Its toolkits are based upon the widespread…

The Enablers

The six (6) Enabler Compacts provides support services for soil fertility management, water management, capacity building and development, advocating supportive seed technology policy, mobilizing youth into agribusiness and organizing a response to the fall army worm invasion.


TAAT in Brief

TAAT Aquaculture Compact
Pages: 2
Doc type: PDF
Size: 2MB

High Iron Beans Compact
Pages: 2
Doc type: PDF
Size: 3.7MB

Pages: 2
Doc type: PDF
Size: 4.1MB

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Agribusiness Entrepreneurship Training records new poultry enterprise

In most African countries, women make substantial contributions to the development of African agriculture and rural activities. Recent estimates show ...
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From Zambia to Nigeria, how Food Basket Outreach is Catalysing Youth-led Enterprises

The Youth in Agribusiness Compact of Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) is leading the way in developing approaches aimed at stimulating ...
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Adoption of Fingerling Production Technologies transforms livelihoods in Kenya

Zinath Deen, a fish farmer from Vihiga County in Western Kenya. She has been practicing fish farming since 2012 in ...
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