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Welcome to Serco Group plc

Serco is a FTSE top 250 company managing over 500 contracts worldwide. Employing over 50,000 people, we operate internationally across four geographies: UK & Europe, North America, Asia Pacific and the Middle East and across five sectors: Defence, Justice & Immigration, Transport, Health and Citizen Services.

10 facts about Serco's role and performance on NHS test and trace

Creativity, Commitment & Compassion in the face of Covid-19

Across our five main sectors – Health, Transport, Defence, Justice & Immigration, and Citizen Services – we have innovated at speed to meet new challenges presented by the pandemic, acted decisively to ensure the continuation of the vital public services we are privileged to deliver, and worked hard both to protect the well-being of our colleagues and to support our customers.

Read more about Serco's Worldwide contribution to defeating the virus

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Results, Reports, Presentations and Events Read more