Follow us on social media

We use social media to enhance access to our service and to share information relevant to consumers, small businesses and financial firms.

We are online weekdays 9.00am to 5.00pm AEST and we will endeavour to respond to your questions and comments within 24 hours.

We welcome open and respectful discussion of issues relevant to external dispute resolution.

To maintain a respectful environment for everyone in our social media community and compliance with Australian law, we set guidelines for your contributions.

If you have any suggestions or concerns, please contact us.

Facebook facebook-icon

Like us on Facebook to have your questions answered as well as learn more about AFCA and how we may be able to help you with your financial complaint.

Twitter twitter-icon

Follow us on Twitter to learn more about what we do, read our latest news and have your questions answered.

LinkedIn linked-icon

Connect with AFCA on LinkedIn to keep up-to-date with industry news, read about upcoming events and learn of career opportunities.

YouTube youtube-icon

Visit our YouTube channel to learn how we help resolve financial complaints and to access our suite of video resources.

Social media rules

Contributions to our social media channels must not:

  • mislead
  • breach our Privacy Policy or the author’s privacy or confidentiality obligations arising under the AFCA Rules. This includes naming AFCA staff or any parties to a complaint.
  • defame, libel or attack others
  • include offensive or obscene language or images
  • abuse, harass or threaten
  • discriminate or foster discrimination based on gender, race, appearance, nationality, ethnicity, religion, age, sexual orientation or disability
  • impersonate or falsely claim to represent other people or organisations
  • be irrelevant to the topic of discussion
  • promote or advertise commercial products or services
  • promote personal or political interests
  • infringe intellectual property rights
  • breach the user agreement or policies of the social media platform.

Contributions that do not comply with these guidelines may be removed and action taken to prevent the author's further participation in our online community. In the most serious cases, we will report the issue to relevant authorities.

We reserve the right to remove any contribution to our channels or block users at our discretion

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AFCA chat service terms and conditions

Welcome to our live chat help service.

Please be advised we cannot provide you with financial or legal advice. However, we may be able to refer you to a community legal centre or financial counselling service if you need help.

Our live chat is operated by Genesys Cloud on behalf of AFCA. Any personal information provided in this chat will be captured by both organisations in accordance with their privacy policies, available at and

We provide consumers and small businesses with fair, free and independent dispute resolution for financial complaints.

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We provide consumers and small businesses with fair, free and independent dispute resolution for financial complaints.

Welcome to our live chat help service.

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