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This is the first time in more than 60 year of data that GDP has grown by more than 3 per cent in two consecutive quarters.

Household spending gives economy push to full recovery

The economy has climbed back to within 2 per cent of its pre-pandemic levels following a stunning surge in December quarter GDP that smashed economists’ expectations.

  • 6 mins ago
  • Matthew Cranston
Feren Yen at her Yoga Studio in Melbourne’s Springvale. She is hoping that more people will feel comfortable about going back to yoga.

Victoria’s spending surge great news for yoga instructors

Household spending by Victorians increased 10.4 per cent in the December quarter as tough lockdown restrictions were lifted and people could head back to spending on services such as yoga.

  • 1 hr ago
  • Matthew Cranston

Super performance test ‘sets wrong priority’

The government’s Your Future, Your Super reforms will push super trustees to choose short-term investment strategies over long-term options that generate higher returns for members, new research finds.

  • Ronald Mizen

States in the dark over vaccine rollout

NSW didn’t know about a Commonwealth plan to use the defence force for the vaccine rollout and doesn’t know how many nursing homes in the state have received the jab.

  • Updated
  • Finbar O'Mallon

Google baulks at proposed online safety bill

The search giant’s local branch says shorter timeframes to remove harmful content could result in the company pulling offline whole websites to meet deadlines.

  • Finbar O'Mallon

Financial regulators monitor surging house prices

They will more actively target credit growth, not house prices, when considering if they need to put the brakes on real estate loans.

  • John Kehoe

Opinion & Analysis

How to turn the economic rebound into a solid recovery

The Australian economy has surged forward with a huge shot of stimulus. But we need some real changes to lock in the gains.

The AFR View


The AFR View

Recovery on track, but more mediocrity awaits

A powerful V-shaped economic rebound now seems assured, but the economy will not coast to a new post-virus nirvana.

John Kehoe

Senior writer

John Kehoe

Rest should give ASIC sob story a rest

Perhaps the most extraordinary part of the civil action launched by the corporate watchdog against superannuation giant Rest is the industry fund’s reaction to it.




Take away the punch bowl Dr Lowe, it’s making us sick

The RBA governor is the ring leader of another house price party. But he does not have the control that everyone thinks.

Andrew Mohl


Andrew Mohl

More From Today

How to turn the economic rebound into a solid recovery

The Australian economy has surged forward with a huge shot of stimulus. But we need some real changes to lock in the gains.

  • The AFR View

Recovery on track, but more mediocrity awaits

A powerful V-shaped economic rebound now seems assured, but the economy will not coast to a new post-virus nirvana.

  • Updated
  • John Kehoe

Rest should give ASIC sob story a rest

Perhaps the most extraordinary part of the civil action launched by the corporate watchdog against superannuation giant Rest is the industry fund’s reaction to it.

  • Updated
  • James Thomson

Take away the punch bowl Dr Lowe, it’s making us sick

The RBA governor is the ring leader of another house price party. But he does not have the control that everyone thinks.

  • Andrew Mohl

How everyday objects become powerful protest symbols

The most unlikely items and gestures, from peace signs to shoes, rubber ducks and pink woolly hats, can become highly potent signals of dissent.

  • Matthew Sweet

How 15-minute tests could prepare Australia for third wave

Although less accurate than standard swab tests, rapid COVID tests that report in 15 minutes could be very useful should Australia be hit by a third wave.

  • Jill Margo

Police and big tech clash on new digital warrants

The government is proposing three new digital warrants for law enforcement, but the proposed changes are not without controversy.

  • Max Mason


Tom Harley’s Dragoman hurriedly updates Foreign Influence register

Dragoman is the French government’s agent of foreign influence, but not its lobbyist. Got that?

  • Joe Aston

Lowe gives first signal more QE is coming

A third round of quantitative easing is all but locked in for later this year, but RBA governor Philip Lowe has shown he will not be pushed into perpetually increasing the size of its bond purchases.

  • John Kehoe

RBA holds nerve on rates, bond buying

The central bank has held the cash rate at 0.1 per cent but has brought forward some bond buying to restore functionality to the market.

  • Matthew Cranston

Import surge triggers GDP upgrades, but debt hits $1.17trn

A jump in imports in the December quarter points to better consumption and business investment.

  • Matthew Cranston

Why the RBA should go ‘longer for longer’

Instead of focusing its buying on short-dated bonds, the RBA is more likely to buy longer-dated bonds, UBS strategist Giulia Specchia says.

  • Updated
  • Matthew Cranston

Three ways business can fast-track recovery: Nev Power

Businesses should be ready to roll out their own COVID-19 vaccination programs in the same way as the flu to fast-track economic recovery.

  • Patrick Durkin

Aged care tax doesn’t add up politically, economically, morally

The royal commission makes the case for change but it gives the government no political cover for more self-funding to pay for a better system.

  • Pat Garcia

States in the dark on vaccine rollout: Berejiklian

Australian business lays out a three-stage plan out of the pandemic as NSW calls for more information from the federal government on the vaccine rollout.

  • Finbar O'Mallon

This Month

Jobs, housing and profits lift GDP estimates

Job advertisements have now hit their highest level since October 2018, while the latest corporate profit figures indicate the December quarter GDP will be stronger than previously expected.

  • Updated
  • Matthew Cranston

Draft partnership profit guidelines won’t please everyone: ATO

The instructions will be closely watched by partners in law, accounting, engineering, architectural and medical firms.

  • Tom McIlroy

Berejiklian in the dark on vaccine rollout

NSW says it’s not prepared for the rollout of the coronavirus vaccine beyond the next two weeks and wants more information from the federal government.

  • Finbar O'Mallon

FOMO returns to Australian property market

Prospective buyers are turning up in droves to bid at auctions and house prices are rising rapidly. But the Reserve Bank and the Morrison government are not worried – yet.

  • Jennifer Hewett