Life Before Thatcher

Date Time Title Details With Link
, 2010 “Make Them Grovel”: The 1976 West Indies Cricket Tour The West Indies Cricket Tour to England in 1976 came at a time of mounting attacks and provocations on black communities both by fascist groups such as the National Front and by the institutionally […]
, 2010 From The Ford Workers’ Group to ‘Made In Dagenham’ Ford plants in the 1970s were epicentres of worker militancy as recently depicted in the film Made In Dagenham. Carlos was a founder member of the Ford Dagenham Workers' Group and Brian worked at the […] Carlos Guarita,
Brian Ashton
, 2010 The Asian Youth Movement In the mid 1970s, a new generation of South Asian youth were growing up in Britain. They emerged less prepared to tolerate the racism in British society, which their parents had had to suffer. This […] Anandi Ramamurthy
, 2010 Grunwick: The End Of An Era? The two-year strike (1976–1978) over trade union recognition at the Grunwick Film Processing Laboratories in Willesden, North London is iconic in left wing history. During a decade of industrial […] Chris Thomas
, 2010 Spies, Lies And The Coup: State Repression In The 70s The rise of militancy in the workplace, universities and the new left in the early 1970s Britain generated a reaction by the ‘secret state’. A major campaign was launched by Special Branch and MI5 to […] Larry O’Hara
, 2010 Cry Freedom Concert A concert celebrating St. Wulfstan, Thomas Clarkson and the Seven Stars Pub.
, 2010

How We Won: Strikes In The 70s The dominant idea of strikes in the 1970s is that of the 'winter of discontent' of 1979 in which workers took industrial action in support of pay claims that breached the social contract brokered […] Dave Douglass,
Mike Richardson,
Steve Higginson
, 2010 Glam-Punk Disco Inferno 70s music with sets from DJ Pretty Boy and DJ Dabble.
, 2010 The Anti-Vietnam War Movement The student rebellion in America in 1968 was fuelled by revulsion against the Vietnam War. It gave momentum to previously existing anti-nuclear and anti-racist movements on the campuses. The […] Mike Levine,
Roger Ball
, 2010 Punk And The Pistols A showing of the influential Arena documentary (1995), which takes a different angle to the more widely known 'The Filth and the Fury'. From the suburban backgrounds of the first '100 punks' to a […] Paul Tickell
, 2010

From Recruitment To Dialogue: How Does The Radical Left Relate To Workers? What lessons can we learn from how the Left related to workers and industrial struggles of the 1970s and how should the Left relate to workers today? How should our methods of relating to workers […] Sheila Cohen,
, 2010 Italy In The 1970s: Bodies In The Street, A Tale Of A Country Like Ours In the 1970s, Italy came to the brink of revolution, the most widespread assault on state power Western Europe had seen since the Spanish revolution. Every aspect of the state’s functioning was […] Keiron Farrow,
, 2010 “Can’t Do Nothin’ If You Ain’t Bad”‘: The League Of Revolutionary Black Workers The League of Revolutionary Black Workers was formed in 1969 in Detroit, Michigan. The organisation united a number of different Revolutionary Union Movements (RUMs) that were growing rapidly across […] Keiron Farrow
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Seven Stars Concert Poster
Seven Stars Concert Poster