Miscellaneous events from 2010

Date Time Title Details With Link
, 2010 Morris Beckman And Britain’s Secret War Bristol Radical History & Bristol Antifa join us for an astounding a talk by author Morris Beckman about the hidden history of how British Jewish ex-servicemen fought back against those trying to […] Morris Beckman
, 2010 Political Football: Meanings and Mystery at the World Cup The World Cup Finals, now 80 years old, attracts the biggest television audience of any global event. In an era of globalization, it is, if only for a month every four years, the closest we come to […] David Goldblatt
, 2010 Post-Racial or Beloved Community? Notes on the Future of American Radicalism in the Obama Age A talk focusing on grassroots organizations in NYC, L.A., Detroit, and New Orleans and the building of sustainable communities. We are very lucky to have one of the foremost historians of radical […] Robin Kelley
, 2010 Cry Freedom, Cry Seven Stars – Pamphlet Launch An evening to launch the new Bristol Radical Pamphleteer title Cry Freedom, Cry Seven Stars by Mark Steeds. This is also a chance to drink beer in CAMRA's best pub in Bristol 2010 and celebrate its […] Mark Steeds,
Richard Burley,
Red Notes Choir
, 2010 The Atmosphere of Heaven A Nitrous Oxide fuelled history walk with Mike Jay through Clifton exploring the themes of his new book; Dr Beddoes, the Romantic Poets and laughing Gas. The blurb from his book, which is out in […] Mike Jay
, 2010 Sober Living For The Revolution: Hardcore Punk, Straight Edge And Radical Politics 'Straight edge' has persisted as a drug-free, hardcore punk subculture for 25 years. Its political legacy remains ambiguous and it is often associated with self-righteous macho posturing and […] Gabriel Kuhn