Creating an Open & Just Democracy

Democracy Fund works toward an open and just democracy that is resilient in the face of change and worthy of the American people’s trust. We support partners and ideas from across the political spectrum in pursuit of a vibrant and diverse public square, free and fair elections, effective and accountable government, and a just and inclusive society. We hope you’ll join us on this journey.

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Take a Deeper Dive

Local News Lab, electionline, and Voter Study Group are Democracy Fund initiatives that provide original, curated information on sustainable local journalism, election administration, and the changing views of the American electorate.

Examining and delivering insights on the evolving views of American voters.

Voter Study Group

Creating new kinds of collaboration between journalists, newsrooms, and communities.

Local News Lab

America’s only source for politics-free news about our nation’s elections.


What We Do

Democracy Fund champions the leaders and organizations who defend democracy and challenge our political system to be more open and just. We play many roles in service of the field of democracy reform, but first and foremost we are a funder, a philanthropic advisor, and an advocate.

Building an Open and Just Democracy

Our democracy is a complex, imperfect system — a continual work in progress. While our political system has proven resilient over time, it has never fully served the needs of all Americans. We must challenge it to be better.

A more open and just democracy will protect the dignity and rights of all people, hold power accountable, and ensure everyone has a say in shaping America’s future.