We bring together the major British Jewish organisations to work for the good of the Jewish community

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JLC confirms Claudia Mendoza and Michelle Janes as permanent Co CEOs

The Jewish Leadership Council (JLC) today announces that its interim Co CEOs, Claudia Mendoza and Michelle Janes, have accepted their roles on a permanent basis.

The pair were appointed on an interim basis in June 2020 following the departure of former JLC CEO Simon Johnson, whilst continuing their existing positions of Director of Policy and Public Affairs and Executive Director of Lead. Following a thorough internal process, JLC  trustees agreed that Claudia and Michelle had both impressed and excelled in their roles and were the right candidates for the challenges ahead.

This is the first time that a major Jewish communal organisation in the UK has appointed Co CEOs. This model of leadership has been welcomed by the JLC membership and praised by community leaders for demonstrating flexible, diverse, and innovative approaches to communal leadership.

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The JLC is supporting our member organisations and the wider Jewish charity sector to respond to covid-19 and coordinating efforts to increase and expand assistance available to people across the UK Jewish community.

Jewish Communal Response to Covid-19