Archiv der Kategorie 'Repression'

Oi Against Repression

Les Trois Huit just released their new song „Jeunesse fichée“ – better than ever before! You can also download it for a pay-what-you-want here to support people who have trouble with the police and the state, to pay their lawyers, their hospitalization and justice taxes.

La solidarité est notre arme!

Broad solidarity against racism and repression !

May 1st is coming closer, so it’s time to make plans. This is just one possibility of many to have a good start into our global day of struggle: Since months supposed squatters of the Breite Straße in Hamburg are on trial for defending their house during the Suatting Days back in 2014. The accusation of these comrades is attempted manslaughter and other silly stuff. This is just one of tons of good reasons to take the streets and make a stand for a city for all full of broad solidarity and without repression and racism. So be there!

Saturday / April 30th / 6pm / Schanzenstraße / Hamburg

From Kiel with love: Never give up !

Free Schubi! Free Valentin! Free all political prisoners!

13.12 – Polizia Merda !

Congrats Comrads!

A wonderful date to link this marvelous and sporty video from the antifascist actions against the Nazi-March in Leipzig yesterday. Leipzig proved hard and defended the title of the „German Riot-Champion 2015″ which was announced by the Commitee of the Premier League of Autonomists a few days ago. Cool

Big respect to all ya classy riot-kids, insane crackpots, east-antifa-hools, over-30-rioters, cool cripples and pissed of punx or what ever! You did a high class end-of-season riot! Solidarity, Health and warm hux for all people who got injured, were beaten up by the pigs or were put in prison!

In love – Fire and Flames

Spread it to the world: #‎pkknaklar‬

23 years ban of the PKK in Germany are 22 years too much. Neither imperialist wars nor fundamentalist and state terror – but social revolution for the Middle East and beyond.

Stop the criminalisation of the kurdish liberation movement!


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