Archiv für April 2010

Total Ausflipping…

Havent been so productive in a looong time…

The intro of the new collection…


Assorted Nr. 21: First of May (Berlin + Prague), VS Supports Fire and Flames, „Debate“ Argentina Style, and Random Mix…

*Berlin First of May, „Beats Against Racism“ Stage Cancelled
While the decision of the first of May „Beats Against Racism“ stage organizers saddens us because it means the cancellation of a very positive event which we were happy to support in the past years and this one as well, we find their reasons more than correct. To find out the details, read their statement.
That said:

We will be in Prague with the Class War Kids at AFA Fest.

VS Supports Fire and Flames
Several people have sent us the following excerpt from the latest „Verfassungsschutz“ report (VS is something like the German equivalent of the FBI):

„„Fire and Flames“ ist in Niedersachsen der bedeutendste Veranstalter in der linksextremistischen Musikszene. Es führte in der Vergangenheit mehrfach Konzerte in Göttingen durch, vorrangig im Zusammenhang mit Protestveranstaltungen gegen rechtsextremistische Kundgebungen. Die dabei erzielten Einnahmen dienen zumindest teilweise der Mobilisierung. Bands wie „FuckFX“ treten neben Gruppen wie „Atemnot“ aus Bayern auf, die in ihren Texten „Feuer und Flamme für den Bullenstaat“ fordern.“

Rough translation: Fire and Flames is the most significant concert organizer in the left-wing extremist music scene. It organized in the past repeated concerts in Goettingen, mainly in relation to extreme right-wing demonstrations. The profits from these concerts serve at least in part the (edit: antifascist) mobilization…..

While this is all very flattering, some corrections….

-Nothing against „FuckFX“ or „Atemnot,“ but as far as I know they have never played one of our concerts.

-If you are going to mention our concert work, then go all the way and mention our outstanding label work!

„Debate“ at the Buenos Aires Bookfair
A bookfair is usually associated with calm, reasonable debates at the numerous presentations. In Argentina, at least this year, its been anything but. On the first day of the bookfair, pro-Cuban activists disrupted (and ended) a presentation by a Cuban dissident:

Not bad, but nothing compared to the chair throwing brawl that erupted the next day at the presentation of a book critical of the governments handling of the state statistics institute (gets really rowdy at about 1:00):

*Documentary on Nazis and the new „far right“ from Al-Jazeera, surprisingly good.

Islamists vs EDL

Totally random, but why not. A CNT demonstration recently in Paris.
As you can see, anarchism and large demonstrations do exist in places outside of the black bloc!

The Class War Kids and From the Depths on Tour!

Here are the show dates. There are of course more, but these are the 100% confirmed ones. That said, if you are interested in helping us fill some empty dates we would be very happy to hear from you (Germany in late May and Germany plus Southern Europe on scattered dates in June). Good music, nice people! :-)

30.4 Hannover at UJZ Korn + From the Depths
01.05 Prague at AFA Fest (Outdoor)
02.05 Berlin at Koma F + From the Depths
04.05 Halle at Reil78 + From the Depths
05.05 Guetersloh at Weberei + From the Depths / Star Fucking Hipsters
06.05 Castrop-Rauxel at Bahia de Cochinos + From the Depths
07.05 Metz at Cafe Jean dArc + From the Depths
08.05 Dijon at Les Tanneries + Les Slupoi, Gilbert et Ses Problemes, and more…
16.05 Paris at CICP + Guarapita
19.05 Freiburg at KTS
21.5 Muenchen at Kafe Marat
22.5 Schwaebisch Gmund at JUZ Esperanza
28.5 Goettingen at FF Festival + Los Fastidios, Feine Sahne Fischfilet, and more
29.5 Nuernberg at Fight Back Festival + Los Fastidios, Feine Sahne Fischfilet, and more
02.06 Kiel at Alte Meierei + From the Depths
03.06 Copenhagen at Dortheavej 61 (Ungdomshuset Dortheavej) + From the Depths
09.06 Rostock
10.6 Oberhausen at Druckluft
18.6 Leverkusen at KAW + Re-Opening Festival
26.6 Cremona (IT) at Anfibio Festival + Argies, Klasse Kriminale, and more

Spring Collection 2010 ONLINE NOW

To please the many impatient ones among you who bombarded us with mails over the last few days….it took six hours of work, but the entire new collection is now online and ready to be ordered. Some designs are already available, the rest will arrive during next week.

Here you go….

If you are looking for us this weekend, we can be found at the AFA Fest in Prague where we will be tabling and where The Class War Kids will be playing.

Meet the Fire and Flames Spring Collection 2010…

Here they are. Look at them and be impressed! Since there are 20 of them, click read more to see them all.
Some of them are available immediately, the rest will be arriving over the next 10 days. They will all be online and orderable on Monday or Tuesday.

(PS Pssst….the images are in low resolution so you dont waste all day opening them. The prints are of course crystal clear!)


Stop Control

Hate Germany

Out of Control

There is a million more, so here you go.

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