Archiv für November 2014

Hands off our friends of Paris Antifa!

After a brave year of struggle against the huge homophobic rightwing mobilisations of „Manif Pour Tous”, in memory of our comrade Clément Meric, against police violence after the murder on Rémi Fraisse and everyday’s resistance against fascist tendencies, our comrades of Action Antifasciste Paris-Banlieue are facing a surge of state repression at the moment. Thousands of Euros are needed to pay penalties and court and lawyer fees. You can show some urgent anti-fascist solidarity by giving a coin while your next shopping in our online store or directly here.

New Fire and Flames Riotwear Wintercollection 2014 coming next week!

It’s time to confess that we‘ll come out with a new small but brilliant Fire and Flames Riotwear winter-collection next week. For everybody whose bored with all the same old motives we finally have five brandnew shirt-motives. They will be presented to you within the next days. To prove that we don‘t talk shit here’s some litte evidence photo of the first load we received today.


This friday: Stumbling Pins EP-Release-Show @ Schaubude Kiel

Make sure to save your copy of the brandnew „Lifetime crises“ acoustic 7″ on location or here!
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November 15th Hanover: Antifa Hooligans against HoGeSa !


Although it seems clear that racist and nationalist HoGeSa fuckers won‘t repeat their disgusting meeting of Cologne neither in Hamburg nor in Berlin as it was planned at first, the situation remains a bit confusing. If the proclamation to march in Hanover on November 15th will become reality is still unsafe: At the moment the scum has no chairman for that day as well as the event is forbidden at present. Anyway: We know that their is no reliability about such sanctions, so it’s clear that everyone of us should be ready to go to Hanover next weekend to stop this horrorshow by any means. Stay tuned by following the antifascist mobilisation of Hannover gegen HogeSa and prepare yourselves.

FF presents: Los Tres Puntos & Big Banders Mini-Tour December 2014

We are proud to present the three exclusive germany gigs of the great combat ska legends Los Tres Puntos from Paris together with our local offbeat professionals Big Banders to celebrate some nights of 2tone internationalism beyond borders. Don‘t miss your rare chances: 11.12. Kiel @ Alte Meierei / 12.12. Oldenburg @ Alhambra / 13.12. Göttingen @ Musa !

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