Archiv für Oktober 2009

„Conny“ Demo: Updates for the English Speaking World and a Mobi Jingle

Again, for those of you with short attention spans, well start with the jingle. Excerpts from the two calls and links to the complete texts are below.

The ALI call:

Never Forgive, Never Forget
Neither Heros, Nor Martyrs
Conny in Göttingen, Silvio in Berlin, Carlo in Genoa, Dax in Milano, Thomas in Dortmund, Carlos in Madrid, Rick L. In Magdeburg, Jan Kucera in the Czech Rep., Feodor in St. Petersburg, Alexis in Athens, and the list could go on and on and on. We single them out because the names are likely to inspire thoughts, memories, and emotions in your minds. But these are neither heros, nor martyrs. They were simply militants, activists, young revolutionaries who had the misfortune of being killed because of their ideas, either by Fascists or by the Police, the State`s private army. They were not singled out, nor were they involved in activities beyond the realm of what most activists/militants of the extra-parliamentary left expose themselves to.

Conny was no different. On the 17th of November she and others were alerted to the presence of Nazi skins in Göttingen. For this reason, a group of antifascists gathered to chase the Nazis out of the city. They were observed by plainclothes police, who gave chase to the antifascists and called for re-enforcements. Once they had gathered enough officers, the murderers went on the offensive. After commenting on police radio “Jetzt machen wir sie platt” they attacked the group of antifascists with batons and pepper spray. All this happened on the Weender Landstrasse. During this confrontation, Conny was chased into oncoming traffic on the busy avenue and struck by a car. She was killed immediately. People who rushed to her aide were greeted with threats such as „you can lie down next to her“ by the cops.

Any militant antifascist or revolutionary activist could have found his or herself at that time in that place. In those dark moments of the social war where the State, either by choice, by accident, or because of increased resistance, briefly takes off the mask of “modern, peaceful, and democratic” and briefly reveals the true nature of its existance, and its weapons for survival when the mirage of social consent falls apart. Namely none other than overwhelming force, violence, and a brutal defense of its monopoly of it.
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*The „group of individuals“ calling for the demo call:

No Peace with the police-state and repression.
Twenty years ago, the police chased Conny Wessmann into the traffic, where she was caught by a car hitting her fatally. At the end of the 1980s a wide network of neo-fascist structures established itself in southern Niedersachsen. This gave militant Neo-Nazis the possibility to act more freely. The increasing amount of fascist violence led to an extension of antifascist self-defense in the region. Since then a high amount of information about Neo-Nazis and fascist violence was published to encounter the rising presence. The cops however didn‘t do much to stop the fascists. Instead, they publicly denied the problems by referring to the violence as clashes between rival youth groups.

In the evening of the 17th of November 1989, again there was a fight between autonomous antifascists and Nazi-Skins in front of a café in the center of Göttingen. Another group of Antifas heard of the fight and went to the spot to support their comrades. The group, of which Conny Wessmann was part soon had to retreat though. On their way, they already had been massively threatened by uniformed police-officers and the „Zivile Streifenkommando“ (ZSK – a special civil police-unit in Göttingen). The order, that the group should be „crushed“ was spread through the police-radio. Without closing-off the road „Weender Landstraße“, the police attacked the group and hunted Conny into the traffic. She got caught by a car and died immediately.

One week after the murder, about 18.000 people joined a nation-wide demonstration in Göttingen. During the following months – until 1992 – remembrances at the place where she got killed were held on a regular base. Demonstrations in the years after Connys death also remembered Alex who was knifed by two known Nazi-Skins in Rosdorf during new-years eve 1990/1991. But Conny and Alex weren‘t the only victims dying by the hands of fascist terror and brutal repression in these years.
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Racing Club and Lothar Matthäus or: Lothar Matthäus Ruined My Life

I could have posted this article several days ago, but I didnt. Why? Because, as they say, everybody has their price, and mine is apparently the possibility of a job at Racing. An idea which I had managed to accept as fantasy somewhere on the level of a child wanting to be a cowboy or an astronaut.
But suddenly, when a few days ago Lothar Matthäus was announced as Racings new coach (see below), it all became very real. A friend of mine emailed me and said „hey, you could be his translator.“ I answered something along the lines of how funny that would be. His reply: No, you dont understand. They are going to need people who speak both languages, know the city, and know the club….and not very many people fit that description.

From that point on and for the next two days, nothing else mattered. And when I started trying to see which contacts of relevance I had inside Racing, I realized that after 15 years of hanging out there, talking to people, travelling, etc. these were quite a lot (especially since the crowd that won the last elections comes from the „terraces“). One phone call, and we had the number of a high level executive at the club. Another call, and we had another. And yet another…and we had the number of the Vice President.

On Wednesday I was supposed to call the Vice President and beg him to let me be Matthäuss translator, personal assistant, or whatever. As long as it was in Racing and paid…Id be there in a day. Wednesday morning I wake up, and read in the newspaper that Matthäus cancelled, sending an SMS to Racings president three hours before he was supposed to board a plane to Argentina.

The dream is over, and now I have to somehow return from the fantasy world Ive spent the last few days in and re-enter reality. Veeeeeery difficult.

Anyways, being apparently a sell-out, I chose not publish this article critical of the decision to hire Matthäus, in fear of hurting my chances of getting the job. So here it is now.


This post could begin with the news that Racing has, once again, lost. This time to Newells Old Boys. I could also talk about the 11 games played so far, and the pathetic record of 5 draws and 6 defeats (and six goals scored). I could even also begin with the actually rather interesting news that Racing fans attacked the social center of Independiente and their new stadium with light blue and white paint, even threatening one of the guards at the stadium with a gun in order to gain entry. This is relatively interesting, and would normally be a highlight. Or that Avellaneda has recently been covered in threatening graffiti towards players and management. But, the highlight (if we can call it that) is quite another.

After returning from a few internet free days in France, a friend asked me the question „what was the name of your club exactly again?“ „Racing Club de Avellaneda“ I responded. His answer: „I think you should check the news.“

And the news indeed….Racing hired Lothar Matthäus as new coach!

(Laugh or Cry…)

Two worlds I never thought would meet, suddenly collided. This leads to all sorts of unexpected situations and problems. The main one:

Racing is currently, again, in a battle to not be relegated to second division. An Argentine coach understands that, should such a tragedy occur, Racings fans will burn his home, hunt his family, and lynch him if he isnt able to find refuge in some remote village somewhere in Haiti quickly enough. Matthäus on the other hand, will probably not grasp the gravity of the issue, and if things go badly then he just returns to Germany and forgets the whole affair.

And here the problem gets even worse, because as I live in Germany…the responsibility of making good old Lothar feel the consequences of his failure and hunt his family, burn his home, and chase him into exile will fall upon me. This is bad. Especially because in Argentina, it being a country basically devoid of laws, you can do this and get away with it. Germany on the other hand is quite a different story.

Long story summarized: Racing in second division, Lothar one million dollars richer (its his annual contract), and me in prison. Im not liking these perspectives.

Aside from this „negative utopia,“ some other random thoughts:

-Racing will be talked about more or less regularly in German media. Which means Ill feel obligated to watch every single boring German sports show in the desperate hopes of seeing something about Racing.

-When, as was the case recently while standing in line at the Kebab shop, Racing suddenly appears on television and I start yelling, gesticulating, and singing like a little child in public…people will think that Im insane.

-One of the new reversible jackets were making, has the Racing emblem on it. We figured that there is indeed no practical difference between an imaginary club emblem (such as SC Göteborg 01) and a really existing one which nobody here knows (like Racing). But now, wont we be constantly hearing „isnt that Lothar Matthäuss team?!“

-What is wrong with these people??!! I was quite happy when Racing finally managed to rid itself of the private management and became a club again. I couldnt vote, but would have voted for the management we have now. Sadly, they seem to have done everything they could possibly do wrong…well, wrong. And now, faced with a situation which couldnt really be worse, they think they can correct the problem with a spectacular move like this. The desperation is showing.
With your club in danger of being relegated, how can you hire a guy who says hell only take the job if his wife gets a good modeling job in the country! Needless to say, Racing is currently the joke of the country.

On the bright side, Welt had the following to say about Racing a few days ago:

Racing gehört zu den fünf großen Teams in Argentinien, hat die viertgrößte Anhängerschaft im Land und verzeichnete trotz eines letzten Platzes in der Clausura 2008 den drittbesten Stadionbesuch.


Never Forgive, Never Forget: 20 Years Since the Death of Conny Wessmann

Tuesday, November 17th will mark 20 years since the police provoked death of Conny Wessmann, an antifascist activist from Göttingen. To mark the occasion, and make clear that this „commemoration“ revolves around the continuation of a political struggle against elements of society and state which are as strong now than ever, different groups, organizations, and inviduals have organized a series of meetings, concerts, and a demonstration taking place during the coming weeks in Göttingen as well as other cities across Germany.

Conny Wessmann was killed after a special police unit attacked her and other antifascists who had gathered in response to a confrontation with Nazis in the city. The cops went on the offensive after asking over radio „Sollen wir die plattmachen,?“ which can be roughly translated to „Should we kick their asses?“ The response they received is obvious, and the result was that Conny was driven into oncoming traffic, struck by a car, and died immediately. Other antifascists who rushed to the scene were greeted with comments such as „you can lie down next to her,“ if they didnt leave.

Below you will find dates, materials, links and so forth to the events taking place in the coming weeks. Divided into the following sections
-Bus Departures

There is no „materials“ section because they can basically all be had via a visit to either or the ALI website.

Website of the „coalition“ of individuals calling the demonstration on the 14th of November. Here you will find their call to the demonstration, dates, and mobilization materials (including four different posters!).

-Antifaschistische Linke International Göttingen
Website of the ALI Göttingen. The ALI is likewise mobilizing for the demonstration, with their own call, flyers, and posters. The call, under the title „Never Forgive, Never Forget: Against (Police)State and Capital,“ has gathered the support of over 20 other autonome and antifascist groups around Germany, who are mobilizing for the demonstration as well. You can read the call here.
Furthermore, the ALI has taken part/will take part in several mobilization meetings in different German cities (full list available under „Dates“).
Finally, the ALI together with Fire and Flames is organizing a solidarity concert in Göttingens autonomous youth center on the night of November 13th.
Complete infos regarding all these events, mobilizing materials of all sorts, and more can be found at the ALI website.

-Jugend Antifa Göttingen:
The „Antifascist Youth Göttingen“ is mobilizing for the demonstration with their own call and flyers, as well as being one of the supporters of the demonstration call of the ALI.
They are also to thank for the banner at the top of this page.

-Redical Göttingen:
A further call to the demonstration can be found by clicking on the link above.

2.10.2009, Freitag | Hamburg | Veranstaltung mit Zeitbeiligten und zur Mobilisierung | Antifacafé HH | 20 h | Rote Flora | Schulterblatt |

30./31.10. 2009, Freitag/Samstag | Hamburg | Wiederherstellung des Wandgemädes zum politischen Mord an Conny | Rote Flora | Schulterblatt |

06.11.2009, Freitag | Hamburg | Veranstaltung mit Zeitbeiligten und zur Mobilisierung | SoL | 19 h | Brigittenstr. 5 (B5) |

Oktober/November 2009 | Veranstaltung mit Zeitbeiligten und zur Mobilisierung | Berlin, Bremen und andere Städte |

11.11.2009, Mittwoch | Hannover | Veranstaltung mit Zeitbeiligten und zur Mobilisierung | AAH | Infoladen Korn | Kornstr. 20/30 |

13.11.2009, Freitag | Göttingen | Solikonzert mit Brigada Flores Magón u.a. | Fire&Flames and A.L.I. | JuzI | Bürgerstr. 41 |

14.11.2009, Samstag | Göttingen | Demo „Kein Vergeben, kein Vergessen!“ | Markt/Gänseliesel | 15 h |

17.11.2009, Dienstag | Göttingen | Ausstellung „Wandgemälde, Plakate, Streetart. Antifaschistische Geschichte sichtbar machen!“ | 18 h | Alte Mensa, Wilhelmplatz |

17.11.2009, Dienstag | Göttingen | Veranstaltung am 20. Todestag mit Zeitbeteiligten | 19 h | Alte Mensa, Wilhelmsplatz |

17.11.2009, Dienstag | Göttingen | Gemeinsamer Gang zur Todesstelle | nach der Veranstaltung, 21.30 h |

Kein Frieden mit dem Polizei- und Überwachungsstaat. From the group of individuals calling for the demonstration.

Kein Vergeben, kein Vergessen! Weg mit (Polizei)Staat und Kapital! From the ALI. List of other groups endorsing the call here.

„Hass, Trauer, Widerstand“ Call from the Antifascist Youth Göttingen.

Kampf der Gewalt der falschen Freiheit! Call from the Redicals.

Bus Departures

-One, if not two, busses will be going from Hamburg to the demonstration. Further infos will be coming soon!

-The Antifaschistische Aktion Burg is organizing a bus from the region to the demonstration. For further details, contact them via their internet site.

The Incredible Case of the Team that Stopped Playing…

If you are going to take a bribe to lose a game, there are definitely much more discreet ways of doing so than this. In the last 10 minutes, this team just stopped playing against their rivals who had to win by several goals in order to move up a division. 9 goals in 9 minutes…

Los Fastidios Leipzig / CNT Festival Metz

Fire and Flames will be there with a table, and you should be there to. On Saturday, Fastidios and Loikaemie again, this time in Berlin (as well as on Wednesday in Verden + Oi Polloi). Some of us will be there with a Fire and Flames table, but the really cool Fire and Flames kids will be in France, at the CNT weekend in Metz!
Wooooo….first time out of Germany since the accident! Excitement….

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