Archiv für Juli 2015

More noize for the Grrlz‘n'Boiz

+++ Anti-Pasti – The last call LP +++ Apurtu – Orain aske Zara LP + CD +++ Bagna – s/t LP +++ Cios – Crisis CD +++ Cios – Streets on fire CD +++ Filaments, The – Land of Lions LP +++ Ghetto 84 – A denti stretti LP +++ Hors Controle – Béni, Maudit Do-CD +++ Hors Controle – Enfants du Charbon CD +++ Hors Controle – Liberté Surveillée CD +++ Hors Controle – Pour tes frères CD +++ Hors Controle / Bullshit Detector Split 10″ + CD +++ Juventud Crasa / Pinprick Punishment – Split EP +++ Klasse Kriminale – The rise and fall of the stylish Kids CD + Comic SPECIAL EDITION + Comic +++ Klowns – Мы – дети EP CD +++ Komintern 43 – Grupos de Tormenta CD +++ Laurel Aitken – Skinhead Train 7″ +++ Leatherface – Mush LP +++ Moscow Death Brigade / What We Feel – Here to Stay Split EP +++ Nabat / Colonna Infame – Split EP +++ Newtown Neurotics – Beggars can be chosen LP +++ Newtown Neurotics – Licensing Hours 7″ +++ NH3 – United We Stand EP +++ Oi Polloi – Punx‘n'Skins EP +++ RPG-7 – En tu ciudad CD +++ Sex Pistols – Never mind the bollocks LP +++ Social Distortion – White Light white Heat white Trash LP +++ Ticking Bombs – Crash course in brutality CD +++ V/A – Magic Potion Vol. 1 +++ V/A – Magic Potion Vol. 2 +++ What We Feel / Last Hope – Split EP +++ Wolf Down – Liberation EP +++ Wolf Down – Stray from the Path LP/CD +++ Youngang – Orgoglio alla Spina CD +++


Paint, burn, block !

This saturday it’s up to us to stop the fash in fuckin‘ Bad Nenndorf once again. Take your crew and do it for example like these comrades you can watch at work in this nice mobilisation clip. Check for details and, if you still need a dress for the day, order the official solidarity shirt for the antifascist mobilisation here/here.

Back in stock: „Bijî Berxwedana Rojava“ Solidarity T-Shirt

Together with our comrades of the Rojavakommittéerna, a nationwide network of independent leftist and kurdish groups in Sweden, we distribute this shirt in solidarity with the resistance and the social revolution in the west-kurdish regions of Rojava. The sale is bounded in a current donation campaign of these comrades. The profits will directly be forwarded to Rojava to support the rebuilding of Free ‪Kobanê‬ after the brave and heroic victory of the People’s defence forces YPG/YPJ against the fundamentalist terror of the „IS“ in January of this year.

Support the revolutionary process in Kurdistan! Long live the resistance of Rojava!

Order here.

Next Stop: Berlin

This week end we‘ll hang out with our table at the great Resist To Exist Festival in beautiful Berlin-Marzahn again. Looking forward to meet such wonderful lads and ladies as Oi Polloi, What We Feel, Feine Sahne Fischfilet, Toxoplasma, Wolf Down, NH3 and of course you over there.

Call for action after Suruç Massacre

After the ugly terror attacks on a socialist youth camp in ‪Suruc‬ and in ‪Kobane‬ today: On the streets, everybody and everywhere!

Stoppt die Vorratsdatenspeicherung! Jetzt klicken & handeln!Willst du auch bei der Aktion teilnehmen? Hier findest du alle relevanten Infos und Materialien: