Archiv für Januar 2015

Brixton Cats – „Quartier Maudit“ LP available NOW !

Hard to believe but scandalising 4 1/2 years after its first announcement this beautiful baby has just arrived healthy and alive at our headquarter. So now we‘re finally able to send out the second (and unfortunatly last) album of the mighty mighty Brixton Cats „Quartier Maudit“ on LP (FFM032). Expect 11 smart‘n'classy streetpunkrock‘n'roll smashers for the family, the struggle and against war, religion, patriarchy, racism and shit like that. Brixton Cats – better than ever!

A succesful cooperation of Fire and Flames Music, Appel aux luttes and Machete Records.

Reds rockin‘ the town !

Just counting the hours till saturday when Action Sédition, ContraReal and Montréal Sisterhood are coming to town for a red and anarchist night of politics, street music and of course the one or the other drink… Meet the crowd from 7pm open end at Alte Meierei Kiel comrades!

Stop the criminalisation of the PKK !


„Solidarity with the revolutionary process in Kurdistan! Abolish the ban of the PKK!“
Demonstration | February 7th 2015 | 2pm | Asmus-Bremer-Platz | Kiel

The pigs are out…

CAUTION! In march and april Die Bullen will importune also your town with their ugly law and order propaganda show. Don‘t let them pass and give these fuckers hell. FCK CPS! – Warmly recommended by True Rebel, Plastic Bomb and Fire and Flames.

Brandnew stuff in store

+++ Aggressors BC – The Tone Of The Times LP +++ Artificial Eyes – I just want a brandnew Revolution CD +++ Blitz – Never Surrender 7″ +++ Blaggers, The – On Yer Toez CD +++ Blaggers ITA – United Colors Of … CD +++ Los Fastidios – Let’s Do It CD +++ Movement, The – Move! CD +++ Antifa-Stickflag – Black +++ Antifa-Stickflag – Red +++ Bottled Wasp Pocket Diary 2015 +++ „Solidarity with the freedom fighters of Rojava“ Poster +++ LET‘S GO!!

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