Archiv für Mai 2014

Onward to Antira 2014!

We can‘t imagine anything better than spending a long weekend together with hundreds of football-maniacs of the good kind from all over Europe playing football, spinning antiracist networks, educating themselves and of course having a laugh… That’s why we‘ll join the Antiracist Tournament Sankt Pauli 2014 this weekend, for the first time on the magic ground of the Millerntor-Stadion. It starts on friday, may 30th and lasts until sunday, june 1st and all of you, who are not that much into football-culture, should at least come along on saturday, as the program on this day is highly political. Moreover at the party afterwards at Hamburg’s most dangerous space Rote Flora you can listen to brilliant stuff like The Movement and Moscow Death Brigade. You can have a look at the whole program here. And yes – you‘ll find a FF-stand there too!

„I‘ll be your friend until the end of time!“

Well, Jeunesse Apatride have probably been the band accompaniing Fire and Flames as close as no other from the beginning, as there have been two european tours, three album-releases and first of all a strong political and cultural analogy in the past years. That’s why we‘re really sad since we heard that they‘ll split up. This friday they‘ll play their final show, of course in the streets of their hometown Montréal. We expect a blast, so don‘t miss it, if you‘re on the other side of the ocean. We shamefully will, what makes it even harder.

But there’s also some good news: Jeunesse Apatride won‘t leave us without a testament and their again brilliant farewell album „Jusqu‘au bout“ was came this month. This time Sabotage Musique, Redstar73 Records and Mad Butcher Records did the good job, but of course you can get your copy on vinyl or cd beside the old releases in our shop too.

Solidarity beyond borders – Building democracy from below!


European days of action 15 – 24 May 2014

The programs of austerity and privatizations imposed by the Troika decide on the lives of millions of people in Europe. Together with people in Europe and the whole world we resist the rehabilitation of capitalism on the backs of employees as well as unemployed, retirees, migrants and the youth. Together with them we say: “We don’t owe, we won’t pay!”

While the European Union crisis regime builds more and more borders in order to divide, exploit and oppress us, new transnational movements are arising. We are social movement activists, altermondialists, migrants, precarious and industry workers, party members and unionists and many more, who want to connect our struggles and powers beyond nation-state lines. During the week before the elections for the European Parliament we call for the spirit of the multitude of these social movements to build real democracy from below.

We call for an international week of decentralised actions from May 15-25, 2014. Be part of it!

You find an overwiew of all actions in several cities all over Europe here and here.


Tadaaa ! We kept our word, even if it took us longer than expected! For almost a year Fire and Flames has been inactive… The reason therefore: Some things behind the scenes needed to be changed and were changed. Since June, the comrades that founded FF in 2002 were no longer able to maintain and keep up the FF project for a bunch of reasons. But that’s not the end of the story! All participants agreed that in times like these, the mediation of anti-fascist and radical left counter-culture is more important than ever … and so a new collective was formed to take over and continue the Fire and Flames project! Check

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