Archiv für März 2016

One Step Ahead bombing your Drecknest soon

>> CHECK < <

Enduring shop problems …

IMPORTANT NOTE: Some of you may already have recognised it: We‘ve still got some serious technical problems with our online shop. Although it’s still possible to order without difficulty, we are not able to update our shop at the moment, which obviously is the reason why there’s unfortunatly no new stuff since weeks. On the other hand we are not able to take out sold out articles what actually means that we‘re are not able to deliver your complete orders once in a while.

So we kindly (!) ask you for patience and some understanding if there are problems with your orders and of course thank you for unflinching ordering. The FF technology section is working very hard to bring you back a proper shop as usual very soon – better than ever!

Fanx & cheers, FF Collective

Brigadir Tour 2016

Brigadir – AnarchOi from St. Petersburg. Rocking your town very soon! Kiel friends save that date: May 3rd / Medusa Gaarden!

Let’s go – to Bad Oldesloe !

Your dealer for functional riotwear

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