Post By Steve Sailer on 02/25/2021
From the New York Times news section: With New Grand Jury, Justice Department Revives Investigation Into Death of George Floyd As the state murder trial of Derek Chauvin, the former officer charged in the death of George Floyd, approaches, the federal government has accelerated its own investigation. By Tim Arango and Katie BennerFeb. 23, 2021 A new federal grand jury has been empaneled in Minnea...
Post By Paul Kersey on 02/25/2021
Earlier: White Lives Don't Matter: Every US State Advised To Prioritize Non-Whites Over Whites For COVID Vaccination Point of fact: this writer is 100 percent against the Covid-19 vaccination (if you want to get it, by all means go ahead) and believes people should be living their lives without any fear of COVID-19 and the entire nation should be opened up. Dave Portnoy is a hero for his actions t...
Post By Steve Sailer on 02/25/2021
From Gallup: FEBRUARY 24, 2021LGBT Identification Rises to 5.6% in Latest U.S. EstimateBY JEFFREY M. JONES And, no, it’s not mature adults finally developing the courage to come out of the closet that’s behind this 60% increase in the share of the public identifying as LGBT from 2012 to 2020, it’s recruitment of fresh meat young bodies. Transgender and the bisexual catch-all are up dramatical...
Post By Steve Sailer on 02/25/2021
In response to a reader’s question about differences in average cognitive test scores between blacks and whites, commenter Maven points us toward the PIAAC test of adults. PIAAC is done by the OECD who also do the famous international PISA test of 15-year-olds. PIAAC in 2017 found that men average very slightly better than females overall in the various ethnicities, with men having an advantage in ...
Post By Steve Sailer on 02/24/2021
Unlike, say, the SPLC or ADL, who, ya gotta admit, at least work hard for their lucre, the main Black Lives Matter organization doesn’t actually do much other than, I gather, own the intellectual property right to the phrase “black lives matter” (do they?) and collect Danegeld from frightened corporations. From the New York Post: Black Lives Matter foundation received over $90M in donations last ...
Post By Steve Sailer on 02/24/2021
The NYPD has released its 2020 crime stats report showing victims, suspects, and arrestees by race. First, here is the general population of New York City: So, blacks make up 22% of NYC’s population, Asians 14%, whites 32%, and Hispanics 29%: Here is 2020 robbery: So, per capita, blacks in NYC were 18.7 times per capita as likely to be robbery suspects as were Asians. The formula is (65.9/21.7)/...
Article By Ann Coulter on 02/24/2021

Earlier, by Ann Coulter on The Proud Boys: "America’s Last Line Of Defense Against The Left’s Fascistic Antifa Storm Troopers"

A little more than a year ago, 2,000 antifa tried to shut down my speech at UC Berkeley, according to police on the scene. The Berkeley police chief had ordered her officers to stand outside the building like mute ninjas, and make no arrests, unless they personally witnessed a felony being committed in front of them.

So barring a bank suddenly popping up on the sidewalk and an antifa attempting to rob it, I had no official protection from 2,000 violent, mentally disturbed thugs.

Thank God I had the Proud Boys.

There had been no warning of the antifa mobilization against me until an hour before the event, when they showed up, with a thousand of them at each entrance to the building where I was to speak.

Luckily, I’d invited about 20 Proud Boys from northern California chapters to attend my speech. If I hadn’t, I might not have made it to the campus at all. (If antifa had won, at least you would have heard about my visit to Berkeley, because the media would have reported on it triumphantly.)

Post By James Fulford on 02/24/2021
Earlier: Criminal Justice Reform: Black Male Released Early Cuts Out White Woman's Heart And Eats It. The AP story on cannibal Lawrence Paul Anderson says simply that he "had been sentenced in 2017 to 20 years in prison for probation violations on a drug case," which is generally code for "victim of mass incarceration". But seriously, they don't sentence you to 20 years for failing to update your a...
Post By James Fulford on 02/24/2021
The gruesome details, with pictures of accused and dead, are available at the UK Daily Mail [Cannibal, 41, cut out his neighbor's heart and COOKED it with potatoes to feed his family before stabbing his uncle and a four-year-old girl to death, February 24, 2021] but the basic details are available, with races removed, in the AP story with no pictures: CHICKASHA, Okla. — An Oklahoma man who had bee...
Post By Jack Dalton on 02/24/2021
At this point, the evidence for treason from the Biden-Harris Administration is so thick, you have to brush it away from your face when confronted by it or else be choked from the sedition. One of the Biden Administration’s first moves was to declaw the Trump Administration’s ‘Operation Talon’, which targeted sex offenders living in the US illegally for immediate deportation. Biden cancels Trump’s...


By Ann Coulter on 02/24/2021

Earlier, by Ann Coulter on The Proud Boys: "America’s Last Line Of Defense Against The Left’s Fascistic Antifa Storm Troopers"

A little more than a year ago, 2,000 antifa tried to shut down my speech at UC Berkeley, according to police on the scene. The Berkeley police chief had ordered her officers to stand outside the building like mute ninjas, and make no arrests, unless they personally witnessed a felony being committed in front of them.

So barring a bank suddenly popping up on the sidewalk and an antifa attempting to rob it, I had no official protection from 2,000 violent, mentally disturbed thugs.

Thank God I had the Proud Boys.

There had been no warning of the antifa mobilization against me until an hour before the event, when they showed up, with a thousand of them at each entrance to the building where I was to speak.

Luckily, I’d invited about 20 Proud Boys from northern California chapters to attend my speech. If I hadn’t, I might not have made it to the campus at all. (If antifa had won, at least you would have heard about my visit to Berkeley, because the media would have reported on it triumphantly.)

By Rodric Gordon on 02/23/2021

Turbas are no longer Latin American diversity’s only vibrant contribution to U.S. politics. For whatever reason, the Biden Regime is clearly displaying Latin America’s characteristic combination of rigged democracy, socialist rhetoric, and oligarchic capitalism.

Post-Cold-War Leftist Latin American caudillos—strongman rulers—cloak themselves in socialist ideology and hold sham elections. They engage in socialist and redistributionist policies to placate useful-idiot supporters at home and abroad. However, they simultaneously partner with crony corporations to permit a perverted capitalism that keeps the elite wealthy.

By acting in concert, the Leftist caudillos and their capitalist cronies have generated a new stasis, a relatively stable form of neo-feudalism contrary to the wishes of constituents: a peasant class struggling to survive and a ruthless ruling circle. The educated middle class and legitimate businessmen have little choice but to join the parasitism or leave.

In the U.S., here are chilling similarities in the questionable election of Joe Biden, judicial complicity and the silencing of dissent.

Economist Luigi Zingales of the University of Chicago, who is no fan of President Donald Trump, writes:

In many fledgling democracies, it is impossible to govern without the support of the army.… The threat is so present that elected representatives need to cater closely to the interest of the army in their decisions. The United States is finding itself in this situation, except that the power of the army rests in [Twitter, Amazon, Google, Apple, and Facebook].

The Silent Coup,, January 11, 2021

A prominent Cuban exile and artist, Ana Olema, has noted the lopsided censorship and has praised the Capitol Hill protesters as “protecting the republic and the nation” from those who would steal it.

By Michelle Malkin on 02/23/2021

Earlier: Coalition of the Fringes: Asians Join With Blacks To Protest "Racism" AKA Black Attacks On Asians

Pssst. Can I have your attention, please? I'm going to share a little secret that liberal "people of color" and their public relations agents in the media don't want you to know. The recent crime wave against Asians in America's big cities is not the fault of Donald Trump, MAGA activists, conservative talk radio, or white people. It's the fault of the perpetrators and the perpetrators alone—most of whom happen to be thugs "of color."

Let's pop the delusional bubble of left-wing Asians who marched this weekend in New York City, Oakland and San Francisco in "unity" protests against "white supremacy." These "wokesters" blame "anti-Asian bias" created by an imagined backlash by imagined "white supremacists" against China because of COVID-19. Donning "Black and Asian unity" T-shirts, they embraced the self-defeating attitude of Oakland organizer Eddy Zheng, who wheedled: "Supporting our Asian community is not about dividing us. This support is for all of us suffering under white supremacy. We need to understand that so we can triumph and have public and personal safety."

By Rémi Tremblay on 02/22/2021

Some 2-3,000 Parisians, mostly young, gathered peacefully in their city’s Place Denfert Rochereau this last Saturday (February 20) to reclaim their freedom of speech, and more specifically, to support Génération Identitaire (“Generation Identity”), the youth group currently targeted by the French government for dissolution [France: Protesters oppose move to disband anti-migrant group, by The Associated Press, February 20, 2021]. The vocal crowd shouted slogans like “We are at home,” and among the well-known faces such as Jean-Yves Le Gallou, Florian Philippot or Jean Messiha, was a striking one: Thaïs d’Escufon, GI spokeswoman and rising star.

The government wants that generation to shut up about their “identity,” of course, because it doesn’t fit in the newly globalized, Islamified France. But the disarmingly stunning d’Escufon says no to that new France. Her angelic face has been everywhere since the government announced it would shut down the patriotic group. Unlike some who would have been intimidated into silence, d’Escufon saw an opportunity, and has since appeared on several prime-time TV shows. GI’s message went to previously undreamt of audiences. Relatively unknown before then, except in the identitarian right, she has become the voice of her young countrymen, the silent victims of diversity forced to live in fear from urban violence or Islamic terror. [Interview with Thaïs d’Escufon from Generation Identitaire, The New Prometheism, February 13, 2021]

In other words, the government’s plan to silence the group has backfired. The 21-year-old Identitarian now speaks to the French masses thanks to the government’s ham-handed move to repress the truth.

By Patrick J. Buchanan on 02/22/2021
"What is America's mission?" is a question that has been debated since George Washington's Farewell Address in 1797. At last week's Munich Security Conference, President Joe Biden laid out his vision as to what is America's mission. And the contrast with the mission enunciated by George W. Bush in his second inaugural could not have been more defining or dramatic. Here is Bush, January 20, 2005: "...