A.C. Grayling, author of a recent biography of René Descartes, explores Descartes' Cogito argument, the pivotal argument of the Meditations, in conversation with Nigel Warburton in this episode of Philosophy Bites.

Direct download: GraylingDesMixSes.MP3
Category:Anthony Grayling -- posted at: 8:57am EST

Events happen in time. And time is essentially tensed: there is past, present, future. D.H. Mellor, author of Real Time (and Real Time 2) suggests otherwise. In this podcast for Philosophy Bites he explains why time isn't tensed.
Direct download: MellorMixSes.MP3
Category:Hugh Mellor -- posted at: 6:32am EST

If what I do has only a negligible impact on events, why should I bother doing it at all? Why not 'free ride' on other people's contributions? Richard Tuck explores these questions in this episode of Philosophy Bites.
Direct download: TuckMixSess.MP3
Category:Richard Tuck -- posted at: 9:19am EST

Most philosophers who consider the movies focus on the nature of the cinematic medium. Stephen Mulhall argues for a different approach. He thinks that a film such as Bladerunner can actually be philosophy.
Direct download: MulhallMixSes.MP3
Category:Stephen Mulhall -- posted at: 5:42am EST





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