The International Marxist-Humanist

For a Humanist Alternative to Capitalism

The Revolutionary Humanism of Frantz Fanon

The philosopher, psychiatrist, and revolutionary militant Frantz Fanon was a key figure in the struggle against European colonialism. Fanon’s innovative thinking on racism and its relationship to class oppression still speaks vividly to the present. First appeared in Jacobin:

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The International Marxist-Humanist Organization (IMHO), the publisher of this journal, aims to develop and project a viable vision of an alternative to capitalism - a new, human society - that can give direction to today’s freedom struggles.

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  • Peter Hudis on Race, Class and Gender since the Black Lives Matter Movement

    Date: January 29, 2021

    Time: 16:00 – 18:00 CET

    Address: Register here:

    Speakers: Peter Hudis

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  • Public Reading Group on “Rosa Luxemburg, Women’s Liberation, and Marx’s Philosophy of Revolution”

    Date: January 31, 2021

    Time: 6:00-8:00 PM, LA Time



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  • Decolonial Theory and Practice in the US: From Civil Rights to Black Power… and Beyond

    Date: February 1, 2021

    Time: 7:00 Central time



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  • Beyond Capitalism: The Dialectic of Race, Class, and Gender

    Date: February 22, 2021

    Time: 7:00 Central time



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Check our archive for full list of our publications

Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya

and Other Marxist-Humanist Classics

Draft Thesis: The Turning Point

The assessment of Goldwater in this draft thesis is referenced in the recent International Marxist-Humanist Organization article, Theoretical and Practical Perspectives for Overcoming Capitalism.

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Dunayevskaya Collection

We are linking to the online version of the Raya Dunayevskaya Collection, which makes her germinal writings more widely available than before. (Her books have long been on our Literature Pages.)

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