Association Notices

BCA'37 UK & BCA'37UK-Euskadi.
Joint announcement by our two associations

We are delighted to announce that our three bids for grants made earlier this year to Gogora Instituto de la Memoria, la Convivencia y los Derechos Humanos Historica, have been successful. Details here …

BCA'37UK-Euskadi & BCA'37UK
Anuncio conjunto de nuestras dos asociaciones

Nos complace anunciar que nuestras tres solicitudes de subvenciones realizadas a principios de este año para Gogora Instituto de la Memoria, la Convivencia y los Derechos Humanos, se han resuelto positivamente. Detalles aquí …

BCA'37 UK Essay Prizes 2021

We invite submissions for the The 2021 Natalia Benjamin Prize for English speakers and for El Premio BCA'37 UK, 2021 for Spanish and Basque speakers. Closing date midnight, 30 September 2021.

More information – Mas información – Informazio gehiago


Please read the implications of the situation to our activites here …

Other News, Events & Reports

Exhibition at the Museo Salesiana

Exhibition at the Museo Salesiana in Madrid

A short report by Mariano García Borreguero
(in English and Spanish) can be read here …

Recordando a Herminio

One of the sad outcomes of these times is that we are not able to meet together to pay tribute to those among us who have died. Although Herminio Martínez died before the virus reared its ugly head, it has meant that the family's plan for a commemorative event have not been able to be realised.

We have recently received a poem from Marina Morales, a friend to the association and to Herminio that is dedicated to his memory. Below are the first two stanzas, the entire poem can be read here ….

RECORDANDO A HERMINIO — por Marina Morales

En el orfeón del viento,
Afinando su sonido,
Escalando un viejo roble,
Herminio, niño infinito.

Brilla en tu pecho una estrella,
No hay derrota en tu latido.
Sobre el árbol de la aurora,
Pájaro y, de nuevo, niño.

New article & publication

Firing a Shot for Freedom, the memoirs of Frida Stewart

with foreword and afterword by Angela Jackson,
author of British Women and the Spanish Civil War

Frida Stewart played in important role in the care of the Niños de la Guerra, both in Spain and in the UK. It was she who collected and edited the songbook "Songs of the Basque Children".

Angela has also provided this article, which is also to be found in our Articles Section.

[A Spanish translation by MDL Power can also be found here … — please refer to the English version for the photographs.]

The book is published by Clapton Press at £9.99. More details here …

New mural in Gernika/Guernica

Mural in Gernika

This beautiful work of art [recently unveiled] depicts some of the 4000 children who left Santurtzi/Santurce on the 21 May 1937 on the SS Habana to escape the war in Euskadi.

Report by Simon Martinez here …

Fighting Basques - Call for participation

Fighting Basques project

Did one of your family members, who came on the Habana in 1937, go onto serve in the armed forces during World War 2?

If so, you are invited to join the Fighting Basques Project in collaboration with BCA'37 UK.

More details here …

June 12th Refugee Week 2020

An article in Spanish on the Havens East online exhibition was published recently (21 June 2020) in El Correo. Read a copy here …
Havens East web site

The Havens East Project's new, online exhibition will be live from 12 June 2020 at www.havenseast.org

"Havens East uncovers the incredible stories of the Basque child refugees who came to Norfolk and Cambridge during the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939)."

Read the latest update here …

For other recently posted and older notices, click here.


In 1937, during the Spanish civil war, almost 4,000 children were evacuated to the UK from Bilbao. Read more …

At first they stayed in a camp at Stoneham and later in colonies throughout the UK. Read more …

We want to remember and preserve the story of these niños de la guerra in their rightful context. Read more …

Latest eNotice

From the Archives

Newsletter 3, Mar 2005, p5

My Life
by Teodora(Dora) Bueno
Newsletter 3, Mar 2005, p5 Read the full article here …

… an article you may have missed:

The "Red Duchess" – Katherine, Duchess of Atholl
by Mike Levy

Read the full article here …

From Another Archive:

La expedición a Inglaterra
Hackney Today, 20 June 2016

"Hackney has a long history of welcoming new residents from all over the world, who arrive here to make a better, safer life for themselves and their families. One of the more unusual migrations was in 1937, … From an article by Sally England.

Read the full article here …

[Photos and article are reproduced here with acknowledgements and permission of the author and Hackney Today.]

Articles & Reviews

"El primer exilio de los vascos, 1936-1939"
por Jesús J. Alonso Carballés
"The first exile of the Basques, 1936-1939"
by Jesús J. Alonso Carballés, translated by MDL Power
"Frida Stuart y los Niños Vascos"
por Angela Jackson, traducido por MDL Power

View more articles here …

View more event reports here …