7:57pm February 18, 2021

this is a call out post for @frailuta


i’ve had enough of you. you stealing my edits and ideas. you manipulating people. your drama posts. your hunger for notes. i’m so sick and tired of seeing all these things and not being able to say anything because i’m sure you’d talk behind my back to people and make yourself the victim, because i know you have been doing that all the time. you made me feel so uncomfortable and disgusted to the point where i thought about quitting tumblr for weeks. but i’ve had enough of you. you should get help because this behavior is not okay and you’re clearly not in a healthy mindset. 

there is also a whole old document about her old blog which you can find by clicking this. i’m not even going to get into this lmao. it’s so embarrassing that you still continue to do this.

anyways, here are ALL the receipts:

Keep reading

7:52pm February 18, 2021


To those in Texas dealing with this shit show of a polar vortex, your friendly neighbourhood Canadian is here.

SO you’ve lost power and fucking freezing? First things first. You’re going to grab literally every blanket and pillow and cushion you can find.

Grab some newspaper or other papery material, it’s insulation.

Next, you’re going to build yourself a motherfucking blanket fort. Keep it small but with enough space you won’t feel like death.

Put the newspaper on the floor, put cushions and pillows, then your blankets. Build it up.

Any form of light source will also help (just please don’t light anything on fire). Keep that there.

As for clothing, you need to layer it up. Keep moisture wicking material as a base, then build it up. You might look like the Michelan tire man or Pillsbury Dough Boy but you’ll be warm.

If you have pets that are susceptible to the cold, put one of your shirts on them and bring them to the blanket fort.


DO NOT OPEN YOUR FRIDGE OR FREEZER UNLESS YOU HAVE TO. The temperature there will not protect your food enough.

If you have to go out at all, look for shiny patches on the road. That is black ice.

If you hit ice, don’t panic, don’t hit the pedals, lightly take your foot off the gas, steer into the skid to gain control again (do not over steer) and then straighten your wheel. Look where you want to go and then start slightly steering that way.

Pack clothes and blankets. Cardboard, shovel, and cat litter if you have it. This will help if you happen to get stuck.

IF YOU GET STUCK IN THE SNOW for the love of God do not just gun it. That will damage your vehicle and dig you into a bigger hole. You need to either wait for help or “rock” your vehicle. Hit the gas a little, then back off of it. Do this in a steady rhythm so that your car rocks. Rock with it.

Y'all can get through it. Stay safe my friends.

12:22pm February 11, 2021
snipertiino asked: Ooohhh! Well, lucky for you then! I am Swedish through and through... Tho back in time we have Canadian blood too, but that was a few generations ago :3 Hm.... How about this for an ask, the 2p allies with an so who is a game designer? Specifically concept art and 2d design. (*cough* totallynotmeincollageirl *couch*


That sounds so cool! Hey, if you ever get to put Easter eggs in a game one day, just remember us ;p P.S Admin Sarah is Canadian, maybe you two are related! Wouldn’t that be great? -Admin Jay and Sarah

2p Canada: “So you make the art? Or the game? You lost me somewhere…”
Matt isn’t the best with technology, hence why he has the whole cabin in the woods doing lumberjack things life going on. Though if his s/o was all about the technology and they were really studying it, he would try his best to keep up. He isn’t a complete cave-man, but he would need them to explain some of the terms a few times…a week…sometimes a day. It really depends. 

2p France: “So you work with computers…and make games?”
Francois doesn’t do a lot of work on computers. He has three go to sites, and that is about it. If it ventures off from those sites, he probably has no clue what it is, or has a very limited knowledge. Though if his s/o was serious about this career path, he would let them do whatever they had to do, and he would let them take over anything tech related in the house. Though Francois may confuse working with computers as ‘I can fix anything that has to do with technology.’

2p America: “Ooooh sweet. So you get to do anything you want?”
Allen would be more concerned with the power that comes with it. The power to insert dirty things and horrible jokes into the game. The power to totally make characters naked in game…not that he is a gamer at all…psh…but to be honest, he would think what his s/o does is cool. Maybe not something he would openly admit, since he would always teasingly call them a nerd, but he would enjoy watching them work. Though he would always whisper in their ear the horrible things they could do with their power. 

2p England: “Sooo…games? Not board games I take it…”
Oliver is not a big fan of technology, so he would try his hardest to understand what his s/o does. Though they would need patience, as it would be the same as trying to explain an iPhone to a 95 year old…Oliver would really want to understand and watch what they do, but he would ask so many questions all the time.

2p Russia: “Ah so you need to focus a lot, da?”
Viktor understands how important focus is in fields such as that. So he would be ready to help them focus in any way he could, but also he would be willing to help them with the actual work. He is the only one to put in the effort and the time to be knowledgeable in the field, but also useful in it. So he would be able to help his s/o work and even teach them a thing or two. It wouldn’t be much, but he would love to help.

2p China: “Sooo can you put me in it?”
Zhao would love the idea of his s/o working with games, especially if he could always tease them about putting him in it. He would love to pop over their shoulder and watch them work, but would also want them to teach him a thing or two. Zhao would just be excited to see what they create and would be all for helping them if he could. Even if that help was away from the computer…he would always be willing and ready. 

12:59pm February 8, 2021






Got identical asks from two different blogs with two different fundraisers on them, dont donate to these unless you can find more information about them to verify theyre real

I’m glad other people are posting about this cos the same thing happened to me


Honestly if you received a msg like this coming from a blog with nothing but a fundraiser (and similar fundraisers, which is also very odd) you should probably ignore it. Neither of these blogs replied when I asked why I received the same msg from three different blogs for for 2 different fundraisers

It appears that some accounts are duplicating fundraisers word for word and reposting them with new payment information.

Reverse image searching the photos if you’re on desktop may help find the original source

Reblogging this again because I did a little digging and found a pattern of similar blogs making distinct, separate fundraisers using the same PayPal accounts

There is no way to direct funds from multiple donation posts into one link and know which payment was meant for which fundraiser, so this is clearly a scam - the OPs don’t care which fundraiser gets the money because the fundraisers aren’t real (they’re probably stolen from other platforms like Facebook)

obviously if I provide a link Tumblr will hide this reply but most of the posts on this blog are about this phenomenon. I’ve made something of a masterpost listing all the blogs involved so please check it out before you donate or boost a fundraiser from someone you don’t know

I’d recommend reporting these blogs since they are demonstrably fraudulent

12:22pm February 8, 2021











disney: we’re taking all of our movies off of streaming services and we’re going to charge you $10 a month to watch them on our own streaming app



More like

Disney: “We’re going to take all our movies off of streaming sites INCLUDING THE ONE WE ALREADY OWN (Hulu) so we can put them on a separate one and milk even more money out of you.”



Originally posted by adventurelandia


Disney owns everything, and even if they didn’t own it, they will eventually

Holy shit.

I think it would be easier to list what they DO NOT own….

version of the graphic that you can enlarge

If you were to resort to piracy over being exhausted over the various streaming services recreating the nickling and diming of the cable television industry (and I’m not saying you should - just… if you happen to find yourself there), a full VPN is not required.

You can have your torrent activity go through a proxy (while the rest of your traffic isn’t shuttled through there) using services like BTGuard. All the torrent activity is run through the proxy:


If your ISP has bandwidth caps, you’ll still run into those. But they won’t know what you’re transferring.

Just… information out there that you might find useful, in the age of ten-thousand different streaming services that all want you to keep adding more paid subscriptions.

Reblog to save some money and bring down Disney

12:23pm February 4, 2021
Anonymous asked: Nordics + Netherlands reactions to finding out that their s/o is a/ wants to be a rapper? Thanks, you guys are the best! Much love!~💜


Coming right up! Though, I feel bad, but Admin Sarah has a very hard time writing for Netherlands half the time..! I don’t think I’d be able to do him justice for this ask! I’m sorry!! I hope you can still enjoy the Nordics!~Admin Sarah and Jay

Norway: “A…rapper? Are you sure?..”
Lukas is…very down to Earth..well, in some regards, but he’d be shocked to hear his s/o wanted to be a rapper..he wouldn’t expect that, out of everything. Rapping wouldn’t be his style or music or first choice, but…If it made them happy to do so, he’d still support them. There’s no reason to crush their dreams, and if they were coming to him for support, they’d have it.

Iceland: “Huh? Really?”
Emil is quite young himself, so the thought of his s/o being a rapper wouldn’t be too out there. It would seem like a really big goal, but hey, with some practice, anyone could get better at something. Rap wouldn’t be a favorite type of music, but he wouldn’t hate it, so he’d be willing to listen if they needed him too. 

Finland: “A rapper? How exciting!”
Tino loves things that are against the norms, and would find their career choice as a rapper to be exciting, though he wouldn’t be sure as how he could help. He’d support them, and listen to anything they wanted him too, and give his honest opinions, but that’s about it. As long as they were happy with their music!

Sweden: “…As long as you’re happy..”
Berwald would honestly be skeptical, and that’s just the way he is, but he’d never shoot them down or make them doubt themselves. He doubts himself often, so he wouldn’t want to ruin someone elses dreams. He would try and help where or when he could, but he wouldn’t feel like he could do much. Though, he’d always support them; that’s one thing he can do no matter what.

Denmark: “Oh you want to rap?! I can make a beat!”
Contrary to what he thinks, Matthias can not beat-box. Do not let him try it. It will not go well. Though if his s/o wants to be a rapper, he would love to help them in anyway he could. He wouldn’t know the first thing about rap or how to help, but he would love too! So he would always be asking them about how it is going and he would be out there trying to get people to listen to his s/o. 


Originally posted by sfmbloc

1:50pm January 28, 2021
Anonymous asked: *Jumps on 2p Germanys back* TO NARNIA!!!


*Runs directly into wardrobe and into the wall, ending up on the floor in a pile*

We tried..! Verdammt…we tried…Maybe we need a new wardrobe….Maybe a new wall at this point…

12:44pm January 28, 2021


2x20 Dean realizes that he is trapped in a dream. vs. his dream family pleads him to stay with them. vs. Dean after waking up.


4x17 Zachariah wakes up Dean from a terrible corporate life.


4x22 Dean before and after realizing that the angels want the Apocalypse to happen.


15x20 Dean about to eat a pie. vs. Dean in heaven.


supernatural be like “we will use warm and saturated colors to accent fake happiness" and then I’m supposed to believe that this is a real happy ending?


12:22pm January 28, 2021
“We have a one party state and everyone who disagrees with me had their rights stripped. Bash the fash uwu” ”
Haven’t these people read Animal Farm?
After all, everyone...





“We have a one party state and everyone who disagrees with me had their rights stripped. Bash the fash uwu”

Haven’t these people read Animal Farm?

After all, everyone knows that the best way to combat fascism is to be fascist. It’s so simple!

12:44pm January 25, 2021









this may be a hard pill to swallow for some people but like. 90% of the fires in australia wouldn’t be happening right now if people had just fucking listened to indigenous peoples

literally just. give us our FULL sovereignty back over these areas half of them aren’t even inhabited and almost none of them have ANY cultural significance to white australia (not that that should even matter cause it’s. aboriginal land and it always will be but whatever). give us control over them and shit like this won’t happen and our communities will heal.

Is OP implying the fires are the result of some kind of Aboriginal curse or something? Is the continent itself breaking out in fever in an attempt to cleanse itself of white people? Do the Aboriginals have some effective anti-wildfire strategy that the white people are too arrogant to listen to?

we had landcare practices to prevent shit like this. we’d burn the forest litter/hazardously flammable stuff in the cooler months to prevent massive forest fires happening. when our lands were invaded we could no longer implement these practices and now the leaf litter will build up and set on fire again and again and now the forest fires will be huge.

Its scientifically proven that Aboriginal people didn’t suffer from wild bushfires, pre invasion. And its also proven that back burning (burning parts of the land per season) actually encourages new life and promotes animal breeding. Aboriginal science outweighs white science.

Followers, ☝️ This 100%. Happy to send people the studies and papers and stuff (or just have the conversation with sources) but by looking at tree ring scars, we can see that some areas had fires once every 80 years - and now those same regions are burning every few years. It’s un-natural for Australia, this isnt a continent meant to be chaotically and uncontrollably burning forever.

The intensity of fire is increasing bc of biomass is changing, plant species are changing, rivers diverted and drying up. Soil salinity is spiking, soil erosion is getting worse - and a thousand other things that aboriginal activists and people have been warning about for centuries.

Areas under native title where mosaic burning happens HAS LESS/NO OUT OF CONTROL FIRES. The evidence is literally right there.

Part of the out of control fires are climate change, part is european settlements and farming practices causing absolute fucking chaos on local ecosystems. these fires are not sudden or out of the blue or anything - they’ve been a long time coming from systematic environmental neglect and intentional environmental fuckery. You reap what you sow.

“aboriginal curse” it’s the colonial curse of ignoring indigenous expertise

the colonial curse of ignoring indigenous expertise