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The Economist explains

Subjects topical and timeless, profound and peculiar, explained with The Economist's trademark clarity and brevity

The Economist explains
What is an earmark?

A reviled method of distributing federal spending returns

The Economist explains
Why are there so many missions to Mars?

The planet offers hope for the existence of extraterrestrial life, and a chance for countries on Earth to show off

The Economist explains
What is herd immunity?

Why it tells you about the remaining threat from covid-19

The Economist explains
Why is Texas experiencing a winter freeze?

Whether or not climate change is to blame this time, places with mild climates should prepare for more extreme weather

The Economist explains
What is the fuss over central-bank digital currencies?

For central banks, digital cash offers a safer, faster and more flexible alternative to notes and coins

The Economist explains
What protections do covid-19 vaccines provide?

Whether a vaccine stops a person from becoming infectious or just keeps them out of hospital depends on how it primes the immune system

The Economist explains
What is section 230?

As critics of big tech multiply, a once obscure law governing the internet is getting a lot of attention

The Economist explains
Why is the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam contentious?

The project has been a source of disputes in north-east Africa for a decade

The Economist explains
How do different vaccines work?

They commonly use four types of mock attack

The Economist explains
How does an American impeachment trial work?

The Senate sets its own rules. Milk is involved

The Economist explains
Why are Indian farmers protesting?

They worry about the effect that new reforms could have on their incomes