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Special reports

Generation Xi

Young Chinese are both patriotic and socially progressive. That mix is already changing their country, says Stephanie Studer, our China correspondent


Special reports

Asset Management

The asset-management industry is at last sorting the quacks from the true specialists, argues John O’Sullivan

Special reports

The world economy

The covid-19 pandemic will accelerate change in the world economy. That brings both opportunity and danger, says Henry Curr

Special reports

Business and climate change

Climate change is about to upend the corporate world. Firms must react fast, says Guy Scriven

Special reports


Nowhere in the world is ready to cope with the global explosion of dementia, writes Simon Long

Special reports

The Midwest

America’s Midwest matters out of proportion to its size, says Adam Roberts

Special reports

The new world disorder

Seventy-five years ago the world’s leaders designed the peace even as they fought the war. Today’s leaders need to do something similar, says Daniel Franklin

Special reports

International banking

Geopolitics and technology threaten America’s financial dominance. And now the covid-19 pandemic is precipitating a split, says Matthieu Favas

Special reports

South Korea

South Korea is going through deep social, economic change. But the transformation is still fragile, and covid-19 is not helping, says Lena Schipper

Special reports


Rapid economic and social change will give the continent a bigger role in world affairs, says Jonathan Rosenthal

Special reports

The data economy

A deluge of data is giving rise to a new economy. Ludwig Siegele asks how it will work

Special reports

China's Belt and Road

The Belt and Road Initiative revives memories of China’s imperial tributary system, says Dominic Ziegler

Special reports


Since the second world war, governments across the rich world have made three big mistakes, says Callum Williams