Middle East & Africa

The agitator
Does Mahmoud Ahmadinejad want to be president of Iran again?

As the election approaches, he is mulling a run. But the clerics might stand in his way

Hope and despair
An Emirati probe journeys into outer space

While an Emirati princess cannot leave her villa

Which way out?
France’s forever war in the Sahel

With violence rife across the region, France has few good options to bring back the troops

New sheriff in town
Joe Biden looks to end the war in Yemen

His decision may say more about America’s troubled relationship with Saudi Arabia

Fourth time lucky
Can a new administration reunite war-torn Libya?

Warlords and foreign powers will try to scuttle the UN’s fourth attempt to establish a government

Adding to the chaos
Gulf rivalries are spilling into Africa’s Horn

Foreign meddling is unsettling an already fragile region

Roses rise again
Kenya’s floral exports are blooming once more

Covid-19 wilted them; lockdown love has revived them

The big men still eat
Congo’s president cuts free of his would-be puppetmaster

Two years after a rigged election, Félix Tshisekedi is asserting himself