Our coverage of climate change

A selection of our best stories

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Latest stories

America and climate change
How America can rid itself of both carbon and blackouts

This is the moment for an ambitious attempt to deal with climate change

Decarbonising America
Joe Biden’s climate-friendly energy revolution

What it will take to fight rising temperatures

The race to zero
Bill Gates has a plan to save the world

Tackling climate change, he says, requires governments and business to work together


Midnight sky
Poland’s coal-fired home heating creates widespread pollution

The government is backing away from coal—but not fast enough

The World If
Why is Texas experiencing a winter freeze?

Whether or not climate change is to blame this time, places with mild climates should prepare for more extreme weather

The tortoise and the hare
How to hybridise batteries and supercapacitors

The offspring will give electric cars more range and power

Hydrogen-powered flight
Is the time now ripe for planes to run on hydrogen?

Some planemakers think the answer may be “yes”


How will John Kerry fare as Joe Biden’s climate envoy?

The former secretary of state is a good pick for what may prove to be a chastening task

The rise of dirty politics in Europe

A coming backlash to the green wave

Business and finance

Climate change
Solar power’s NIMBY problem

The farms are getting bigger, and the objections louder

Free exchange
How should economists think about biodiversity?

A new report for the British government lays out a framework

Climate briefs

Softening the blow
Climate adaptation policies are needed more than ever

People are already suffering from catastrophic losses as a result of extreme weather events like cyclone Amphan

Not-so-slow burn
The world’s energy system must be transformed completely

It has been changed before, but never as fast or fully as must happen now

Bad times
Damage from climate change will be widespread and sometimes surprising

It will go far beyond drought, melting ice sheets and crop failures

Climate briefs

Projections of the future
How modelling articulates the science of climate change

From paper and pencil to the world’s fastest computers

The problematic politics of climate change
Why tackling global warming is a challenge without precedent

The first of six weekly briefs looks at the history of efforts to limit greenhouse-gas emissions