Tuesday, February 23, 2021


    Aleppo, Syria. Notice how there's not too much news about it these days? That's because the terrorists, oops mean "moderates" that used to "report" to our media are gone. And...
    Feb 21, 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0P1DWjWzh4&feature=emb_logo Damascus-based independent journalist Vanessa Beeley provides a comprehensive update on what's currently happening on the ground in Syria. Follow Vanessa's indispensable...
    AIER Staff – December 19, 2020 The use of universal lockdowns in the event of the appearance of a new pathogen has no precedent. It has been a science experiment in real time, with most...


    Voices from Syria

    These are their stories; these are their voices.

    Real News and Updates about Syria

    Latest updates on the conflict in Syria. Information and articles about the war in Syria and the Syrian situation.



    BS’ (short for ‘bullshit’) is the ironic title we chose to express our disgust and frustration with the consistent distortion of the corporate news media. The consequences of such distortion can be measured in the suffering and deaths of millions of people who are victims of our ‘humanitarian’ wars waged on the back of fabricated public assent.


    On the ground reporting from pioneering investigative journalist Vanessa Beeley.

    The Wall Will Fall

    Pre-eminent Canadian investigative reporter Eva Bartlett’s on the ground reporting about Syria and beyond puts mainstream “reporters” to shame.

    Visit Eva’s Patreon site here.

    When we increase the reach of the well-documented truth, we are countering ubiquitous war propaganda.

    Help counter the Big Media war propaganda and its “De-Education” agenda.


    Medical Censorship And Harms Of Lockdowns

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?fbclid=IwAR3x3NPcv4GSsw6UP7GIFNjMYZ9IbJO2_3Y8ox_AlzXNISRZ8KHJYVG2nC0&v=MynuWhCslys&feature=youtu.be Freedom of expression is enshrined in our Constitution, and...

    Peer-reviewed manuscript concludes that CDC massively inflates COVID-19 case and death numbers with creative statistics

    February 12, 2021 4 min read admin TheCOVIDBlog.comFebruary 12, 2021

    Video: The 2020 Worldwide Corona Crisis

    Maya Nogradi Interviews Prof. Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Maya Nogradi Global...

    Mark Taliano’s Voices from Syria is a well documented analysis that refutes mainstream media narratives on Syria.  Having spent years observing and researching, Taliano explains in detail which western politicians support terror, how humanitariasm is feigned to cover crimes, and why mainstream media is corrupt to the core.

    With chapters on Syria and imperialism, the Syrian Arab army, and international capital, Voices from Syria humanizes the Syrian people, their culture, and their nation in a way that is normally not permitted in wartime.  Focusing on the truth as an instrument for building peace and counter-propaganda, Taliano reveals what unites humanity with the people of Syria in their struggle against foreign aggression, and the courage and resilience of this nation’s civilian infrastructure.

    Voices from Syria aims to reverse the tide of media disinformation by reaching out to western public opinion on behalf of the people of Syria.  The west’s political spin is laid bare in the words of the Syrian people, “Stop killing innocent civilians in pursuit of your fake war on terrorism”.  This superbly composed antidote to disgraceful anti-Syria propaganda is a must read…you won’t put it down!