
How to help me sue for libel (and for academic freedom and free speech)

This link will take you to the GoFundMe page:

Thank you!


Instead of busting woman selling flowers without a permit, this good cop (in Florida) buys all of them

I’m inching my way back into service, primarily (for now) with stories focusing on gleams of light amid the darkness.


Postscript to the petition in defense of David Miller

David Miller serves on the board of the Organisation for Propaganda Studies, as I do; and I am proudly standing with him as he faces fierce attack (by Zionist interests, in his case).

However, I do not approve of the petition’s faulting the Israeli government for failing to inject the Palestinian people with the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, which I don’t think is safe enough for use on Jews OR Palestinians—or anybody else. To cast access to that vaccine as a human right strikes me as a grave error, since, in my view, its rushed development and quasi-forcible administration—and the universal media blackout on its actual effectiveness and often horrid side effects—together constitute a crime against humanity.


Professor David Miller (no relation) is yet another academic needing your support

I just signed the petition, “Academics and supporters of civil liberties: Defend Professor David Miller – Defend Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom,” and wanted to see if you could help by adding your name.

Our goal is to reach 2,500 signatures and we need more support. You can read more and sign the petition here:

Mark Crispin Miller


Update on libel lawsuit: MCM brief/affidavit in response to colleagues’ motion to dismiss

Friends, here are the documents my lawyer filed on Tuesday, in response to my colleagues’ motion to dismiss, arguing that (a) their charges are not libelous, because they are essentially true; (b) it was not they, but I, who publicized this matter; and (c) they did not mean to have me fired.

I’m sending this not just to bring you up to date on this particular case, and thereby set the record straight about it (once again), but, as well, because I think my affidavit makes important points about how propaganda works, and constitutes a powerful statement in defense of academic freedom, and—even more importantly—on what it means to be a teacher.

Thank you, as ever, for your ongoing support.



Update from NFU (with the latest “paper jam”)


I’m now working with a very Lyme-literate doctor, who takes an integrative/holistic approach, has an excellent track record with a range of ailments that the “health” establishment considers non-existent (like chronic Lyme and CFS, just to name a few), and who willingly takes on unusual cases—like mine. (She agrees with all my other doctors that my illness has no doubt been worsened, and protracted, by the excessive stress of this past year—not just for all of us, but me in particular.)

Speaking of my own peculiar stress, I can also report that the colleagues whom I’m suing for libel have finally responded to the complaint, with a motion to dismiss. About that I will say no more, other than to note that we’re preparing our response, which is due in a few weeks. (Like Ol’ Man River, the dean’s “expedited review” of my  “conduct” just keeps rolling along.)

Although not yet ready to provide my usual full-time service, today I offer you the latest “paper jam” by Amy Smiley—about the Biden/Harris inauguration. Though a tad dated now, it has lost nothing of its wit or power since Amy completed it. (I especially like that uncanny pair of photos at the bottom.)

Thanks to all who’ve sent me their well-wishes, including various health tips and leads, since my last email.



Update on my health

Many of you have sent me kind expressions of support, and, lately, anxious inquiries as to how I’m doing, in light of my persistent silence. I thank you for all that, and (finally) write to bring you up to date.

The doctors at NYU Langone admitted me on Jan. 21, to see if the recent worsening of my Lyme symptoms might be due to some further neurological disease. My two days there told them that I do not; and the neurologist whom they referred me to, and whom I saw (from the eyes up) this last Tuesday, reconfirmed that conclusion.

On the basis of the finding at the hospital, I decided to teach this semester, as planned (two sections of my film course, since—as you know—I was pressed to cancel my propaganda course). About a week after my return home from the hospital, it was clear that that decision was premature, as I was too ill to teach; so I requested a medical leave, which NYU granted.

So I’m devoting these next months to the restoration of my  health—continuing my long effort to get over Lyme disease at last, and also trying to determine if some other factor might explain this worsening of my longtime symptoms, and the flare-up of some new ones. It’s possible that EMF may be affecting me; and so I may decide to leave the city for some weeks, preferably to sojourn in some sunnier locale (though that would pose a big financial and logistical challenge). In any case, I’ll be suspending NFU for now, in hopes of being able to resume that service just as soon as I am able.

Meanwhile, my department colleagues have at last submitted their reply to my complaint, and my lawyer is going over it, so as to write up our response; and NYU’s “review” of my “conduct” is apparently continuing (I’ve heard nothing from on high), though it was supposed to end in mid-December.

That’s where things stand right now; and let me add that I am more than fortunate to have the constant help of both my family and some dear friends. I certainly will keep you posted. Thank you all, again, for your very kind (and often generous) support. 


Where I’ve been this week (and where we all are now)

I’ve been silent all this week because I spent the last few days at NYU Langone, the hospital affiliated with the university. On Sunday, my most acute Lyme symptoms had so worsened that my doctors sent me to the ER, where I was told that it seemed possible that I’m now suffering from some neurological disease as well as Lyme, so that I ought to be admitted for a range of tests, and further observation.

So I checked in that night, and got home yesterday. The good news is that I evidently have no such condition, so that I may proceed to deal with those more acute Lyme symptoms as an out-patient. (I also now have vertigo, which may be a Lyme symptom, too.) 

The whole experience was, of course, exhausting—and surreal, what with the entire staff masked, making it impossible to have a human conversation, even with the most attentive and compassionate personnel. (They were mostly excellent.) Since I could not be treated
otherwise, I was tested for COVID-19, and it was negative, so I wasn’t in a COVID ward; but the pandemic atmosphere was heavy on my floor, as all throughout the hospital, all hospitals in New York City (and elsewhere). 

Out in the world, meanwhile, the Democratic (!) crackdown on free speech has intensified this week, with Biden reportedly warning that “conspiracy theories” concerning the election (and, presumably, much else) will not be “tolerated,” while the “insurrection” on 1/6 has been ever more hysterically and luridly played up as grounds for Trump’s impeachment, in order to ensure that he can never again run for office: an obvious attempt—whatever one may think of him—to thwart the will of an electorate that might (however deludedly, perhaps) want him instead of Biden to be president four years from now. This propaganda drive has necessarily entailed attacks on every voice and forum that somehow contradicts the terroristic narrative, so that it’s getting ever harder to hear, read and/or see anything that’s not in perfect harmony with all the state and corporate organs thundering that narrative non-stop. 

Those dissident voices seem to include mine, as, since the weekend, my usual daily flood of emails has dwindled to a trickle (as happened only for one day a few weeks back), and the donations to my GoFundMe pages just stopped as of two days ago. One email that I did receive informed me that several attempts to donate, via different servers and computers, had failed; so it now seems that GoFundMe, as PayPal has done to other dissidents (not me, not yet), is part of the state/corporate merger against wrongthink. As well, the daily number of new signatories to my petition has now markedly declined, despite the ongoing circulation of the several podcasts I have done, and an item on my situation published by the Free Speech Union in the UK. 

So I send this out today in hopes that it will get to you, half-expecting it too to be blocked, as we unhappy few (though I suspect there really aren’t so few of us) who contradict or question the Big Lie are obviously under an attack whose scale  and comprehensiveness are quite unprecedented in world history.


Facebook purges many leftist groups and individuals

Article link:


Court in Weimar (fittingly) rules lockdown, “social distancing,” unconstitutional

And let’s recall that Germany’s highest court found e-voting unconstitutional, in 2009.

Don’t know how significant this is.

Article link:


First study of masking by children (in Germany) notes many “impairments,” physical and psychological, reported by parents