

this was supposed to be funnier than it actually came out 

youve done it! youve boiled being in your early twenties down to its bare essentials!


muffy’s lunch consists of three sandwiches and a bread roll









but have you considered a dunsparce in a cute hat


Consider it considered




He likes to make puns!

oooh yes gimme that good content


adding mine so they’re all in the same place


I used pokego for ideas

May 26 • 1095N • via • src
May 26 • 22848N • via • src

[radio voice] this is apollo 11 to houston, the moon is gay. i repeat the moon is gay.


[people cheering in the background]

May 26 • 215814N • via



Just to reiterate that reblog from a while ago about ffnet dying and how one day probably soon we’re gonna blink and it’ll just be gone:

I’m trying to make backups of the few things I’m not too embarrassed to keep from Way Back When (because I’m also like 4+ computers beyond what I originally wrote that shit on and some of it got lost in data migrations)

And guys

The password recovery is NON FUNCTIONAL.

That site is circling the drain, so if you’ve got stuff on there you want to keep, go save it now.

This has been a PSA from your local digital archivist/ fandom old.

Don’t know who might end up seeing this, but fichub.net can convert fics off of fanfiction.net into downloadable formats. I’ve seen a ton of people talking about all these complicated work-arounds to screenshot or even copy/paste entire fics in order to save them before the site goes down, but this is wayyyy easier!! It seems like a lot of fic conversion websites don’t actually handle stuff from ff.net all that well, so it took me a bit of digging before I found one that works– but this one does, it’s extremely easy to use, and it supports EPUB, MOBI, PDF, and Zipped HTML formats! It even preserves all the fic’s metadata and formatting, and you don’t have to download it chapter by chapter, you just copy/paste the fic’s url into the search bar, export it, and then choose your preferred format and download the whole thing in one shot. Easy peasy!

May 26 • 21685N • via • src









I don’t know what I’m onto, but I’m definitely on to something


Where’s the forbidden “Bad Idea, Funny Execution”

I will create it myself if need be

You fools that’s fyre fest


Made a chart for it

Eagerly awaiting the forbidden “Bad Idea, Good Execution” event.

kirby has no ankles because the goddess athena saw what happened to achilles and decided to create a warrior without a flaw this time


Let’s take this pan visibility day to celebrate the diversity in the pan community;

Happy pan visibility day to panromantic asexuals, aromantic pansexuals, pan-oriented aroaces, panaesthetic people, panalterous people, pansensual people, and panplatonic people!

Happy pan visibility day to pan people with a gender preference, in opposite gender relationships, and who call their relationship gay and/or straight!

Happy pan visibility day to pan lesbians, pan gays, and pan bis!

Happy pan visibility day to pan people who are still in the closet!

Happy pan visibility day to Biracial, Indigenous, Black, POC, Asian, Muslim, and Jewish pan people!

Happy pan visibility day to fat pan people!

Happy pan visibility day to buff pan people!

Happy pan visibility day to disabled pan people!

Happy pan visibility day to trans, non-binary, genderfluid, agender pan people!

Happy pan visibility day to pan people who use neopronouns, nounpronouns, xenopronouns, and MOGAI genders!

Y’all are absolutely incredible, wonderful, and I wish you all a superb pan visibility day.

May 25 • 891N • via • src