Katherine Gun

Charles Bowden

Marc Levin

Kelly O' Meara

Stan Alpert

Daniel Ellsberg

Tim Shorrock

House of Death 9










The Federally Protected Child Rapist.

listen - 13 mb mp3

A federal / state narcotic task force in Albuquerque, New Mexico, took a child rapist who had raped so many young boys in the past that "he lost count," as their undercover informant. Yes, they removed him from custody. While working under the protection of the feds, the informant, MICHAEL ROBINSON. continued to rape young boys; on one occasion raping two boys in one day. The allegations are that the feds knew that their informant was the predatory rapist being hunted by local police and continued to protect him so that he would not be discredited as a witness in a drug case.

Tonight, Mike and Mark speak with retired detective Jeannie Webb, the officer who courageously arrested ROBINSON (in spite of the feds) and subsequently paid with her career.

About the Guest:

Jeannie Webb was a Detective in the Crimes Against Children/Sex Crimes unit (they handled all adult assaults as well). She's had a total of 24 years experience in Law Enforcement, 20 of those years with the Bernalillo County Sheriff's Department.

She retired in 2004 and is now working part time as the Foster Care Coordinator for Rio Grande and Mineral Counties in Colorado.





The 20/20 segment referenced in tonight's show:


Mike on Inside Edition
The Mexican Drug War Fraud

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Mike's professional website is here: www.policetrialexpert.com.

Attorneys or Law Enforcement agencies wishing to procure Mike's services should visit here.



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