U.S. News

Rick Scott circulates memo declaring the 'Republican civil war is canceled'

In a two-page letter first obtained by Fox News, Sen. Rick Scott, the chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), declared the GOP "civil war" to be "over."

"The Republican Civil War is now cancelled," Scott said in the memo that was widely circulated throughout the Republican Party.

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Texas largely relies on natural gas for power — it wasn’t ready for the extreme cold

Failures across Texas' natural gas operations and supply chains due to extreme temperatures are the most significant cause of the power crisis that has left millions of Texans without heat and electricity during the winter storm sweeping the U.S.

From frozen natural gas wells to frozen wind turbines, all sources of power generation have faced difficulties during the winter storm. But Texans largely rely on natural gas for power and heat generation, especially during peak usage, experts said.

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One-third of Texas power grid officials do not live in Texas: report

On Tuesday, the Austin American-Statesman reported that one-third of the leaders of the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), the governing body that oversees Texas' independent power grid, do not actually live in Texas — including the chair and vice chair.

"Sally Talberg, chairwoman of ERCOT's board of directors, is a former state utility regulator who lives in Michigan, according to her biography on ERCOT's website," reported Madlin Mekelburg. "Vice Chairman Peter Cramton is a professor of economics at the University of Cologne in Germany and at the University of Maryland. His Linkedin profile lists his location as Del Mar, Calif."

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'Sociopathic': New reports suggest Trump sided with violent mob during Capitol attack

As a violent mob of his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol Building last month, then-President Donald Trump rejected pleas from Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy—one of his top GOP allies—to call off the assault and remarked, "Well, Kevin, I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are."

Reported by CNN late Friday and publicly confirmed by a Republican lawmaker who voted to impeach Trump last month, the details of the former president's comments during a phone call with McCarthy while the Capitol was under attack on January 6 came after Trump's attorneys presented their falsehood-riddled case against conviction on the fourth day of the Senate impeachment trial, with a verdict expected as early as Saturday.Trump's attorneys contended that the former president wanted the demonstrators who marched to the Capitol just after his now-infamous speech to peacefully protest, but observers said CNN's reporting makes that argument even less credible than it was Friday afternoon.

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'History is watching and so is the nation': Senate urged to convict Trump as impeachment trial wraps up

While Democratic prosecutors and attorneys for Donald Trump on Friday wrapped up the fourth day of the former president's unprecedented second impeachment trial, senators faced mounting pressure to convict Trump for inciting the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol with months of lies about the 2020 presidential election."Americans are united in condemning the deadly attack on the Capitol, and they are united in their belief that those responsible must be held accountable," declared Common Cause president Karen Hobert Flynn, whose group sent a letter (pdf) to senators on Friday.

"Responsibility for that dark day in our nation's history begins with former President Trump, who orchestrated and incited the insurrection, and he must be held accountable," Hobert Flynn continued. "Donald Trump must be convicted and banned from ever holding office again."

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'We shouldn't have followed him': Nikki Haley turns on Trump after MAGA riots

Former Trump United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley has turned on former President Donald Trump for his role in stoking the United States Capitol riots on January 6th.

In an interview with Politico's Tim Alberta, Haley said that she didn't think Trump would be a significant figure in the Republican Party going forward, and she admitted it was a mistake for the GOP to help him in his efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

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Case dismissed against New York cops who pushed elderly man to the ground and gave him a brain injury

During a protest in Buffalo, New York, 75-year-old Martin Gugino, a faithful peace activist and Catholic church volunteer, was shoved to the ground by police officers and was knocked unconscious. The incident was filmed and posted online showing Gugino bleeding from his ears and ultimately "sent him to the hospital for a month to recover from a brain injury and a fractured skull," said USA Today last August.

Now, according to the New York Daily News, the charges against the two officers who shoved the man, are being dismissed.

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Discord bans subreddit accused of manipulating GameStop stock price to ruin hedge funds: report

On Wednesday, The Verge reported that the networking platform Discord has banned the server for r/WallStreetBets, the community on Reddit that has bragged about manipulating the stock market.

r/WallStreetBets gained national attention this week after a campaign to aggressively buy up shares in GameStop, the nationwide video game retailer, after learning that several large Wall Street hedge funds were short-selling the stock due to the chain's financial struggles. The campaign dramatically drove up the price of GameStop shares, wiping out millions of dollars in value at these hedge funds at a stroke.

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The View's Meghan McCain smacks Nikki Haley and Josh Hawley for selling their souls to ‘imitate Trump’

"The View" co-host Meghan McCain bashed fellow Republicans who are cynically trying to woo Donald Trump supporters with phony acts.

McCain has been saying the party is in shambles since Trump tried to overturn his election loss, and she ripped Nikki Haley and Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) for going along with the ousted president's lies as he faces impeachment for inciting an insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

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Kevin McCarthy faces the same battle as Paul Ryan and John Boehner in fractured GOP: report

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is facing some of the problems that plagued his predecessors as he enters the new session of Congress, Axios reported.

As the far-right wing of the Republican caucus gained speed and power in Congress, former Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) fled for greener pastures. Former Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) then took control of the party, trying to parlay the growing "tea party" movement into passing conservative legislation like tax cuts and large spending cuts. It didn't match President Donald Trump's agenda and there was no way for Ryan to save endangered Republicans in the 2018 anti-Trump election.

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Trump supporters are threatening lawmakers as the second impeachment approaches: report

Washington lawmakers were left terrorized after the U.S. Capitol came under attack on Jan. 6. The night before, Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-CA) told her husband where her will was located if she was killed. Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser asked for National Guard support days in advance. Now, that fear has returned as some lawmakers face threats ahead of impeachment.

The Associated Press cited sources revealing that federal law enforcement officials are already investigating threats ahead of the beginning of the trial in the Senate.

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Republicans talked Trump out of starting the 'Patriot Party': Maggie Haberman

After threatening to start his own political party, former President Donald Trump has been talked out of it, New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman tweeted Sunday evening.

Last week, the Wall Street Journal reported that Trump discussed with aides whether he should start a party for his own voters as an increasing number of Republicans spoke out against the Capitol insurrection.

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Chuck Schumer shuts down McConnell's attempt to stop Trump impeachment

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) let Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) know that he won't have a role in controlling the impeachment trial for President Donald Trump.

Schumer granted Republicans an extra two weeks to prepare for the trial against Trump, but the GOP took it a step further on Sunday, prompting the Democratic leader to shut McConnell down, BBC reporter Hugo Lowell reported.

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