The Economist - World News, Politics, Economics, Business & Finance

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Middle East & Africa

Does Mahmoud Ahmadinejad want to be president of Iran again?

As the election approaches, he is mulling a run. But the clerics might stand in his way

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Week in charts: America and the climate

Spawning SPACs • China’s slow vaccine roll-out • Another Italian government • France’s forever war


Schumpeter: How to design CEO pay to punish iniquity, not just reward virtue

Firms are increasingly trying to make badly behaved bosses hand their earnings back

Books & arts

The rise and charms of LP bars in South Korea

Tired of your job? Own too many records? Time to open a bar

Readers’ favourites

Science & technology

Parents of daughters are more likely to divorce than those with sons

But the difference only emerges when the children are teenagers

Finance & economics

Why SPACs are Wall Street’s latest craze

Blank-cheque firms appeal to everyone, from sophisticated financiers to sportsmen

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Data on inbred nobles support a leader-driven theory of history

The Habsburg noble family were the kings and queens of much of Europe—and of inbreeding


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Vaccinating the world

Special report: The future of travel

What will travel look like after the pandemic?

Covid-19 has brought international travel to a standstill. But it will recover and may even become a better experience, says Simon Wright

Could covid-19 shake up air travel for the better?

Governments’ re-entry into airlines may spur more competition

How today’s reviled airlines could become greener

The pandemic has drawn attention to the environmental damage caused by air travel

Business travel may never fully recover from covid-19

Business class was late to the game. It might be early to leave too

The pandemic has hurt corporate jets less than commercial ones

The wealthy are not bound by airline schedules

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