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              Convention – Senedh Kernow

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Pedyr Prior
1952 — 2018
"The only voluntary haircut which I endured throughout my early teenage life was administered by a cheerfully stoic and reassuringly direct boy
called Peter Prior . . ." more

Welcome to the
                  Campaign for a Cornish Assembly

Welcome to the
                  Campaign for a Cornish Assembly

"We, the People of Cornwall, must have a greater say in how we
are governed
We need a Cornish Assembly that can set
the right democratic priorities for Cornwall and
provide a stronger voice for
our communities in Britain
, in Europe and
throughout the wider world

Cornish Assembly Campaign Declaration,
endorsed by 50,000 signatories

Latest news

13th March 2021
Levelling-up Devo: the role of National Government in making a success
of Devolution in Englan

The Devolution All-Party Parliamentary Group

"Virtually all British Governments claim to be in favour of devolution and localism, but the
actual appetite for ‘allowing’ power and decision making to reside at
a local level is much more variable . . ." more
pdf version
5th March 2021
Governing Cornwall in the 20th Century Conference
Proportional Voting Systems and Options for Devolved Cornish Governance
27th February 2021

Governing Cornwall in the 20th Century Conference from CornishConstitutionalConvention on Vimeo
7th February 2021
Governing Cornwall in the 21st Century
You are invited to join a webinar exploring Proportional Voting systems and
options for devolved Cornish Governance
Saturday 27th February 2021
10:00 - 11:30 am
29th November 2020
We are working with Cornwall Make Votes Matter to arrange a conference
Imagining a New Democratic Settlement for Cornwall.
Save the date - 27th February 2021 - more details to follow.

The conference will be split into two parts: electoral reform and constitutional reform.
This survey focuses on constitutional reform and real devolution of power to Cornwall.
Use the survey to tell us what you think and how you see devolution in practice.

21st March 2020
Johnson’s egocentric budget gives him everything and local councils nothing
Simon Jenkins | The Guardian
"I cannot imagine any other country, democracy or dictatorship, where the centre would so
obsessively micromanage its public sector.  Britain is off the graph for centralisation.
Its local government now has a mere 1.6% of GDP for its spending, against
6% in Germany, 12% in France and 15% in Sweden . . ." more
14th October 2019
Reforming our Union: Shared Governance in the UK
"This document sets out for public debate a series of propositions, twenty in total, reflecting
that perspective. The propositions are organised under the headings of General Principles;
Legislatures and Legislative Powers; Executive Powers: Governments, Agencies and Civil
Service; Finance; Justice and the Courts; and Constitutional Reform . . ." more
29th August 2019
Welsh Government to consider the future of the UK
"The Welsh Government has announced plans to prepare a report on the future of the
United Kingdom and described the current Tory government as a threat to
the integrity of the UK . . ." more
15th December 2018
Good news for the Cornish from ONS about 2021 Census – it's all about data!
"Long-term census campaigner and Cornish Constitutional Convention chair, Bert Biscoe,
welcomes ONS White Paper . . ." more
The 2021 Census of Population and Housing in England and Wales
"The UK Statistics Authority has made its recommendations on the content and conduct of
the 2021 Census for England and Wales, as set out in this white paper . . ." more
Census 2021 : Meeting the data needs of the Cornish
letter from John Pullinger, National Statistician
"Dear Ms Newton, I want to take this opportunity to thank you and your fellow Cornish
Members of Parliament for your contribution in response to the consultation
and research undertaken for the 2021 Census topics . . . " more
10th March 2018
Council of Europe Support for Cornish Culture Ignites the Big TV Kernow Debate
Saturday 17th March 10:00 am
Trelawny Room | Lys Kernow | TR1 3AY
"Guest speaker Denzil Monk will be describing his thinking about utilising and inspiring the
creative communities of Cornwall by developing a case to present to the Director
General and Trustees of the BBC calling for parity through the establishment
of a BBC iPlayer based BBC Kernow channel . . ." more
1st March 2018
10:00 am
Saturday 17th March 2018
Lys Kernow  |  New County Hall
12th December 2017
The Long View - Catalonia & Cornwall
BBC Radio 4
"Jonathan Freedland compares the Catalan government's recent bid for independence
with a moment during the English Civil War when the military commander,
Sir Richard Grenville, devised a plan to gain more
autonomy for Cornwall.
Jonathan and his guests visit historic locations in Launceston, the ancient
capital of Cornwall, where this story took place."
16th September 2016
What Cornish National Minority Status means for Museum
( and Arts and Culture Organisations )

Museums Journal
"The decision to recognise the unique identity of the Cornish, now affords them
the same status under the European Framework Convention for the
Protection of National Minorities as the UK’s other Celtic people,
the Scots, the Welsh and the Irish . . ." more
3rd June 2016
House of Lords Select Committee on the Constitution
10th Report of Session 2015–16 HL Paper 149
The Union and Devolution
( Including evidence presented by Convention Chairman Julian German )

"We believe that the four nations of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales
are stronger united than apart. The Union has brought stability, peace and
prosperity to the United Kingdom.  Yet today, the Union is under threat.

Power has been devolved to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland in an ad hoc,
piecemeal fashion. Successive Governments have taken the Union for
granted. Proper consideration of the cumulative impact of devolution
on the integrity of the Union itself has been lacking . . ." more
24th May 2016

Due to the worsening political climate, Making Devolution Work conference
has been postponed

28th March 2016
Advance Notice of Conference
The Cornish Constitutional Convention will be holding a conference
Making Devolution Work
Tuesday 14th June 2016 from 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm
at Lys Kernow (New County Hall) Truro
Details to follow
8th March 2016

The UK's Forgotten Devolution Movement
New Statesman
"In to the 1960s both the Scottish and Welsh nationalists were considered a laughing
stock, and not just by the English," writes Matthew Engel in Engel’s England.
"So it might be wise not to be too dismissive of the Cornish . . ." more

27th January 2016

Cornish Devolution in the Aftermath of the 2015 General Election:
Towards a more Sustainable Governance?

Political Quarterly Themed Special Issue:
Answering the English Question(s)? ‘New Regionalism’ and the Politics of Decentralisation
Dr Joanie Willett, University of Exeter
"This paper considers the Devolution Deal won by Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly in the
summer of 2015.  It asks if the Deal constitutes a more sustainable governance,
concluding that whilst there are some factors that help to enhance
sustainability, other areas urgently require more attention . ." more

25th November 2015
Julian German giving evidence to the House of Lords Constitution Commitee
25th November 2015

House of Lords Constitution Committee 25th November 2015 on Vimeo
Full hearing at

4th November 2015

MP defends Cornish devolution deal - with a quote from Superman
Western Morning News
A Cornish MP has defended the county's devolution deal complete with a quote from
Superman, amid scepticism about the Government's supposed
requirement for elected mayors . . ." more

25th July 2015

Johnson seeks devolved powers for London
Daily Telegraph
"Boris Johnson is seeking a new devolution deal for London to give it greater powers
over skills, criminal justice, transport and housing.  The Mayor of London, whose
tenure ends in less than a year, has reportedly met Greg Clark, the
Communities Secretary, to discuss new powers.  He has united
with London Councils,the umbrella group for the city's
boroughs, to make a list of demands.

It comes as ministers move to delegate new powers to several cities.
Jules Pipe, the mayor of Hackney who chairs London Councils said
there was "a real risk of London falling behind even Cornwall"
in its level of influence over areas such as skills."

24th July 2015
Recent Press
Cornwall gets first county-wide devolution deal | Public Finance
Cornwall agrees first devolution deal for rural authority | Local Government Executive
Cornwall becomes the first county to gain devolution deal | Government Business
Cornwall becomes first county to receive devolved powers | Local Government Lawyer
23rd July 2015
Cameron devolves range of powers to Cornwall
Financial Times
"The prime minister described it as a “major shift for the people who live and work
in Cornwall — putting power in their hands and giving them the tools to
take charge and make the most of the fantastic
potential that Cornwall holds” . . ." more
16th July 2015
 Cornwall becomes first rural authority in England to agree devolution deal
Department for Communities and Local Government Press Release
Cornwall Council Press Release
13th July 2015
Time for county and district councils to jump on the devolution bandwagon
Public Finance
"Devolution in England is gathering pace.  In the Budget, the chancellor made it clear
that he considered that the process of shifting power away from
Westminster has only just begun . . ." more
10th July 2015
South-western powerhouse : Cornwall pitches for more local powers

The Economist
"It is not often that Cornwall gets a mention in a chancellor of the exchequer’s budget.
But on July 8th, as George Osborne laid out his vision for all levels of the
economy and all corners of the nation, he promised more say in local
decision-making for England’s most southerly county . . ." more
9th July 2015
Building the case for Cornwall’s devolution
NewStart Magazine
"The focus on a ‘northern powerhouse’ is an opportunity to think about how devolution
can stimulate the economy in other parts of England . . ." more
7th July 2015
Cornwall set to win 'NHS devolution' deal
The Independent
"Cornwall is set to win its own ‘NHS devolution’ deal, which could see the county
take control of a £2bn combined health, care and welfare budget
by the end of the decade . . ." more
1st July 2015
The Case for Cornwall : To Create a Sustainable Cornwall
Paul Masters
Corporate Director, Cornwall Council
pdf of Conference Powerpoint presentation
29th June 2015
Does Cornwall want Devolution?
Dr John Ault
Associate Research Fellow (British Election Study) University of Exeter
pdf of Conference Powerpoint presentation
27th June 2015
Cornwall Chamber of Commerce | Business Plan for Cornwall
The Cornwall Business Community's View
Toby Parkins
President, Cornwall Chamber of Commerce
pdf of Conference Powerpoint presentation
25th June 2015
Conference Confirms Growing Appetite for Devolution
"George Eustice MP told the conference that the Government acknowledges Cornwall's
distinct identity and particular needs.  Indeed, Mr Eustice said that the
Prime Minister fully backed last year's official recognition of the
Cornish as a national minority . . ." more
24th June 2015
Conference Speakers discuss Devolution for Cornwall : What Future Now?

CCC Conference 20vi15 from CornishConstitutionalConvention on Vimeo

20th June 2015
Cornwall is being urged to take control of its own destiny and reap the benefits of
seizing power from Westminster

Cornish Guardian
George Eustice : "I'm Cornish and I'm passionate about Cornwall's heritage.  We need to
see about giving Cornwall the powers which would make the difference . . ." more
Control of Cornwall's Heritage should be brought closer to home, Minister tells Conference
Western Morning News
Cornwall is being urged to take control of its own destiny and reap the benefits of
seizing power from Westminster . . ." more
18th June 2015

Devolution for Cornwall : What Future Now?
Cornish Constitutional Convention Conference
Saturday June 20th 2015
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
New County Hall, Treyew Road, TRURO  TR1 3AY


Julian German | Chair, Cornish Constitutional Convention
Welcome and Opening Remarks

John Ault | Institute of Cornish Studies
Voters Attitudes to Devolution in Cornwall

Dick Cole | Leader, Mebyon Kernow
The Benefits of Devolution

Paul Masters | Corporate Director, Cornwall Council
The Case for Cornwall

Toby Parkins | President, Cornwall Chamber of Commerce
The Business Perspective

George Eustice MP | Minister of State
The Government's Position and Context for Cornwall

Pedyr Prior | Cornwall Constitutional Convention Steering Group Member
The Convention's Perspective

25th May 2015
Will English regions get Manchester-style devolution?
The Guardian
"Post-election, localists in England may struggle to get their voices heard as Westminster
politicians are consumed by the urgent issues of Scotland and Europe . . ." more
19th May 2015

Devolution for Cornwall : What future now?
Cornish Constitutional Convention Conference
Saturday June 20th 2015
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
New County Hall, Treyew Road, TRURO  TR1 3AY
Further information to follow

15th May 2015
George Osborne outlines city devolution plan for England
BBC News
George Osborne : "It is time for you to take control of your own affairs"
"English cities will get powers over housing, transport, planning and policing under plans
set out in George Osborne's first post-election speech . . ." more
1st April 2015

Cornish Constitutional Convention condemn the merger of Devon & Cornwall Police Force
with that of Dorset

"This is making policing even more remote to the residents of Cornwall.
There is a great concern regarding the reduction of policing in Cornwall and we do not believe
this will help in any way.
It will move the focus of policing even further to the east, past Exeter"

14th March 2015
'A Cornish Assembly?'
Presentation for the Institute of Cornish Studies Symposium
11th March 2015
"The Assembly, Senedh Kernow, will function at roughly the same level as the
Welsh or Northern Ireland Assemblies and would have its own
direct relationship with central government.
 To be clear, we are talking about a body with legislative powers . . ." more
25th November 2014

Why Cornwall's case for a regional government is strong
Western Morning News
"Devolution is commonplace around the world.  It is the UK that is the odd one out.
  Cornwall is bigger than many states and regions, from Aland, the self-governing
region of Finland with a population of 29,000 to the country of
Liechtenstein with a population of 35,000 . . . " more

18th November 2014

We are the region most likely to make a success of devolution
Western Morning News
"Cornwall doesn't want the sort of devolution which either Manchester is getting, or
which Professor Gripaios thinks is the sole formula on offer.  The Government's
present position is flexibility – by tailoring devolution to the needs of
particular regions, more success can be achieved.  On that point,
Cornwall and the Government are as one . . ." more

15th November 2014
11:00 am
Discussion with Dr Joanie Willett
Towards a more federal Britain: Making a Cornish Assembly happen?
followed by AGM
Lys Kernow  |  New County Hall
5th November 2014

Cornish Devolution : Focus on the Practical rather than the Rhetorical
Andrew George MP
"Mr George, who has consistently campaigned for more powers to a Cornish
Regional Assembly and is a founder and Vice-Chair of the
Cornish Constitutional Convention, said,
"The BBC's own analysis from the debate tonight is confusing
and a little simplistic . . ." more

29th October 2014
Letter from Convention Chair Julian German
"The year has been a very busy one.  Not least due to the Scottish referendum
which, as well as being interesting, has generated much interest in Cornwall
and in devolution across communities in the UK and beyond . . ." more 
23rd September 2014
The 'Cornish Question'
Address by John Pollard, Leader Cornwall Council
"I have made it clear, my personal view is that we do not need new layers of
government; Cornwall Council can deliver what an Assembly would
if we are given the authority.

This will not be radical enough for some and a step too far for many, BUT unless
we agreeand make a strong case we will languish as an authority
whose potential has never been realised . . ." more
20th September 2014
Devolution strikes back – but do Cornwall and Yorkshire want more powers
. . .or just more money?

New Statesman
"The poverty levels show that Cornwall is getting a bad deal from being part of the
United Kingdom.  If prospectors struck oil off the Falmouth coast tomorrow,
I don't see how anyone could blame the Cornish for rolling out
barbed wire along the banks of the Tamar . . ." more
Scottish vote sparks fresh calls for devolution across UK
Daily Express
"The Scottish government has now been promised 'extensive new powers' on tax
and welfare and a final say over the NHS.
Now other parts of the UK, including London, Cornwall and Wales, are expected
to fight their corner in this debate and attempt to wrangle
more freedom from Westminster . . ." more
Cornwall must speak with one voice to secure devolution deal
Western Morning News
"As Scotland votes in the referendum, Julian German chairman of the
Cornish Constitutional Convention, says devolution for
Cornwall and the regions should follow . . ." more
Scotland Independence Results: Is an Independent Cornwall On the Cards?
International Business Times
"Campaigners for Cornish devolution have stepped up action to get
increased powers for Cornwall following the result of the
Scottish independence referendum . . ." more
Campaigners for Cornish devolution determined to win more powers for Cornwall
Irish Independent
"With Scotland saying No to independence, campaigners for Cornish devolution are
determined to win increased powers for Cornwall . . ." more
19th September 2014
English Parliament no devolution solution
The MJ
"Now is the time to look at devolution of finance and powers to cities, city regions,
combined authorities and county-regions. A different approach for
different areas depending on local circumstances . . ." more
13th September 2014
Yorkshire First
"Yorkshire and the Humber has a similar population to Scotland and an economy
almost double that of Wales, and it's about time it had similar powers . . ." more
12th September 2014
How the independence referendum energised devolution around the UK
The Guardian
"There is a growing feeling in Cornwall that the Scottish referendum will eventually
lead to greater self-government in the far south-west of Britain . . ." more
#indyref : the English regions that want devolution too
Channel 4 News
"It is not just the big cities that are pushing for more powers. Cornwall, whose Celtic
people received "minority rights" status in April, has a population of 547,000.
With a small economy worth £7bn and salaries way below the UK and EU
average, it would like to raise more of the money it spends . . ." more
18th August 2014
Scottish independence : Is Cornwall more like Scotland than England?
BBC News
"Cornwall is about as far away from Scotland as it is possible to get by land in
the UK and has a vibrant nationalist identity.  But does it share
more with Scotland than England? . . ." more
12th August 2014
Bill Jamieson : Salmond is ahead in the long game
The Scotsman
"Meanwhile in the far south-west, devolution pressure is mounting.
In January, John Pollard, leader of Cornwall Council, submitted an outstanding
paper to the Fiscal Devolution to Cities and City Regions Inquiry
recommending a repatriation of business rates for the county,
flexibility in business rate setting, more control over investment in infrastructure
and calling for facts and figures in areas
such as the devolution of council tax and stamp duty . . ." more
28th June 2014
Scotland's independence referendum is spurring the desire for
political devolution in England

"Arianna Giovannini and Joanie Willett explore the uneven path of
English regionalism, focusing on two cases : the North East and Cornwall,
during and after the New Labour government. 
Scotland's referendum has reminded people that there are alternatives,
and that regional devolution is a possible solution to
a London-centric problem . . ." more
24th April 2014
Cornish Granted Minority Status within the UK
"Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Danny Alexander, today announced that the proud
history, unique culture, and distinctive language of Cornwall
will befully recognised under European rules for the
protection of national minorities . . ." more
24th March 2014
Minister signals 'appetite' for Cornwall devolution deal
West Briton
"Speaking to the Western Morning News, Mr Clark signalled his enthusiasm for
their plans.  He said : 'Cornwall is a place, from the Government's point of
view, where there's been a particular appetite to do a deal with'.

'It's a place that exemplifies par excellence my view that the people that know best
what is needed for the area are the people who live and work there' . . ." more
19th March 2014
Devolution's biggest hurdle : Whitehall's culture of contempt
"Regarding local government, it's hard to know whether the politicians who
signed up tothat 2010 decentralisation pledge, or the Ministers
subsequently responsible for implementing it, ever really believed in it –
other than as a vote-winning slogan . . ." more
15th March 2014
Achieving Political Decentalisation
Institute for Government
"In recent decades, UK parties of all political persuasions have made commitments
to decentralise power.  This is, in many ways, unsurprising.
The UK is one of the mostcentralised countries of its size in the developed world,
and English local government has the most circumscribed powers
of any equivalent tier internationally . . ." more
10th March 2014
OPINION : Cornish Assembly deserves a fair hearing
Western Morning News
"Most people 'east of the border' – as well as residents of Cornwall itself – may have
been baffled by Mebyon Kernow's St Piran's Day call for
a national assembly . . ." more
11th February 2014
Gwenno Saunders : This is Cymru Calling
"I see a need for every one of the countries that make up these isles to have the
power to choose their own destiny, we need to move away from a
centralised government that has no interest in what’s happening on the periphery . . ." more
7th January 2014
I Will Push for Cornish Recognition
"I recently got an email regarding the recognition of the Cornish People within the
Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
from the Cornwall Branch Celtic League.
This is something on which I have consistently led the campaign
in Parliament . . ." more
3rd December 2013
Chair Julian German's Address to Convention AGM
"The Steering Group has reaffirmed our fundamental tenants that; we are charged
with advancing progress toward a democratically-elected Assembly for Cornwall,
that we should be examining real and realistic models of constitutional change
for Cornwall, and we should be speaking the truth to power
– something we have always done well . . ." more

Cornwall Council Leader John Pollard's Address to Convention AGM
I have to tell you that I believe that it is by further empowering Cornwall Council
that Cornwall can take control of its own destiny.  Cornwall Council is now
the one representational body that Cornwall has and that's the way it
should be.  We do not need any further tiers of government
and we must share our power and responsibility with
the Towns and Parishes . . ." more
30th November 2013
The Judge's Dining Room : Bodmin Town Council
Shire House  Mount Folly
30th January 2013
Cornish Constitutional Convention welcomes MPs vote to defer plans for
Devonwall seat

"Our historic border should not be compromised.
Cornwall is one of the constituent parts of the United Kingdom; other borders are not
crossed for parliamentary seats and Cornwall should not be the exception.
We are content that the government wishes to review the number of MPs but Cornwall
has a strong identity and our border is one of the oldest in Europe.
We were totally opposed to a cross border constituency and welcome the fact
that this will not happen at the next General Election."
28th August 2012
Open Letter to Sarah Newton MP
"I'm suprised that, in preparing your article, you did not contact me or colleagues to
clarify the Convention's position.  We welcome constructive discourse, as I am
sure you will recall from your attendance at our pre-election
Annual General Meeting and
your participation in the debate that day . . ." more
20th August 2012
Autonomy not Autocracy - George Eustice and Sarah Newton are Wrong
"Nobody in Cornwall has ever said that the devolution campaign, which focuses on
the clear and easily understood concept of a ‘Cornish Assembly’, seeks
separation or divorce from Britain, or to break the Union
- this is rubbish put about by people who don’t want
to think carefully about how good governance works, or how good governance
needs to embrace both history and geography – and feelings . . ." more
22nd February 2012

Cornwall Council Cabinet Reshuffle
Congratulations to Julian German, whose new Cornwall Council Cabinet post,
Localism, Sustainability and Devolution, offers a real opportunity . . ." more

3rd February 2012

Cornish Constitutional Convention – the Next Phase
"There are a number of important factors which will affect how we proceed
in the next period . . ." more

3rd November 2010

Cornish Constitutional Convention Annual General Meeting 2010
10:00 am 20th November 2010
Truro City Council Chamber,  Boscawen Street,  Truro

Chair's Letter to Members
"On November 20th at 10am in Truro City Council Chamber we will hold our
10th Annual General Meeting.  I think the best way of briefly reviewing
the year for you is to describe an incident that occurred a few
weeks ago at Cornwall Council . . ." more

23rd July 2010

Cornish Constitutional Convention celebrates its 10th anniversary

The First Decade (Part I)
"Somebody from the Campaign for English Regions (based in Newcastle) made a
speech in Launceston.  He told the audience that Cornwall would be included
in the proposed South West, and a democratically elected
regional assembly would be set up. 
He said we had no choice and asked us to join him in bringing
this great project to fruition . . ." more

The First Decade (Part II)
"By 2000 Cornwall was awaking from a long voyage.  The triumphs and degradations
of its industrial and inventive past lay silent.  The elastoplast of a tourism, founded
on a myth of tranquil decline, was peeling away to reveal unhealed wounds,
and poverty, chronic depression and decay . . ." more

14th November 2009
Cornish Constitutional Convention Annual General Meeting 2009
Chairman's Report
"The Cornish Assembly is now the mainstream issue in forward-moving
Cornish politics.  It is one of those developments that officials and
government now assume will happen . . ." more
13th October 2009

The Next Push
"The new Cornwall Council unitary authority is a step along the way to secure
effective, efficient, responsive and forward-looking governance for Cornwall,
a peripheral, distinctive and different British region . . ." more

14th July 2009
Government of Cornwall Bill
introduced by Dan Rogerson MP, North Cornwall
"A Bill to establish and make provision about the Cornish Assembly; to transfer
functions and powers to the Assembly; and for connected purposes . . ." more
4th June 2009
Minister 'Stands Ready' to give Cornwall more 'Local Empowerment'
Press Release from Andrew George MP
Website link to House of Commons Debate 3rd June 2009
5th March 2009
Cornwall: A New Beginning?
"Cornwall must be ambitious and proud.   We are an outstanding region in the UK.
So let’s be outstanding in our political ambitions: . . ." more
10th May 2008
Letter to Blair Thompson, Chair, Cornwall Strategic Partnership
"I am writing in response to the invitation to advise the process of forming
the Sustainable Communities Strategy . . ." more
1st December 2007

Council Leader Whalley hints at new partnership and new role for
Convention “There is something inevitable about the
journey to a Cornish Assembly!”

“We are at the beginning of a process, and we have a strategy to achieve our
long term ambition to ensure that decisions about Cornwall, which affect
Cornwall and shape Cornwall, are made in Cornwall.   The
Government is beginning to see the light . . ." more

26th July 2007
The Cornish Unitary – A reflection on new challenges
(Cornish World and West Briton)
"Let's get the collective brain in gear – it's time to step across the unitary stone
and head for the Assembly on the other bank, via the
Cornish dispersed city region . . ." more
17th July 2007
HM Treasury Press Release
Government Review empowers regions and localities to spread
economic opportunity to all

"The Government is today launching the review of sub-national economic
development and regeneration, setting out bold plans to ensure that
every area of the country has theopportunity to
benefit from rising prosperity . . ." more
HM Treasury Publication
Review of Sub-National Economic Development and Regeneration

"The economic trends of globalisation and technological change will make it
increasingly important that places can respond quickly and flexibly to
economic change if they are to increase prosperity and tackle
effectively concentrations ofdisadvantage . . ." more (835kb)
21st June 2007
Submission to Local Government Review
" I am writing on behalf of the Cornish Constitutional Convention to offer its view of
the ‘One Cornwall' bid and options for Cornwall . . ." more
6th February 2007
Resolved by Cornwall Council 23rd January 2007
"Proposition : Without prejudice to the submissions made by Cornwall County Council or the
district councils, the Leader and CEO of Cornwall County Council convene an urgent meeting
of Leaders and CEOs of all Cornish principal authorities to propose an agreement to
submit a joint outline proposition for further discussion with her to
the Secretary of State to include : . . ." more
30th January 2007

A Good Start to 2007
"I am writing following the meeting at Cornwall Council on 23rd January at which the Council
decided to submit a bid to the Local Government Review . . ." more

23rd January 2007
Letter to Ruth Kelly MP, Secretary of State DCLG
"If we are to achieve the best for the people of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, and
if we are to fulfil our potential in a creative and sustainable way, then we need to
perceive of Cornwall & the Isles of Scilly as a rural and peripheral
equivalent of a city region – a dispersed, rural city . . ." more
28th December 2006

Western Morning News
Why did 30000 people march through the streets of Hayle?
"As we snooze away Christmas meals bureaucratic wheels are turning which may reorganise
local government in Cornwall . . ." more

29th November 2006

Towards the Cornish Governance Proposition
Objective : Best value governance of public sector services delivery...building on
existing assets, including the LAA and Strategic Partnerships . . . more

26th November 2006
Regional Spaces, Spaces of Regionalism:
Territory, Insurgent Politics and the English Question

Presentation slides (6.3 Mb pdf) of article by Martin Jones and Gordon MacLeod from
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, Volume 29, Issue 4, pp 433-452
Full text available from Blackwell Synergy
26th October 2006
Cornish Convention welcomes new white paper
Historic opportunity – time to set aside differences and be inclusive
"We welcome publication of the white paper. The invitation to present a proposition
for the future management and delivery of public services in Cornwall
(and the Isles of Scilly, if it wishes to participate)
is unique and historic . . ." more
30th June 2006
The Cornish Proposition
Letter to Tim Jones, Acting Leader, Restormel Borough Council
United Council Backs Campaign For Cornish Assembly
"Restormel Borough Council has thrown its full weight behind the campaign for a
Cornish Assembly and agreed to take a pro-active role . . ." more
29th June 2006

Cornwall & the Isles of Scilly - Framing the proposition
letter to Rt Hon Ruth Kelly MP, Secretary of State for Communities & Local Government

21st June 2006
Why Britain should pay homage to Catalonia
Simon Jenkins in The Guardian
download printable version (pdf)
19th June 2006
Letter to Dr Phyllis Starkey MP, chair of ODPM Select Committee,
sent following the session of the committee at which Convention Chair Bert Biscoe
gave evidence in June 2006
26th May 2006

Cornwall & the Isles of Scilly – a new model for the future
Letter to Rt Hon Ruth Kelly MP, Secretary of State for Communities & Local Government

13th March 2006
Cornwall County Council  | Lyons Commission Resolution
"There is keen interest in Cornwall in reforming the governance of
public service delivery . . ." more
9th March 2006
"It’s time to ask, what would an assembly actually do?. . ." more

Read the Convention's Introduction and Submission to the Lyons Commission


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