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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna
“ npr:
“ Back in the 1960s, the U.S. started vaccinating kids for measles. As expected, children stopped getting measles.
But something else happened.
Childhood deaths from all infectious diseases plummeted. Even deaths from diseases...

Back in the 1960s, the U.S. started vaccinating kids for measles. As expected, children stopped getting measles.

But something else happened.

Childhood deaths from all infectious diseases plummeted. Even deaths from diseases like pneumonia and diarrhea were cut by half.

“So it’s really been a mystery — why do children stop dying at such high rates from all these different infections following introduction of the measles vaccine,” says Michael Mina, a postdoc in biology at Princeton University and a medical student at Emory University.

Scientists Crack A 50-Year-Old Mystery About The Measles Vaccine

Photo credit: Photofusion/UIG via Getty Images


Using computer models, they found that the number of measles cases in these countries predicted the number of deaths from other infections two to three years later.

“We found measles predisposes children to all other infectious diseases for up to a few years,” Mina says.

And the virus seems to do it in a sneaky way.

Like many viruses, measles is known to suppress the immune system for a few weeks after an infection. But previous studies in monkeys have suggested that measles takes this suppression to a whole new level: It erases immune protection to other diseases, Mina says.


Source: npr
“Honestly, in my work as a therapist, I’m seeing this A Lot, and tbh I still don’t have a satisfactory approach to it. A heavy dose of Existentialist “create your own Purpose” tempered with “when the plane’s going down,...

Honestly, in my work as a therapist, I’m seeing this A Lot, and tbh I still don’t have a satisfactory approach to it. A heavy dose of Existentialist “create your own Purpose” tempered with “when the plane’s going down, put your own oxygen mask on first”, but… yeah, there is no ethical way to work on individual emotional distress without acknowledging the systemic socioeconomic, geopolitical fuckery going on at the moment, and the sheer grief that comes with it.


I’m a guidance counselor/psychologist for teenagers and it’s getting really hard to motivate young people to work for a future they don’t believe in. 

 They look at ther future and see global warming, wwIII, unemployement, political unstability, poison in everything  they eat, the earth and animals dying all around them. 

I saw this video where someone was asking french teens in the 50s how they imagine the future would be. The war hadn’t been over for long and yet it was all positive with like peace and flying cars and such. Then they went and ask the same questions to nowadays teens and hell that was depressing. Some still had hope, but it was just that “well I hope I’ll have a nice house and maybe some kid” but there was such a hesitancy to it, like they didn’t dare to hope too much. 

People mock Greta Thunberg but what they don’t get is that when she said “you stole my dreams”, it was the truth. 

Young people don’t get to dream like they used to. They don’t dream anymore, they grief all that won’t be anymore and that’s just so fucking sad. 

Source: anxietyproblem


follow @the-future-now




disabled women of color are capable and deserve to be recognized and respected


Deaf women were the ones that created the scale for categorizing stars. Annie Jump Cannon was their leader, and they were some of the first calculators at Harvard University. Cecelia Payne then came in and connected their dots to find out that the scale they made was also a temperature scale and not just a color scale. She wrote the book “Stellar Atmospheres” that’s still the standard, in which she explains how the light from a star can be used to find the chemical composition of its atmosphere.


Knowing that trans women of color started the movement in the united states and were literally immediately erased and excluded from what they started is the most deeply jading knowledge.

It is the original sin of the so-called queer community and it damns it from the cradle.


no white gay boy will ever reblog this, watch:


no white gay will reblog this


no white lgb person will reblog this


Without Stonewall, without the efforts of Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera, the LGBTQ Community wouldn’t be where it is today. Don’t forget the roots, don’t forget the catalyst.


and then TERFs wanna be like, “hmm well the LGBT community existed before Stonewall!”

but like…Becky, of course LGBTQ+ people existed before Stonewall. We’ve all existed since the beginning of time. But the movement got a shock to its senses, a jump-start, a rocket-into-space when that glass shattered via Marsha P. Johnson, and when Sylvia Rivera was up on-stage protesting guess who was on the sidelines heckling her?

The same fuckers who won’t ever reblog or acknowledge this


Fuckkkk there’s a few white gays I want to @ too



I got to marry my wife, and our pupper was our flower girl. 2.5 years ago this wasn’t possible, as it wasn’t legal in Australia. It rained our whole wedding day, but was so worth it in the end with our phenomenal photographer.


op this looks absolutely magical


I forgot homophobia was a thing and i spent about 5 seconds wondering why it was ever illegal to have a dog as a flower girl


Source: penguinssonamor


Video CC:
“hi!! Do you want to make the world a more inclusive place?
all you have to do is watch this video, and share it with your friends, your family, your children, your dogs….whoever! (smile emoji)
so my name is Liz and I’ve dedicated my life to advocate for those with facial and physical differences.
every time you interact with disabled or physically different creators you are helping to change the narrative and promote fair and equal representation.
Thank you so much for helping me out and making tik tok a more inclusive place (yellow heart and kiss emoji)”. from (@courageouslykindpodcast)

Source: tiktoks-for-thiccthots

If you find the military has left out pamphlets, you take them all and throw them away.

did this at a local comic book store once! Fuck that comic book store, it’s a creepy and bad place


this goes for if you see anything promoting the Shen Yun dance troup. That is a recruiting point for a cult called Falun Gong.

same goes for if you see anything promoting Mormonism or Scientology, although I haven’t seen materials for those things personally, I’m sure they exist

If you are invited to a Christian group that “doesn’t have a name”, something that holds meeting for outsiders in rec centers, “special meetings”- that’s a cult that is know to members only as “The Truth”, but is on Wikipedia as “two by twos”. Please reach out to me if you or anyone you love has been contacted by this group.

Institutions of abuse are everywhere. Do everything within your power to stop them whenever you see an opportunity. If you see a sign in your rec center that’s some sort of open call to a Christian church meeting but doesn’t have any real info on the church, maybe let me know. Don’t call the number, I can call the number. If you feel the need to do research on your own, all you need to check is whether they refuse to give you a straight answer about the name.


oh yeah, if you want context for “The Truth” being something I’m talking about that you have certainly never heard of, where I’m getting this information- the source is that I was raised in this cult. I know it sounds, almost fake or something, but it isn’t.


just want to say it’s decent as fuck of y’all to reblog this. it’s hard for me to talk about this stuff and harder if I feel like no one is listening. Thank you all for making me feel like someone hears this stuff sometimes.

Source: redpandarascal

Y’all....this white man went and lived in India for 6 months where he “discovered” masala chai and decided to make his own version that he now sells and calls.....mud water. I shit you not thats the brand name.



Aside from picking the most culturally insensitive name ever, he’s marketing this as if it’s a whole new creation. A brand new “coffee substitute” while In reality it’s literally just masala chai with some ground up mushrooms and cacao thrown in for foolishness. Like congratulations, you made weird masala tea and named it mud water.



“So I set out to make something better” TEA! You made a cup of tea bitch. This man writes like he reinvented the wheel instead of just putting mushrooms in tea



He describes the tea vendors as being “dressed in rags” but in the commercial where he shows footage of himself being served tea, the vendors look like this?


Clothes.......these are clothes but somehow this man has come up with mud water and rags



Tskhkstjwkjdni under his recipe section. This is literally tea and honey.

Source: afronerdism