Jill BidenAccount verificato


First Lady of the United States Jill Biden. Community college educator. Military mother. Grandmother. Wife of .

Iscrizione a gennaio 2021


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  1. 23 ore fa

    On Day, I’m thinking of Dr. Mae Jemison – the first Black woman in space. She pushes us to believe we are capable of more than we know: “I had to learn very early not to limit myself due to others' limited imaginations.”

  2. 10 feb

    Everyone should have access to free community college.

  3. 7 feb
  4. 7 feb

    Let’s go FLYERS 👏👏👏👏👏

  5. 6 feb

    Don’t forget to mask up – even when you’re out walking your dog. (P.S. – Champ and Major agree!)

  6. 4 feb

    Cancer can be such a lonely, difficult journey for patients, loved ones who care for them, and the providers and researchers who work hard for them. On , I want you to know Joe and I are here for you and will never stop fighting for you.

  7. ha ritwittato
    3 feb

    Officer Brian Sicknick was a hero who died in the line of duty defending our democracy and the citadel of liberty itself. To his family and loved ones, I know no words can dull the pain of this moment, but know Jill and I and the entire nation join you in mourning his loss.

    President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden pay their respects to Officer Brian Sicknick
  8. 1 feb

    “While we have our eyes on the future, history has its eyes on us.” –

  9. 30 gen

    Military children serve, too. That’s what student mentors from shared with me. From helping new students feel welcome with virtual game nights to sharing snacks after school, these resilient kids are using their own experiences as military children to help others.

  10. ha ritwittato
    26 gen

    America has never lived up to its founding promise of equality for all, but we’ve never stopped trying. Today, I’ll take action to advance racial equity and push us closer to that more perfect union we’ve always strived to be.

  11. 26 gen

    Meeting today with the spouses of Democratic and Republican governors gave me so much hope for our future. I know we can – and will – heal our country together.

  12. ha ritwittato
    25 gen

    Today, I repealed the discriminatory ban on transgender people serving in the military. It’s simple: America is safer when everyone qualified to serve can do so openly and with pride.

  13. 25 gen

    Champ and Major have joined us in the White House! 💕🐾

  14. 23 gen

    This is an important step in supporting our veterans and their families.

  15. 23 gen

    With all my heart — thank you to the National Guard for your continuous commitment to keeping our nation safe.

  16. 22 gen

    Cancer touches so many families. Thank you and for hosting me today to talk about support for cancer patients and caregivers, as well as the impact of COVID-19 on access to health care, screenings, and prevention efforts.

  17. 22 gen

    I couldn’t wait one more day to have this meeting, to say thank you on behalf of a grateful nation, to educators for their heroic commitment to students during this pandemic.  You’ve been so strong; and we will be strong in our support for you.

  18. 21 gen

    Every four years, we celebrate the beginning of a new administration. It’s the start of a bright new chapter. A time for us all to come together. I’m so grateful to all who worked to create an incredible day – especially in this uniquely difficult year.

  19. 21 gen

    Thank you for your faith in something that is bigger than all of us: that we will build a better world because we’re going to do it together.


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