The Economist - World News, Politics, Economics, Business & Finance

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Britain has reduced its carbon emissions more than any other rich country

But greening the power grid was the easy bit. Heating and transport will be harder


Our coverage of climate change


Vaccine hesitancy is putting progress against covid-19 at risk

If the world is to tame the virus, the doubts will need to be fought

Special report

What will travel look like after the pandemic?

Covid-19 has brought international travel to a standstill. But it will recover and may even become a better experience, says Simon Wright

The Americas

Cuba and Venezuela open up, hesitantly, to the market

Latin America’s most socialist countries are becoming less so


Bartleby: Diary of a plague year

A columnist confronts the pandemic

Books & arts

The rise and falls of Robert Maxwell

Even in death, the disgraced businessman was larger than life

Readers’ favourites


How well will vaccines work?

Covid-19 may become endemic. Governments need to start thinking about how to cope


“Genocide” is the wrong word for the horrors of Xinjiang

To confront evil, the first step is to describe it accurately

United States

Donald Trump’s second impeachment ends in a second acquittal

Seven Republicans vote to convict, after a trial that has served several purposes

Graphic detail

There will be enough vaccines for all—if rich countries share

Half of the world’s supply has been reserved for just 15% of its population


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American politics under Joe Biden

United States

What are the prospects for bipartisanship?

Senate rules currently work against the cross-party compromise that most Senators say they want to see

United States

Joe Biden prepares to leave his mark on the federal judiciary

He starts with fewer open seats than his predecessor, and will need to move quickly

Special report: The future of travel

What will travel look like after the pandemic?

Covid-19 has brought international travel to a standstill. But it will recover and may even become a better experience, says Simon Wright

Could covid-19 shake up air travel for the better?

Governments’ re-entry into airlines may spur more competition

How today’s reviled airlines could become greener

The pandemic has drawn attention to the environmental damage caused by air travel

Business travel may never fully recover from covid-19

Business class was late to the game. It might be early to leave too

The pandemic has hurt corporate jets less than commercial ones

The wealthy are not bound by airline schedules

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