Jan 19, 2021

RhoDeo 2103 Re Up 269


Here at Rho-xs visitor numbers have been stable but i did notice a big rise in re-up requests which points to my visitors spending more time at Rho-Xs (glad to be at service). Alas over the years i've lost access to a number of disks, specially the loss of my Aetix and Roots collection hinders my capability to re-up. Obviously the torrent world offers a solution, but this scene is dynamic and suffers the same fate as my posts , the hosts delete the file when demand has dropped, in the torrent world this even worse. Unfortunately this means whilst bigger names get revived the more obscure tend to completely disappear, a fate that is suffered by roots artists as an example Salif Keita a relative big name is nowhere to be found in flac these days (just one album) when a few years ago there were many titles to be had. Same goes for many a reggae artist and even in Aetix the choice of what is on offer is diminishing day by day. I'm doing my best to fulfill requests but it's difficult and in the future i will request you my visitor to give back the odd title that you downloaded via Rho-xs and repost it here.

10 correct requests for this week , 2 ! too early, 1 double, whatever another batch of 40 re-ups (12.7gig)

These days i'm making an effort to re-up, it will satisfy a smaller number of people which means its likely the update will  expire relatively quickly again as its interest that keeps it live. Nevertheless here's your chance ... asks for re-up in the comments section at the page where the expired link resides, or it will be discarded by me. ....requests are satisfied on a first come first go basis. ...updates will be posted here remember to request from the page where the link died! To keep re-ups interesting to my regular visitors i will only re-up files that are at least 12 months old (the older the better as far as i am concerned), and please check the previous update request if it's less then a year old i won't re-up either.

Looka here , requests fulfilled up to January 18th... N'Joy

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<a href="https://rho-xs.blogspot.com/2016/05/rhodeo-1621-grooves.htmll">4x Grooves</a>  Back in Flac (Carmel - Carmel , Carmel - The Drum Is Everything, Carmel - The Falling, Carmel - Everybody's Got A Little ... Soul )

<a href="https://rho-xs.blogspot.com/2017/01/rhodeo-1701-aetix.html">4x Aetix</a> Back in Flac (Xmal Deutschland - Fetisch, Xmal Deutschland - Tocsin, Xmal Deutschland - Peel Sessions , Xmal Deutschland - Viva)

<a href="https://rho-xs.blogspot.com/2008/01/rhotation-16-into-bpm.html">4x Rhotation </a> Flac (Stereo MC's - Supernatural, Deee-Lite - World Clique , Adamski - Doctor Adamski's Musical Pharmacy, Happy Mondays - P,T,B, Twelvers)

<a href="https://rho-xs.blogspot.com/2013/09/sundaze-1339-inside-out-16.html">4x Sundaze</a> Back in Flac (Brainwave-Sync - Shamanic Consciousn, Koan - When Invisible+Fulfilled Wish, Koan - Two Moon Butterflies, Koan - When the Silence is Speaking)

<a href="https://rho-xs.blogspot.com/2015/06/rhodeo-1522-aetix.html">4x Aetix</a>Back in Flac (Mink DeVille - Coup de Grâce, Mink DeVille - Where Angels Fear to Tread,  Mink DeVille - Sportin' Life, Willy DeVille - Miracle (Collectors's Edition))


<a href="https://rho-xs.blogspot.com/2016/10/rhodeo-1649-aetix.html?showComment=1610404454100#c4685975521343806193">5x Aetix</a> Back in Flac (The Specials - The Specials, The Specials - More, The Special A.K.A. - In The Studio, The Fun Boy Three - The FB 3 , The Fun Boy Three - Waiting)

<a href="https://rho-xs.blogspot.com/2011/02/rhodeo-1106-aetix.html">3x Aetix</a>  Back in Flac (The Pop Group - Y , The Pop Group - For How Much Longer Do We Tolerate Mass Murder, VA - In The Beginning There Was Rhythm )

<a href="https://rho-xs.blogspot.com/2013/06/rhodeo-1322-aetix.html">4x Aetix</a> Back in Flac (The Creatures - A Bestiary Of ..., Siouxsie And The Banshees - Tinderbox    , Siouxsie And The Banshees - Through The Looking Glass, Siouxsie The Banshees - Kaleidoscope)

<a href="https://rho-xs.blogspot.com/2016/09/sundaze-1636.html">5x Sundaze</a>  Back in Flac (Muslimgauze - Abu Nidal-Coup D'Etat , Muslimgauze - Intifaxa, Muslimgauze - Zul'm, Muslimgauze - Veiled Sisters sis 1, Muslimgauze - Veiled Sisters sis 2)

<a href="https://rho-xs.blogspot.com/2014/01/rhodeo-1401-roots.html">3x Roots</a> Back in Flac (Mahmoud Ahmed - Tizita, Mulatu Astatke - Éthiopiques 4, VA Rough Guide - The Music Of Ethiopia)

As mentioned please return if you have it


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Jan 18, 2021

RhoDeo 2103 Expanse 26

 Hello, so today An Expanse's novella start to finish in one loading, meanwhile we've reached the final episode on the EU docu series, god only knows when the world will come it's senses.


Here today, naturally my mission of trying to breakthough the wall of nonsense build by the supposed smartest men on the planet is continuing as chinks start to appear, their arrogant stupidity set us back decades if not more, electro-magnetics is clean energy and would have delivered us not only flying cars, but flying saucers aswell and who knows a pathway into other dimensions..Meanwhile i got a request to continue the Expanse, and as this is one of the greatest SF series of our days and within it Abaddon's Gate one of it's highlights no reason to stop there then, so i won't...N Joy..

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Before Einstein created his unique theorems on relativity, deflating Newton’s theories on gravity, Nikola Tesla posited the idea that electricity and energy were responsible for almost all cosmic phenomena. Tesla saw energy and electricity as an “incompressible fluid” of constant quantity that could neither be destroyed nor created.

    If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.

— Nikola Tesla


Mergers are out. Vanity is in: active galaxies are self-absorbed.

For many years, the only acceptable explanation of high galactic x-ray output accompanied by high redshift was mergers of galaxies. The universe became a bumper-car arena where every presumed high-energy event was proof of a collision.

Proof has just collided with disproof in a new study that examined 600 high-redshift active galaxies. A team of astronomers identified the active galaxies from observations with the XMM-Newton x-ray telescope.

Next, they obtained spectra of the galaxies with ESO’s Very Large Telescope. They took liberties with the language and claimed to have “measure[d] the distances to the galaxies.” What they actually did was to measure each galaxy’s redshift and to calculate a number from it. They called this number “distance” in conformity with the consensus presumption that redshift is “how much the light has been stretched by the expansion of the Universe.”

With these numbers, they constructed a three-dimensional map—which was actually a four-dimensional map, since under the expanding-universe assumptions distance is also an indicator of time. Using the map as a guide (one recalls the saying about the blind leading the blind), they finally “studied” the changing distribution of galaxies that was assumed to have occurred during the early stages of the hypothetical Big Bang.

“The team found that most active nuclei reside in galaxies with masses about 20 times larger than the value predicted by merger theory.” Viola Allevato, the lead author of the paper reporting the results, said, “They indicate that black holes are usually fed by processes within the galaxy itself…, as opposed to galaxy collisions.”


The consensus reasoning begins with the proposition that redshift indicates distance, despite the by-now-tiresome quantities of evidence that falsify, disprove, contradict, question, and do other unpleasant things to it. A faint light that is far away can only mean that the light is actually very strong, as long as you don’t entertain any other possibility. A strong light requires a large quantity of mass (whatever that is) to produce it, assuming, of course, that you allow no other assumptions to be considered.

If redshift does not indicate distance…(the chain of logic is left as an exercise for the reader).

In the Electric Universe, a large part of the redshift of a body (quasar, galaxy, even a star) is intrinsic and probably due to the charge on the body. It is an indicator of the age since the body was formed or ejected, as distinguished from “age since the big bang.” High-redshift objects are fragments of violent, far-from-equilibrium plasma discharges from relatively nearby galaxies: they are small, faint, and nearby (compared to the “ultra” designations of the consensus theories).

Since they are electrical discharges, mass is of little concern and black-hole theory is unnecessary. They don’t “merge,” but neither do they “feed.” They are loads in an intergalactic circuit that is subject to instabilities and can discharge energy from the circuit—more than is available locally.

If a false proposition has no real-world adverse consequences—such as a building collapsing if a beam is wrongly sized—there’s no urgency in discarding it. If one is being rewarded—with money, reputation, or power—for advocating it, there is a strong incentive to deny its falsity. Whether the universe is expanding or turning into chicken soup has no noticeable effect on the price of gasoline.

For the layman, astronomy press releases have the same value as the latest gossip about Lady Gaga (or perhaps a bit less). With no anchor to consequential effects, fashion becomes the ultimate criterion of acceptability.

Mel Acheson



Well Einstein was wrong, despite being a Jew which is why his nonsense is still accepted as the gospel, anyone dare to challenge can expect full on attack, specially by the likes of Jewish controlled/owned Wiki. Anyway EU's percieved weakspot is their deferance for Velikofsky, ironically the same man who won a bet with Einstein (about the electric noise Jupiter makes) which undoubtetedly hastened his demise (as he recognized how wrong he had been), but then Einstein was wrong again, his fanboys didn't want to know of electricity and kept singing the gospel of gravity to the detriment of the human race...

From now on the coming 7 weeks, 7 high quality mini docs on the EU.. don't miss them

<a href="https://multiup.org/download/39262ebdccf15b8988103e7bb9bceec2/EU%20107%20Strn%20and%20th%20Csmc%20Tl.zip">Electric Universe S01E07  Saturn and the Cosmic Tale of Humanity</a> ( 31:03min  442mb)

<a href="https://multiup.org/8b3c2029879467ad0bddcf149cf2551d">Electric Universe S01E01 The Spark of an Electric Universe</a> ( 30min  503mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/e4695243783841c895894bd57b5aaf09">Electric Universe S01E02 Modern Understanding of Ancient Cosmology</a> ( 30min  433mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/56ebdd38eb280c89d808002f97a16732">Electric Universe S01E03  Electric Stars</a> ( 30min  420mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/ad571d760a940a67dd205a3d742f8a61">Electric Universe S01E04  The Birth of Venus</a> ( 26:30min  372mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/9c069a1b16a8b6c5b67cc1ae04591348">Electric Universe S01E05  Deep Memories of Mars</a> ( 28:02min  372mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/a9df94797a5c15e515856a98800bc6e3">Electric Universe S01E06  Our Electrical Bonds to the Universe</a> ( 26:28min  442mb)


Comparative mythologist Ev Cochrane, author of "Martian Metamorphoses", continues his lifelong research into the themes and archetypes of world mythology with this deconstruction of Zeus.

“And he (Zeus) was reigning in Heaven, himself holding lightning and shining thunderbolt.”
Ev describes how the model developed by David Talbott and himself differs from previous schools of myth. The modern science of comparative mythology has its wellsprings in the mid-18th century when William Jones demonstrated that the name of the Greek god Zeus was cognate with that of the Latin Jupiter and Vedic Dyaus. Jaan Puhvel, the author of a leading textbook on comparative mythology, called this finding “one of the greatest discoveries of modern times.”

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The Expanse is a series of science fiction novels (and related novellas and short stories) by James S. A. Corey, the joint pen name of authors Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck. The first novel, Leviathan Wakes, was nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 2012. The series as a whole was nominated for the Best Series Hugo Award in 2017.

As of 2019, The Expanse is made up of eight novels and eight shorter works - three short stories and five novellas. At least nine novels were planned, as well as two more novellas. The series was adapted for television by the Syfy Network, also under the title of The Expanse, then they dropped the ball despite the succes of the series, i suspect the whole thing got too serious (expensive) so once again Syfy network proved they can't handle success. Anyway fans were outraged and got Amazon Prime to pick it up for a fourth and fifth series and considering the mountain of money Jeff Bezos sits on i suspect several more as long as the fans keep cheering.

The Expanse is set in a future in which humanity has colonized much of the Solar System, but does not have interstellar travel. In the asteroid belt and beyond, tensions are rising between Earth's United Nations, Mars, and the outer planets.

The series initially takes place in the Solar System, using many real locations such as Ceres and Eros in the asteroid belt, several moons of Jupiter, with Ganymede and Europa the most developed, and small science bases as far out as Phoebe around Saturn and Titania around Uranus, as well as well-established domed settlements on Mars and the Moon.

As the series progresses, humanity gains access to thousands of new worlds by use of the ring, an artificially sustained Einstein-Rosen bridge or wormhole, created by a long dead alien race. The ring in our solar system is two AU from the orbit of Uranus, and passing through it leads to a hub of starless space approximately one million kilometers across, with more than 1,300 other rings, each with a star system on the other side. In the center of the hub, which is also referred to as the "slow zone", an alien space station controls the gates and can also set instantaneous speed limits on objects inside of the hub as a means of defense.

The story is told through multiple main point-of-view characters. There are two POV characters in the first book and four in books 2 through 5. In the sixth and seventh books, the number of POV characters increases, with several characters having only one or two chapters. Tiamat's Wrath returns to a more limited number with five. Every book also begins and ends with a prologue and epilogue told from a unique character's perspective.

#     Title             Pages     Audio     
1     Leviathan Wakes     592     20h 56m
2     Caliban's War         595     21h     
3     Abaddon's Gate     539     19h 42m
4     Cibola Burn         583     20h 7m
5     Nemesis Games     544     16h 44m
6     Babylon's Ashes     608     19h 58m
7     Persepolis Rising     560     20h 34m
8     Tiamat's Wrath         544     19h 8m
9     Unnamed final novel



James Holden and his crew on the salvaged Martian warship Rocinante played a role in two major events in human history: saving the Earth from the first direct proof of alien technology discovered in our solar system, and saving as many people as they could when a new form of the technology appeared on Jupiter’s moon Ganymede. As part of the first incident, the alien technology crashed on Venus, where it churned for months doing something unknown while the solar system watched. When complete, the semi-intelligent collection of chemicals flew away from Venus and built what could best be described as a Stargate, called "The Ring", beyond the orbit of Uranus.
Major character arcs

James Holden and his crew have been successful in their ship-for-hire business, cashing in on their celebrity and Rocinante’s power when needed. As the solar system prepares to mount its first large-scale exploration of the ring, Holden’s interaction with the alien consciousness in the form of an old friend named Miller convinces him that he wants to be as far away from the ring as possible. Greater forces have other plans, however, and the crew finds themselves at the ring with fleets of Earth, Mars, and Outer Planets Alliance (OPA) ships.

Clarissa Mao, younger sister of Juliette "Julie" Andromeda Mao and daughter of Jules-Pierre Mao, who was president of the multi-planet corporation "Mao-Kwikowski Mercantile" also known as "Mao-Kwik". Jules-Pierre was part of various conspiring organisations, all of whom wanted to use the protomolecule for profit. He was brought down by James Holden in the events that occurred during and after the near-destruction of the Ganymede colony, a major food supplier for the outer planets of the belt. The "Mao-Kwik" corporation was also destroyed by Jules-Pierre's actions and left the Mao family only a fraction of their former wealth. Clarissa wants revenge for the disgrace brought onto her family and the downfall of her father, for which she blames James Holden. She wants to discredit him publicly to redeem her father and plans to kill Holden afterwards. She has spent her entire fortune to change her identity and put the wheels of her plan in motion. Now pretending to be an electrochemical technician named "Melba Koh", she sets out to get her revenge in a well-planned scheme. She places a saboteur on the Rocinante, then hijacks the ship's communications system to send a faked 'Jim Holden broadcast' in which an animated image of Holden claims the alien-protomolecule-ring for the OPA and responsibility for the sabotage and near-destruction of the UNN Earth vessel Seung Un. The scheme to get Holden discredited and then killed fails, because Holden decides to avoid all hostilities with the other flotillas and chooses to enter the ring instead. Even after capture, Clarissa remains dangerous.

Carlos “Bull” de Baca is a former warfighter and friend to Fred Johnson. He’s given the job of third in command of the 'Behemoth', formerly known as the Generation Ship Nauvoo, which the OPA salvaged and repurposed as a warship. Not only is Bull absolutely loyal to Fred, he also is the most likely of the command crew to secure the mission's success, which is why Fred asks Bull to “make it work”. When Clarissa triggers her faked broadcast of James Holden, in which he claims responsibility for the sabotage of the Seung Un and to being ordered to do so by the OPA, Bull understands all the implications. He also understands that all of the human governments need to stand united in facing the alien ring and the possible threat coming from it. In order to avoid another open shooting war/battle among Mars, Earth, and the OPA at all costs, he convinces the Behemoth's captain that being the first to take hostile action against the Rocinante will stop the Behemoth from being seen as Holden's backup, and distance the OPA from Holden's statement about 'claiming the ring' for them. After the Behemoth fires a Torpedo at the Rocinante, the other flotillas join by also targeting Holden's ship - forcing him to travel into the ring as an attempt to escape.

Annushka “Anna“ Volovodov is a Methodist pastor from Europa who joined the expedition as part of a UN delegation of religious figures and artists selected to witness the start of a new epoch of human history. Her ship joins others following Rocinante into the gate, and she tries to pull fragile strings of common interest together against the gales of politics, self-interest, and madness driving others in the expedition.

Miller’s consciousness continues on in disembodied form, now part of the vast protomolecule matrix and used for his investigative capabilities. Talking to and trying to work with James Holden, he has limited insight into the actions taken by the gate, and knows there is a vast tapestry of opportunity and danger associated with it and those who built it, because someone destroyed them.

Abaddon's Gate won the 2014 Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel.

Abaddon's Gate was adapted into episodes 7 to 13 of the third season of the television series The Expanse in 2018, with its title taken for the final episode of that season. It was the last book in the series to be adapted before the show's move from Syfy to Amazon Prime. Meanwhile Amazon has signed a contract to film the complete series season 5,6 and possibly 7, btw season 5 starts this week....

A Novella (short story) from The Expanse Universe

<a href="https://multiup.org/f7f2f9b4f8c292baa4a10cc975434388">James Corey - The Expanse The Vital Abyss </a> ( 146min  67mb)

James Corey - The Expanse The Vital Abyss 01-09    99min

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<a href="https://multiup.org/ec2507a66facbe13b61c3d6aafd8b255">James Corey - The Expanse Caliban's War 01-07 </a> ( 139min  63mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/7c2db1bc4c8f93ff45f2df6e5a901aca">James Corey - The Expanse Caliban's War 08-15 </a> ( 173min  78mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/d627294ce680b55a5552ee26da80628d">James Corey - The Expanse Caliban's War 16-22 </a> ( 169min  64mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/71ffc68a701740415df5806f6db5c405">James Corey - The Expanse Caliban's War 23-29 </a> ( 165min  64mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/2ddc5eb96cece09aafae0029a72381fd">James Corey - The Expanse Caliban's War 30-36 </a> ( 167min  67mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/b9bbcfa99bc55b573b00e3c0287fedb7">James Corey - The Expanse Caliban's War 37-43 </a> ( 149min  67mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/37ee50c645c467428254dcfb0092550e">James Corey - The Expanse Caliban's War 44-50 </a> ( 150min  60mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/1d286bb56f1c77caf49144115f918da1">James Corey - The Expanse Caliban's War 51-57 </a> ( 104min  48mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/04e5eba5ae7d0b8714c747f135e97208">James Corey - The Expanse Abaddon's Gate 01-07 </a> ( 143min  66mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/9d31e40248b2d9b26a7d0dbd9237ecb3">James Corey - The Expanse Abaddon's Gate 08-14 </a> ( 157min  72mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/98823e0797656130ce7e51d3569dacfb">James Corey - The Expanse Abaddon's Gate 15-21 </a> ( 139min  64mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/bc63015bb4e75014732fbd2558d1db22">James Corey - The Expanse Abaddon's Gate 22-28 </a> ( 158min  72mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/66e48cef9a80992a672ae47c44cf7979">James Corey - The Expanse Abaddon's Gate 29-35 </a> ( 138min  63mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/d643ce67098f78606be3c6209f56337b">James Corey - The Expanse Abaddon's Gate 36-42 </a> ( 131min  60mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/a8ae55abe052929db05681aa453d8c65">James Corey - The Expanse Abaddon's Gate 43-49</a> ( 131min  60mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/62fc21d2f4526401839898a34dba8c96">James Corey - The Expanse Abaddon's Gate 50-55</a> ( 99min  45mb)

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Jan 17, 2021

Sundaze 2103


Today's Artists are a duo from Bremen, Germany and are sometimes considered to be the follow-up project to Maeror Tr   ..... N'Joy

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Troum is a German project of drone music, ambient music, noise music, and experimental music. It was founded in the late 1990s by Stefan Knappe (a.k.a. Baraka[H]) and Martin Gitschel (a.k.a. Glit[S]ch). It is sometimes considered to be the follow-up project to Maeror Tri. Stefan Knappe is also the founder and owner of Drone Records.

TROUM is a duo located in Bremen, Germany, established in early 1997. The two members "Glit[S]ch" and "Baraka[H]" were active before in the influential ambient/industrial group MAËROR TRI (which existed from 1988 to 1996). TROUM is the old German word for "DREAM". The dream is seen as a central manifestation of the unconscious, and symbolizes the aim of TROUM to lead the listener into a hypnotizing dream-state of mind, a pre-verbal and primal consciousness sphere. TROUM uses music as the direct path to the Unconscious, pointing to the archaic "essence" of the humans inner psyche. TROUM tries to create music that works like a direct transformation of unconscious matter.

TROUM's creations are influenced by post-industrial, minimal and drone-music. Both members use guitar, bass, voice, accordion, balalaika, flute, mouth-organ, melodica, gong, field recordings, pre-recorded-tapes and a diversity of sound-objects to build a kind of multi-layered and highly atmospheric dreaming-muzak. Their sound could be described as “dark atmospheric ambient industrial”, "transcendental noise" or just “Tiefenmusik”. TROUM doesn't work with samplers or computer-soundsources, the sounds are created "by hand" to reach a broader sensibility. TROUM uses a spiral as their logo, expressing the trance-inducing potential of the music and the wish to reach inner, deeper spheres of the mind with it. Music as a door to unknown & alien dimensions. Music as an expression of the mystery of existence itself.

The dream seen as a central manifestation of the UNconscious symbolizes the aim of TROUM to lead the listener into a hypnotizing dream-state of mind, a pre-verbal and primal consciousness sphere. TROUM uses music as the direct path to the Unconscious, pointing to the archaic "essence" of the humans inner psyche. TROUM tries to create music that works like a direct transformation of unconscious matter.
TROUMs compositions are influenced by post-industrial, dark ambient and minimal /drone-music. Both members use guitar, bass, voice, accordion, balalaika, flutes, pipes, mouth-organ, melodica, gongs, field recordings, loops, pre-recorded-tapes and a diversity of sound-objects to build a kind of multi-layered and highly atmospheric dreaming-muzak. Their sound could be described as “dark atmospheric ambient industrial”, "transcendental drone" or just “Tiefenmusik”. TROUM doesn't work
with synths, samplers or computer-soundsources, the sounds are created "by hand" to reach a broader sensibility. TROUM uses a spiral as their logo, expressing the trance-inducing potential of the music and the wish to reach inner, deeper spheres of the mind with it. Music seen as a door tounknown & alien dimensions with pre-verbal and pre-symbolic origins. Music as an expression of the mystery of existence itself: A tool for the eternal psychic renascence.Live appearances: TROUM performed several times at various venues and did small tours throughout Europe, Russia, USA & Canada, and played or toured with BAD SECTOR, CISFINITUM, SUNN O))),
AEOGA, AIDAN BAKER/NADJA, VOICE OF EYE, INADE, REUTOFF, KRENG, ZOVIET FRANCE, and many others. TROUM also performed at several bigger festivals

“These are dreams, dreamed by dreamers, who are awake”

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The Reutoff project can literally be called unique on the Russian post-industrial scene. Each release of the Moscow Region trio is a new step in a fascinating journey through soundscapes, where there are almost less hungry abysses than inviting heights. Over the years of the collective's existence, the study of these landscapes has formed a recognizable style in which complex symphonic dark ambient is combined with spectacular forays into adjacent musical territories. According to the members of the group, Reutov and its surroundings abound in strange, disturbing and truly magical places. Together they form a single sacred space that stimulates creative activity like no other. Note that this vivid connection between geography and harmony, which is easy to comprehend in the spirit of the philosophy of neo-Eurasianism, can be clearly seen in the works of the trio - even an unprepared listener will hear in Reutoff the “music of the soil”, the monumental melody of tectonic faults.

<a href="https://www.imagenetz.de/D8yY8"> Troum vs Reutoff - Kreuzung Zwei (Creatura Per Creaturam Continetur)</a> ( flac 227mb)

01 Aether Purus (8:01)
02 Terrenus (7:03)
03 Creatura Per Creaturam Continetur (12:40)
04 Ignis Niger (4:47)
05 Ignis Lucidus (7:50)
06 Aer Aquosus (Reprise) (4:01)

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Limited edition of 500 copies, include the bonus track "Abhijñâ" on a second CD. Comes in in a full color deluxe gatefold book bound CD case. Copies pre-ordered from the label also include a bonus gatefold black insert signed by Baraka (H) and Glit(S)ch.

Taken from sleeve:
"EALD-GE-STRÉON - this is a collection of strange songs and odd old jewells. Most basic versions were recorded years ago on analogue 8-track and some later re-worked & re-mastered over and over again. Pieces that were not "ready" when they were made, are pieces that developed & mutated further over the years. Most of them were originally used for live-performances. We still don't know really what it is, but we couldn't stop ourselves from producing this little hymns...

The basic version of ELATION was recorded years ago (maybe in 2001) and was then later part of a live performance also called "ELATION" and performed at the end of 2003 in London, Brighton, Dublin & Cork and spring 2004 during our European tour with DJ ZIPO.

USQUE SUMUS LUX & EOLET were performed several times in 2004 as a live-set called "SIGQAN II" in Dortmund, Copenhagen and Aarhus.

DHÂNU-H is based on a song we adore by a German "Schlager" singer. It also appeared on a credit-card mini CDR in a tiny cardboard-box edition of about 30 copies in Michael Hohendorf's 'cigarette-machine' project. It was also a part of a live show in Bremen with ASIA NOVA and VOICE OF EYE on September 13, 2007.

PROCESSION is a cover version of a SAVAGE REPUBLIC song. It was the end part of a live program we performed throughout the year 2007 in Arnhem, Berlin, Bremen, Cologne, Prague & Lille. Original song was published by The Independed Project Music (BMI) / Jackson Del Rey Music (BMI).

The unreleased version of CRESCERE was the bonus part of a performance named "TRAHAN II" we performed in Antwerp, Ghent and Arnhem in April 2005. It is based on a soundtrack to a French movie from the 70s, which influenced Glit(S)ch, (8 years old) to start making music.

ABHIJÑÂ is a brand new track, specially produced specifically for the bonus CD in the winter & spring 2008 for the first 500 copies.

Everything recorded in Bremen, Germany, from (about) 2001-2008.
Ingredients: Guitar and Basswork, Voice, Accordion, Djembe, Loops, Sufi-Singing, Field, Sea and Churchbell Recordings and our legendary Serving Plate...

TROUM wishes to thank Chris McBeth, SAVAGE REPUBLIC, Helge Siehl for the participation in EOLET, Markow C. for the mastering, Stephen O'Malley for the art, design and layout and all the great people who supported us over the years, especially Jeffrey Yount who runs the official Troum website!
TROUM May 2008."

"Eald-Ge-Stréon" is Old English for "Ancient treasure". "Abhijñâ" is Sanskrit for "Higher knowledge".

<a href="https://multiup.org/f0998dea1ce9a4ff9c92a3cceb5120ab">  Troum - Eald-Ge-Streon + Abhijna  </a> ( flac 398mb)

     Eald-Ge-Stréon     58:52
01 Elation 7:09
02 Usque Sumus Lux 8:18
03 Eolet 7:53
04 Ecstatic Forlorness 9:40
05 Dhânu-H 4:41
06 Procession 4:39
07 Crescere 16:28
Bonus CD
201 Abhijñâ 33:30

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Germany’s Troum are among the absolute top shelf when it comes to anything ambient and industrial. Their previous band, when they were three, Maeror Tri was already legendary with pretty much everything they ever released committed to CD release, and now they release great records as Troum, a duo of Glit[S]ch and Baraka[H]. ‘Mare Idiophonika’ is the studio version of their concert piece they played in 2007 when they toured Europe with Nadja, Asia Nova and Voice Of Eye. At their disposal they have such diverse sound players as guitar, bass, voice, accordion, balalaika, flute, mouth-organ, melodica, gong, field recordings and sound effects, although its hard to pin down any of these specific in this recording. Computer sounds don’t play a role in their work – everything is done by hand. Tis almost hour long piece is a pretty strong manifestation of their music. They want to reach for the dream state, the unconscious side of the brain and they succeed well. This piece, which clearly has
various movements does just that: it sticks right into the brain of the listener and it transports him. I am not the sort of person to put any music when going to sleep, but this would certainly be worth to try out. But how would I review that then? The poor reviewer has to stay awake, but conformably drifts away when playing this. A highly refined Troum record. Perhaps not one that is very different from their previous output, but certainly one of the better.

<a href="https://bayfiles.com/L5v4a8A0p4/Trm_Mr_Idphnk_zip">  Troum - Mare Idiophonika-</a> ( flac 278mb)

01 The Self-Playing Ocean 59:11

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Real weird stuff by Troum's standards. This is the middle part of their so-called "Power Romantic" trilogy, lodged between 2010's Mare Idiophonika and 2013's Mare Morphosis, and like these two it tells a story about an ocean. The Grote Mandrenke ("Great Man-drowning") was, as it turns out, a great storm that flooded the Netherlands and northern Germany with great loss of life circa AD 1362, but whether that's supposed to provide any insight into the music here I can't say. It's not what I would call tempestuous music but Troum don't have a tempestuous bone in their bodies, the record stays smooth fluid and under control right through.

Which is not to say it isn't interesting. Like the other two albums in the trilogy, this is a single long track that evolves considerably as it runs, but while "The Self-Playing Ocean" at least stayed relatively rooted to the dreamy, trancelike ethereality for which Troum are best known, "Grote Mandrenke" integrates industrial and even rock influences into something truly bizarre. Starting out with a faintly unsettling, Gas-like ambient intro, it grows into thicker guitar drones more reminiscent of something like Aun and finally a pounding, rhythm-driven third stage that reminds me of early Skullflower before returning briefly to spooky synth atmospherics and hypnotic darkwavish male vocals that close the album out. The closest point of reference in Troum's extensive discography is maybe Objectlessness (2005) but really this isn't much like anything else Troum have done. At times I felt like I was listening to a lost Coil album; at other times I felt totally unmoored from every other influence - washed out - all at sea.

<a href="https://mir.cr/1BWUTQ5S">Troum - Grote Mandrenke  </a> ( flac 266mb)

01 Grote Mandrenke 44:02

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