Recent Articles

February 11, 2021
David Rosen
Covid-19: a Nation at War?
Charles Pierson
Yemen: “Mission Accomplished”… For Now?
Jonah Raskin
Alexander Hamilton Meets RBG and the Supremes
Liaquat Ali Khan
Fatou Bensouda: A Daring Prosecutor Who Challenged the US, Israeli Impunity
Lawrence Davidson
Biden Adopts a Trump Approach to Iran
Rebecca Gordon
The Fire Next Time: Climate Change, the Bomb, or the Flame of Hope?
Peter Crowley
The GOP Is Over
Phil Doe
Colorado’s Fracking Secessionists
Marc Norton
SF Giants Owner Rakes in $815 Million During the pandemic 
Thomas Knapp
Impeachment: Why the Senate Will Acquit Trump
Greta Anderson – Dave Parsons
Of Mexican Wolves and Their Habitat
Scott Owen
To Conspiracy Theory or to Not Conspiracy Theory (That is the Question)
February 10, 2021
Melvin Goodman
Biden: “Boxed-In” by the Military Establishment?
Paul Street
On Trump’s Next Absurd Acquittal
Kenneth Surin
Brexit, One Month After
Behrooz Ghamari Tabrizi
A Death on the Anniversary of the Iranian Revolution
Binoy Kampmark
China, Papua New Guinea and Australia’s Backyard Blues
Jonah Raskin
Rennie Davis: Not the Boy Next Door
Howard Lisnoff
When It Seemed as If the World Took Notice
Nyla Ali Khan
Why I Wrote “Educational Strategies for Youth Empowerment in Conflict Zones”
Gary Leupp
On the Relative Vileness of George W. Bush and Donald Trump, Liz Cheney and Marjorie Taylor Greene
Chuck Collins
The Drive for a Wealth Tax in Washington State
John Feffer
The Unreliable Superpower
Norman Solomon
Hidden in Plain Sight: The “Unimpeachable” Offenses
CounterPunch News Service
Loujain al-Hathloul Released After Over 1000 Days in Prison
February 09, 2021
P. Sainath
Rich Farmers, Global Plots, Local Stupidity
Patrick Cockburn
The Clash Between the UK and EU Over Northern Ireland is a Precursor to Confrontations That will Last Decades
Daniel Warner
Are We Ready For Vaccinating With Sputnik V?
Ramzy Baroud
‘Freedom is Never Voluntarily Given’: Palestinian Boycott of Israel is Not Racist, It is Anti-Racist
Colin Todhunter
Farmers’ Protest in India: Price of Failure Will Be immense
Stephen F. Eisenman – Sue Coe
Your Official Souvenir Guide to the Trump Impeachment Trial
Prabir Purkayastha
The Value of Universal Vaccination Is So Great That Even the IMF Is Being Forced to Rethink Its Callousness to the Global South
Sam Pizzigati
The Unintentional Honesty of Jeff Bezos
George Wuerthner
How the West Burns and Why Logging Only Makes It Worse
Rob Okun
Letter to Justice Clarence Thomas: Time to Pack It In
Richard C. Gross
What’s to Become of the Republican Party
Ralph Nader
Democrats Disarm Themselves Before Trump’s Senate Impeachment Trial
Kenn Orphan
Pornhub, QAnon and the War on Sex
Binoy Kampmark
Going Airborne: Coronavirus and Hotel Quarantine
Jon P. Dorschner
Soundtrack of the Sixties: An Elastic Essay
February 08, 2021
W. T. Whitney
Cuba’s COVID-19 Vaccines Serve the People, Not Profits
David Rovics
Resistance Songs: Remembering Anne Feeney
Russell Mokhiber
Appalachian Trail Conservancy Refuses to Make Public $19.5 Million Pipeline Agreement
Mark Schuller
The Foreign Roots of Haiti’s “Constitutional Crisis”
Binoy Kampmark
Let the Investigation Begin: the International Criminal Court, Israel and the Palestinian Territories
John Feffer
Russia: A New Start?
N.D. Jayaprakash
Conspiracy to Malign Farmers’ Movement in India
Sonali Kolhatkar
It’s Easy to Fix Inequality: Tax the Rich
Dan Bacher
The Fight to Save Ballona Wetlands
Robert Koehler
National vs. Human Security
Dean Baker
Unemployment Falls to 6.3 Percent, But Job Growth Remains Weak
Robert Jensen
“A Simple Boy From the Prairie”
César Chelala - Alberto Luis Zuppi
The Price of Democracy
Paul Cochrane
No Beach Dompas: an Illegal Dip in the Indian Ocean During South Africa’s Covid-19 Restrictions
Weekend Edition
February 05, 2021
Friday - Sunday
Vijay Prashad
How ExxonMobil Uses Divide and Rule to Get Its Way in South America