Christopher Bickel
Occupation: Musician, Curator, NGH Certified Consulting Hypnotist
Interests: Smashism, Aktionism, Lowbrow and Highbrow Cinema, Historical Countercultures, Bad Music For Bad People
Biography: Served time in "musical" groups In/Humanity, Guyana Punch Line, and currently Anakrid. Former columnist for Maximumrockandroll Magazine. Days are divided between high-end record dealing, event promotion, hypnotherapy, film series curation, and study of topics ranging from control and influence to the occult to obscure yuletide traditions to Z-list celebrities to junk science to transgressive art. Capricorn. Enjoys an occasional gin and tonic. Paces a lot. Can take a joke.
Recent Entries
04.20.18 / My Three Sons: ‘General Boy’ talks about his sons in DEVO
04.16.18 / Muppets with people eyes still haunt my dreams
04.09.18 / Check out the (primitive) psychedelic visuals from this ‘trippy’ 1979 Betamax tape
03.16.18 / KISS fans pay premium to see unimaginably sad Gene and Ace guitar dick-around
03.02.18 / ‘DEATH VAN’: This surreal animated music video is totally bonkers