Yeah Nah Pasaran! #055 w Ashton Kingdon on AI, alt-tech, & occult nazis : February 11, 2021

On this week’s episode of Yeah Nah, we talk to Ashton Kingdon [Twitter]. Ashton researches far right extremism, radicalisation, alt-tech, AI … aND TeH nazi 0CCuLt! … @ (among others) the Centre for Analysis of the Radical Right:

Ashton is a PhD candidate in Web Science at the University of Southampton. Her research is interdisciplinary, combining criminology, history, and computer science to explore the ways in which right-wing extremists utilise technology for recruitment and radicalisation, whilst giving equal weight to the subcultural elements of the users of this technology. Additionally, her work examines the various ways that history is being manipulated and weaponised to fuel contemporary right-wing extremist narratives. In terms of technology, her work specifically focuses on the influence and impact of artificial intelligence and machine learning on the radicalisation process, and the increased need for ethical and explainable AI. The ultimate question being: can we really hold intelligent machines accountable for radicalisation?

See : False flags, paperclips, and super spies: the secret Nazi origins of the CIA, openDemocracy, June 9, 2020 | The Gift of the Gab: The Utilisation of COVID-19 for Neo-Nazi Recruitment, GNET, May 7, 2020.

4.30pm, Thursday, February 11, 2021 /// 3CR /// 855AM / streaming live on the 3CR website

NB. The podcast version of the episode contains a longer discussion with Ashton.

• You can listen to the podcast on Apple, Spotify and other platforms.
• We also have a Facebook page for the show, which you’re invited to ‘Like’ and to ‘Follow’.
• I have a Patreon account which youse are also invited to support.

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A note on the Proud Boys in Australia

[Update (February 11, 2021) : TLDR : In Albury-Wodonga, Jarrad Searby and a few other Boys paid a visit to some fella’s workplace and another fella’s home. Searby was mAd because they made Facebook comments he didn’t like. Neither were ‘antifa’. See : Australian Proud Boys filmed threatening critics at a business and a home, Michael McGowan, The Guardian, February 11, 2021.]

From The Department of Interesting Developments:

TORONTO (AP) — The Canadian government designated the Proud Boys group as a terrorist entity on Wednesday, noting they played a pivotal role in the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.

The Proud Boys have faced increased scrutiny after seizing on the former Trump administration’s policies and the group was a major agitator during earlier protests and the Capitol riot on Jan. 6. The Proud Boys is a far-right, male chauvinist extremist group known for engaging in violent clashes at political rallies. Canada is the first country to designate them as a terrorist entity …

By contrast, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, by way of 4 Corners, designated Proud Boys fuehrer (and FBI snitch) Enrique Tarrio ‘A Neat Interview Subject’ on the ‘riot’/insurrection his Boys conducted. Happily, a quick-witted Tarrio managed to avoid the clever trap journalist Sarah Ferguson set him …

Ferguson: Did you send members of the Proud Boys into the Capitol to lynch members of the government?

Presumably, this may constitute a critical piece of evidence in any future prosecution of Tarrio and his flunkeys, though I’ve been reliably informed that investigative and prosecutorial authorities in Washington may well have other tricks up their sleeves.

See also : ‘4 Corners’ Is Being Slammed For Interviewing A Far-Right Extremist Again, Jared Richards, Junkee, February 2, 2021 | Platforming or reporting? Australian journalism has a problem with the far right, Kishor Napier-Raman, Crikey, February 3, 2021.

In Australia, the Proud Boys (PBs) also have a smol presence, claiming members in every state and territory. The Australian PB franchise was established not long after its North American cousin (2016–), just as the English Defence League (EDL) rapidly spawned an Australian Defence League (ADL). Two of the principal ADL activists were Shermon Burgess and Ralph Cerminara. Burgess later went on to help found first ‘Reclaim Australia’ then the ‘United Patriots Front’ (UPF) in 2015, before leaving the UPF after a fellow patriot made him cry and — eventually — deciding to Go Full Nazi. Of the pair, Cerminara was the more madcap, but after a criminal conviction for assault in 2019, he’s changed his name and gone a bit quiet.

Previously on slackbastard:

As of December 2016, the ADL was a moribund institution, and remains so in April 2019. While Burgess has gone on to embrace neo-Nazism, Flat Earth theory, Odinism, and whichever other crackpottery registers in his fevered bRanes, Cerminara has been in serious trouble with the law, and earlier this year was sentenced to jail for assaulting a neighbour. In good news for Cerminara, he was released on appeal, and — irony of ironies — has apparently successfully applied for legal support from the Aboriginal Legal Service in NSW to aid in his efforts to free himself from the politically-correct courts. (Note that there remains at least one ADL page on Facebook (, one of thousands of similar pages pumping out an endless stream of anti-Muslim propaganda. Oddly, while three admins are based in Australia, two are in the UK and one in the US.)

On January 26 this year, a dozen or so PBs in Melbourne joined the plague rats in St Kilda to celebrate the founding of the British penal colony, though at least one PB — Andrew Paton — apparently failed to get the memo, and instead elected to remain in the city to troll the Invasion Day rally.

For his efforts, Paton was detained by police, and also lost his hat.

In 2020, a larger group of PBs attempted to troll the rally by assembling at Flinders Street station wearing merch inscribed with the slogan ‘Governor Arthur Phillip did nothing wrong’. Curiously, after having posed for photos, the PBs departed Flinders before the arrival of the march; certainly, it’s worth recalling that, in 2017, Canadian authorities were more than happy to readmit five PBs into the armed forces after they disrupted and were then ‘suspended after they crashed a 1 July protest in Halifax, Nova Scotia marking Canada’s history of atrocities against [I]ndigenous people’. Given that Tarrio was also recently charged with incinerating a ‘Black Lives Matter’ banner torn from a black church in Washington, it’s little wonder patriotik Aussie men are drawn to the PBs. “The conduct of the Proud Boys in Washington, DC on December 12, 2020, amounted to a new and dangerous chapter in the long and terrible history of white supremacist mob violence targeting Black houses of worship,” the church said in its filing.

Locally, in 2019 PBs also had a presence at various events organised by bankrupt former Senator and White supremacist Fraser ‘Final Solution’ Anning. Along with the dregs of Reclaim and the ‘True Blue Crew’, Tom Sewell and his neo-Nazi Lads, PBs thus attended Anning’s anti-African rally, again in St Kilda, along with a (very eggy) meeting in Moorabbin.

Sometime lvl boss of PBs Australia, Nick Stone, was of course thrilled to pose with Sky News Australia’s Lauren ‘The Great Replacement’ Southern during her tour Down Under in 2018, and tour organiser Dave Pellowe, along with fellow Christian fun-da-mentalist Lyle Shelton, were also Proud to pose with PBs in Brisbane.

Of course, one of the central tensions on the far-right is The JQ. So, while The Lads Pellowe hired to help safely conduct The Great Replacement’s 2018 tour have now openly and quite publicly proclaimed themselves to be neo-Nazis, the PBs typically equivocate on the subject. Hence, in the final episode of ‘The Cuckables’ — a joint effort by Timmeh! Wilms of ‘The Unhinged’ blog and semi-pro antisemites David Hiscox and Matthew Roebuck of XYZ blog — recent PB recruit Jarrad Searby confessed to never having heard of The JQ; a sad state-of-affairs which Hiscox and Roebuck both promised to quickly remedy.

Finally, the decision by the Canadian government to label the PBs a ‘terrorist’ organisation will presumably enter into and have some impact upon the government inquiry into ‘extremism’ announced last year by Mr Potato Head. So too the fact that the fourth level of initiation into the gang requires a member to shed blood for the cause: The final step involves “a major fight for the cause,” McInnes said. “You get beat up, kick the crap out of an antifa” and possibly get arrested.

Still … the same parliament that initially voted in favour of Pauline Hanson’s motion that #IOKTBW has today butchered a(nother), Labor motion, inter alia removing a passage condemning Craig Kelly and George Christensen for spreading conspiracy theories, and extending criticism of ‘extremism’ to Maoist guerillas hiding in the Dandenongs, Adelaide’s Brigate Rosse, and bloggers like me.


See also : The Proud Boys and the Republican Party, Sarlacc Attack, LCRW, February 3, 2021 | The class composition of the Capitol rioters (First Cut), MR Online, January 20, 2021 | Aussie Aussie Aussie! Trump! Trump! Trump! (January 14, 2021) | Proud Boys Incidents 2016-2019 (Samantha Kutner) | Proud Boys (ADL) | Proud Boys (SPLC) | Proud Boys (It’s Going Down).

Posted in Anti-fascism, Broken Windows, Death, History, Media, State / Politics, That's Capitalism!, War on Terror | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Yeah Nah Pasaran! #054 w Sabine Volk on PEGIDA, Fortress Europe & populism : February 4, 2021

On this week’s episode of Yeah Nah, we talk to Sabine Volk [Twitter] about PEGIDA (‘Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the Occident’) and right-wing populism in Europe. Sabine is a doctoral fellow of the Centre for the Analysis of the Radical Right (CARR) and a member of the Working Group on Memory and Populism associated with the Memory Studies Association (MSA), and has recently published:

• ‘Germany: Is the COVID-19 Pandemic Weakening the Far Right?’, in: Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic by the Radical Right: Scapegoating, Conspiracy Theories and New Narratives, ed. Tamir Bar-On & Bàrbara Molas;
‘‘Wir sind das Volk!’ Representative claim-making and populist style in the Pegida movement’s discourse’, in German Politics;
• ‘‘No borders, no nations’ or ‘Fortress Europe’? How European citizens remake European borders’, in European Studies and Europe: Twenty Years of Euroculture, ed. Janny de Jong, Marek Neuman, Senka Stanivukovic-Neuman, and Margriet van der Waal;
‘Commemoration at the Extremes: A Field Report from Dresden 2020’, in Cultures of History Forum.

See also : antifa notes (february 11, 2016) : PEGIDA, United Patriots Front, Aryan Nations, (February 11, 2016).

4.30pm, Thursday, February 4, 2021 /// 3CR /// 855AM / streaming live on the 3CR website

NB. The podcast version of the episode contains a longer discussion with Sabine.

• You can listen to the podcast on Apple, Spotify and other platforms.
• We also have a Facebook page for the show, which you’re invited to ‘Like’ and to ‘Follow’.
• I have a Patreon account which youse are also invited to support.

Posted in Anti-fascism, History, Media, State / Politics, That's Capitalism!, War on Terror | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Nazis Go Camping in The Grampians

Oh hai!

As you may have read, last weekend some neo-Nazis went camping in The Grampians.

See : Neo-Nazis go bush: Grampians gathering highlights rise of Australia’s far right, Nick McKenzie and Joel Tozer, The Age, January 27, 2021 | ‘We do not need to wait for a Christchurch’: Grampians cross burning spurs call for action, Nick McKenzie and Joel Tozer, The Age, January 28, 2021.

Unsurprisingly, the incident has generated quite a lot of commentary, much of which has revolved around what might be an appropriate response to this news. The discussion has been given particular relevance in light of both the inability of police to take legal action and the recent announcement of a federal government inquiry into ‘extremism’. Hence, Greg Barton has argued that: ‘Now would be a good time for Australia to follow the lead of Five-Eyes partners such as Canada and formally proscribe far-right extremist groups such as the Proud Boys. Doing so would go some way to helping the police better do their job.’ Others have suggested that current laws, specifically counter-terrorism legislation, should be sufficient to address right-wing extremism and terrorism.

See also : ‘A wake-up call’: What’s being done to combat the rise of far-right extremism, Ahmed Yussuf, SBS (The Feed), January 29, 2021.

In either case, government policy is outta my league (and not my focus). Briefly, then:

• The camping trip was organised under the umbrella of the ‘European Australian Movement’ (EAM) and the ‘National Socialist Network’ (NSN).

• Officially, the EAM was launched on January 1, 2020, as a project of its parent group, ‘The Lads Society’ (TLS).

• TLS emerged in late 2017, following the collapse of the ‘United Patriots Front’ (UPF). At that stage, The Lads had (privately) announced the establishment of a social centre in Cheltenham. In January 2018, the fascist bunker was the site of a joint meeting between The Lads, members of the defunct racist groupuscule ‘True Blue Crew’ (TBC), and various other racist agitators. The meeting was intended to provide a forum for the organisation of white supremacist vigilantes to combat the ‘African gangs’ that Peter Dutton declared at the time were so terrifying that Melbournians were simply too scared to leave their homes.

• Sadly, after a community campaign, The Lads’ social centre in Cheltenham was forced to close, and the nazis had to find another organising space. This turned out to be located in Rowville. It too ended up being forced to close, not long after I disclosed its location. This was also the fate of the social centre in Ashfield, Sydney, that TLS established.

In general:

• The UPF emerged in 2015 as the militant vanguard of ‘Reclaim Australia’. TLS represented the consolidation of the support that the UPF had won between 2015–2017, principally by way of Facebook, but also supplemented by its occasional public excursions.

• As well as being present at Final Solution’s anti-African rally in St Kilda in January 2019, TLS organised a visit to Box Hill cop shop in late 2019 in order to join the tabloid chorus of disapproval at the fact that police had raised the Chinese flag to commemorate National Day of the People’s Republic of China. As Andrew Bolt wrote at the time (SURRENDER: VICTORIA POLICE RAISE THE FLAG OF COMMUNIST CHINA, Herald Sun, October 2, 2019): No need for communist China to invade. Victoria’s police have already raised the dictatorship’s flag over a police station in a heavily Chinese suburb. And guess who came to cut the cake to celebrate the dictatorship’s birthday? Why, it’s Gladys Liu, the Liberal MP tied to China’s propaganda arm. By the same token, Lads provided security for Stefan Molyneux and Bolt’s fellow SkyNews propagandist Lauren ‘The Great Replacement’ Southern for their 2018 tour.

• After some internal discussion, and more-or-less following the exclusion of Blair Cottrell, Tom Sewell emerged as spokes for TLS, and TLS — incorporating those elements of the short-lived neo-Nazi groupuscule ‘Antipodean Resistance’ that hadn’t already joined TLS — decided to launch itself as EAM and NSN. In other words, while TLS has been at pains to present itself as a fraternal organisation, EAM is basically an extension of TLS, and so too NSN.

• Like his (former) BFF Cottrell, Sewell got his start with the older neo-Nazi groupuscule ‘Nationalist Alternative’, which has its origins in anti-mosque agitation in Williamstown.

• In summary, the Hitler yoof who went hiking in the Grampians on the weekend are the end result of over a decade of agitation by local extreme-right actors. But whereas 10 years ago NAlt, for example, were extreme-ly reluctant to be accurately understood as a neo-Nazi formation, The Lads — by way of EAM and NSN — have thrown caution to the wind and are now happy to pose and strut as precisely who and what they are: neo-Nazis.

• No doubt much more can and will be said on the subject of TLS/EAM/NSN, ‘extremism’ and ‘terrorism’, but in the meantime, props to the good people of Gariwerd for: a) noticing and; b) documenting the excursion by these putative members of the Aryan Master Race.

See also : From Antipodean Resistance to the National Socialist Network (November 29, 2020) | A Brief Guide To The Australian Far Right (July 2020 Edition) (July 3, 2020).

Posted in Anti-fascism, History, Media, State / Politics, Student movement, That's Capitalism!, War on Terror | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Yeah Nah Pasaran! #053 w Megan Kelly on Incels, Red Pills & Black Pills : January 28, 2021

On this week’s episode of Yeah Nah, we talk to Megan Kelly. Megan is a PhD student at the University of Basel whose research focuses on radicalization narratives in online misogynist movements and is also a fellow at the Institute for Research on Male Supremacism. See : “Don’t Just Rope Be a hERo”: Violence, Gatekeeping, and Identity in Online Incel Forums, Megan Kelly, MA Thesis (2019) | Male supremacism and the Hanau terrorist attack: between online misogyny and far-right violence, Greta Jasser, Megan Kelly, Ann-Kathrin Rothermel, May 20, 2020.

4.30pm, Thursday, January 28, 2021 /// 3CR /// 855AM / streaming live on the 3CR website

See/hear also : Yeah Nah Pasaran! #048 w Greta Jasser on Misogynist & Far-Right Ideology : December 10, 2020 /// Yeah Nah Pasaran! #030 w Alex DiBranco on Male Supremacism, Terror & The Right : August 6, 2020.

• You can listen to the podcast on Apple, Spotify and other platforms.
• We also have a Facebook page for the show, which you’re invited to ‘Like’ and to ‘Follow’.
• I have a Patreon account which youse are also invited to support.

Posted in Anti-fascism, Death, History, Media, Sex & Sexuality, State / Politics, That's Capitalism!, War on Terror | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Yeah Nah Pasaran! #052 w Marc-André Argentino on QAnon & The End of Trump : January 21, 2021

On this week’s episode of Yeah Nah, we talk to Marc-André Argentino [Twitter] about LMNOP Q Anon and the end of the Trump regime.

Marc-André Argentino is a PhD candidate whose research examines how extremist groups leverage technology to create propaganda, recruit members to ideological causes, inspire acts of violence and impact democratic institutions. Marc-André is an associate fellow at the Global Network on Extremism & Technology and an associate researcher at the Centre d’Expertise et de Formation sur les Intégrismes Religieux, les idéologies politiques et la radicalisation et la Radicalisation.

See also : QAnon and the storm of the U.S. Capitol: The offline effect of online conspiracy theories, The Conversation, January 7, 2021 | How susceptible is a university to extremism? (‘Marc-André Argentino, Concordia extremism researcher, discusses the psychology and the dangers of extremist radicalization’), Mzwandile Poncana, The Link, January 17, 2021.

4.30pm, Thursday, January 21, 2021 /// 3CR /// 855AM / streaming live on the 3CR website

• You can listen to the podcast on Apple, Spotify and other platforms.
• We also have a Facebook page for the show, which you’re invited to ‘Like’ and to ‘Follow’.
• I have a Patreon account which youse are also invited to support.

Posted in !nataS, Anti-fascism, Art, Broken Windows, Death, History, Media, State / Politics, Television, That's Capitalism!, War on Terror | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Aussie Aussie Aussie! Trump! Trump! Trump!


Apart from anything else, the idiotic (but also tragic) attempted putsch by Trumpists on January 6 has at least provided space for some reflection on the role of local propaganda networks in spreading lies and disinformation. So too, a moment to more closely examine the various pundits in media and politics who’ve championed Cheet0 during the course of his reign.

On Tuesday, acting Prime Minister Michael McCormack opined that the failed ‘insurrection’/riot was most comparable to the Black Lives Matter movement. Moreover, he also defended his federal colleagues’ sacred right to publish lies and to promote conspiracy theories on Facebook. Thus along with NSW MP Craig Kelly:

Queensland MP Mr Christensen has also been busy posting material on his own Facebook page suggesting the US riots were not really Trump supporters but Marxists dressed up as Trump supporters. “Here’s a video from the Washington, D.C. protest this morning showing a vandal smashing a window of the US Congress. A woman is heard yelling over and over again “They’re Antifa!” and “We need to get them … it’s not us!”

The absurdity of the allegation is of course irrelevant to its intended effect, viz, to project responsibility for criminality on the part of the reactionary law-and-order brigade onto its political opposition. This is a standard discursive practice, and one which finds echoes in the responses to any number of other atrocities, whether recent or dated, both real and imagined. One of the more remarkable instances of this in the context of the Trump Army’s assault upon the Capitol is the claim that anti-fascist writer and researcher Spencer Sunshine is in fact the so-called ‘QAnon shaman’ Jacob Chansley (AKA Jake Angeli). See : I’ve Been Tracking the Far Right for Years. Then Lin Wood ‘Exposed’ Me as the QAnon Shaman, Spencer Sunshine, The Daily Beast, January 12, 2021.

While ripe for parody by cheeky brbs, such material helps justify the insouciance with which political authorities address the question of right-wing terrorism. This is especially the case when a market for it can, with sufficient investment, be manufactured. Hence, with regards this ‘boomerwaffen’ (a ‘pejorative name for the boomers and normies radicalized by cable news and AM radio, likening their potential for rightwing violence to that of Atomwaffen terrorists’):

Creating and maintaining the boomerwaffen universe requires an incredible amount of resources. Trump’s disinformation campaigns are a media spectacle involving a stunning array of political operatives, media pundits, lawyers, and influencers who day-to-day create, publish and share a cascade of lies and speculation across webspaces, cable news and radio all at once.

This alternative media network features an all star cast of Steve Bannon, Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, Rudy Giuliani, Ali Alexander, Roger Stone, One America News, Newsmax, Peter Navarro, Mike Lindell (yes, that’s the My Pillow guy), Nick Fuentes, and Ron Watkins just to name a few. This group spent the last four years building upon the networks and infrastructure of conservative [sic] media in order to serve Trump’s interests. And, it pays off by creating a panoptic enclosure of Trump Media.

For example, millions of Americans believe the storming of the Capitol was orchestrated by antifa because the Washington Times placed a false story on social media during this moment of national crisis, the Republican representative Matt Gaetz repeated the claim on the congressional floor, and other influencers tweeted it. While the Washington Times later corrected the story, it accomplished a political objective: it muddied the waters and shifted blame in the moment.

It’s an example of misinformation-at-scale, where numerous people now believe a false version of events because manipulators employed the tactic of “trading up the chain”, leveraging breaking news to accelerate algorithmic amplification. If antifa did it, how could Trump be at fault?

Social media platforms have incentivized and enabled conspiracy and extremism, but the siege of the Capitol is stark proof that we have entered a new era, long in the making. The platforms facilitated this through years of advertising abuse, extremist organizing, hidden virality of conspiracy and woefully inconsistent application of terms of service.

Along the way, social media continues to be abused by political elites and well-networked influencers. While tech companies have instituted policy changes following the hearings about foreign disinformation and bot networks, and made limited interventions to deal with white supremacists’ hate speech, pornography and conspiracy, it was never to powerful effect. The Capitol insurrectionists were not the alt-right, nor were they driven by foreign bot networks. Social media platforms were used to carry out a grand attempt at election suppression and disenfranchisement of millions by Trump and his allies.

The situation in Australia closely resembles that in the US and for similar reasons (see : Australian conservatives go to extraordinary lengths to deny the reality of rightwing extremism, Jeff Sparrow, The Guardian, January 12, 2021).

In the wake of the failed coup attempt, elements of the local political infrastructure supporting these and other cack-brained schemes have also been discussed in 9Fairfax publications. Convicted spousal abuser and serial pest Avi Yemini gets a guernsey in ‘If we need to shed blood so be it’: COVID-19 restrictions class action lawyer goes off script (Harriet Alexander, The Age, January 12, 2021) while in The Sydney Morning Herald Jenna Price reviews Ustasha fan Craig Kelly’s colossal shitposting efforts on behalf of the Hughes electorate:

As of Monday and since April Fool’s Day 2019, Kelly, who represents the southern Sydney seat of Hughes, has delivered 2130 posts on Facebook, directed at his local electorate. Of those posts, Kristensen recorded, just 16 were strictly about his local community: five scenic shots of his electorate, three notices for the Rural Fire Service, three calls for social distancing, two for flu vaccines, one weather report and one Anzac Day announcement and one delivery of flags to schools. That last one deleted, possibly because there were children in shot …

University of Newcastle researcher Kurt Sengul says Kelly’s posts are typical of far-right actors: conspiratorial, anti-science, anti-expert, evidence-free rhetoric.

“That’s typical of what we see on the far right,” says Sengul.

Specially concocted by channers and other bad-faith actors to suit the delicate tastes of boomerwaffen, Kelly’s online vituperations demonstrate a localised version of the tactic of ‘trading up the chain’ referred to above. This process is perhaps best represented by Sky New Australia’s recruitment of Lauren ‘The Great Replacement’ Southern to provide expert analysis on current affairs, but is also revealed through an examination of other sources of illiberal Liberal ideology. It should also be noted that, while Sky generates fairly desultory viewing figures, as documented by Cameron Wilson, ‘In digital, the right-wing material is 24/7’: How Sky News quietly became Australia’s biggest news channel on social media (Business Insider, November 6, 2020).

In How an anti-mask firebrand fans the right’s flames against Dan Andrews online (The Guardian, January 10, 2021), Anne Davies writes:

The libertarian [sic] anti-mask movement appears also to have gained a hold up north. Smit has been interviewed on Goodsauce News, a rightwing conservative Christian media site established by David Pellowe in July last year. Pellowe, a digital marketing strategist and conservative Christian, has previously worked on state and federal election campaigns for the Liberal National party in Queensland. However, he told the Guardian he had let his membership lapse.

While it’s not referred to in the article, along with being a minor YouTube grifter, Pellowe was also responsible for touring Southern and fellow racist Stefan Molyneux in 2018. Further — in a fact yet to really register in media reportage — ‘conservative Christian’ Pellowe hired neo-Nazis belonging to Tom Sewell’s groupuscule ‘The Lads Society’ to provide security for the Canuckistanian agitators: the Lads later helped spawn the ‘National Socialist Network’. ASIO has seemingly expressed some concern over groups like the NSN — reinforced, perhaps, by Sewell’s attempt to recruit the Christchurch killer (he declined as he was too busy making other plans) and the fact that the killer regarded former Lad Blair Cottrell as his ‘Emperor’.

Of course Pellowe, along with fellow ‘conservative Christian’ Lyle Shelton, has also previously aligned himself with the Australian franchise of the Proud Boys. Happily, the Amerikkkan Proud Boys — having followed instructions to ‘stand back and stand by’ following the Presidential election — were enthusiastic participants in their Daddy’s tantrum last week. Further: ‘The FBI on Tuesday said Washington, D.C., police arrested [Enrique Tarrio] the Miami-based leader of the far-right Proud Boys days before the deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol because they had developed information showing he was among those planning to incite violence as Congress voted to certify the presidential election.’

As for Christensen, he once appeared on ‘The Convict Report’, a neo-Nazi podcast established by University of Sydney Young Liberal Clifford Jennings. Jennings later went on to star in the attempted infiltration by neo-Nazis of the New South Wales Young Nationals. Christensen was also chummy with Kane Miller, the founder of the now defunct racist gang the ‘True Blue Crew’, which proved to be a YUGE inspiration to convicted terrorist Phillip Galea in his mAd campaign against ‘Teh Left’ in Melbourne.

By the same token, Craig Kelly has been a repeat guest on Timmeh! ‘Right Wing Death Squad’ Wilms’ blog and YouTube channel ‘The Unhinged’. Sadly, just last month Wilms abandoned ‘The Cuckables’ — his video collaboration with semi-professional anti-semites Matthew Roebuck and David Hiscox of XYZ blog. Word on the virtual street is that Timmeh! didn’t want to get caught in the same police dragnet that has seen XYZ contributor and pathological anti-semite Ryan Fletcher being interviewed by police, presumably with a view to being charged with the criminal offence of serious racial and religious vilification.

In summary, over the last few years there’s developed extensive collaboration between the most reactionary/illiberal Liberal MPs and activists on the one hand and selected groups and individuals on the far-right outside of the party on the other. This mutually-supportive network finds a safe space on Facebook, YouTube and to a lesser extent Twitter, one supplemented by a more outré presence on sites like Gab (AKA Twitter-for-Nazis: Gab being most notorious for helping spawn Robert Bowers, the Tree Of Life mass murderer) and other, smaller platforms. This coalition of forces also manifests on NewsCorpse by way of Sky News, and the milieu — especially in its ostensibly ‘conservative Christian’ dimension — forms a critical base for branch-stacking by the reactionary wing of the Liberals. As such, the successful takeover of the American Republicans by Trump serves as a model for similar manouevres within the ruling Australian Coalition. This fact may explain the tortured defence leading members of the government have launched in response to the attempted putsch. But, moreover, it renders intelligible ‘conservative’ anger over the ways in which the failed coup has, if only temporarily, jeopardised the capacity of the reactionary right to utilise corporate/social media to air grievances about Cancel Culture, Cultural Marxism and Freeze Peach — and thereby to cultivate both an audience and a solid electoral bloc.

See also : The Big Takeover, Jarrod Shanahan, Hard Crackers, January 7, 2021 | Trump Loyalists’ Breach of Capitol Is Likely to Embolden Far Right Street Forces, Spencer Sunshine, Truthout, January 7, 2021 | THE TRUMP PUTSCH, Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group, January 10, 2021 | The Capitol siege was the biggest media spectacle of the Trump era, Joan Donovan, Brian Friedberg and Emily Dreyfuss, The Guardian, January 11, 2021 | “It is Only a Matter of Time Before a More Competent Trump Emerges”: An Interview With Warren Montag, Left Voice, January 11, 2021 |
The Day the Internet Came for Them: Washington Wakes Up to the Dark Reality of Online Disinformation, Nina Jankowicz, Foreign Affairs, January 12, 2021 | Republican Futures, Thomas Meaney, New Left Review (Sidecar), January 13, 2021 | Comments reveal dark underbelly of Australian politics, Osman Faruqi, The Sydney Morning Herald, January 14, 2021.

Posted in !nataS, Anti-fascism, Broken Windows, Death, History, Media, State / Politics, That's Capitalism!, War on Terror | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Yeah Nah Pasaran! #051 w Becca Lewis on AltRight media & Trump : January 14, 2021

We’re back!

Between our last show for 2020 and our first for 2021, Pete Wells wrote A podcast following the Aussie far right (January 27, 2021): Yeah Nah, Pasaran is a weekly show dedicated to putting fascism and the far right under the microscope. The independent podcast has become a must listen for those wishing to track the organisation of far right movements in Australia.

On this week’s episode of Yeah Nah, we talk to Becca Lewis [Twitter], who researches far-right digital media, is a PhD candidate at Stanford and a research affiliate at The Center for Information, Technology, and Public Life and at Data & Society.

In her capacity as a researcher at D&S, in 2018 Becca wrote Alternative Influence: Broadcasting the Reactionary Right on Youtube, which:

… argues that YouTube’s problem with hate speech stems largely from video collaborations—specifically, collaborations between influencers with big audiences like Joe Rogan and fringe far-right figures of the “Intellectual Dark Web,” whose personal brands are built upon racist, misogynist, and anti-LGBT hate speech. These collaborations benefit both parties, who each get the opportunity to expand their own audiences into the other’s fan base, Lewis argues.

We spoke to her about the Report, developments in the ‘AltRight echo-chamber’ since 2018, and the recent escapades of Trumpists at the Capitol.

4.30pm, Thursday, January 14, 2021 /// 3CR /// 855AM / streaming live on the 3CR website

• You can listen to the podcast on Apple, Spotify and other platforms.
• We also have a Facebook page for the show, which you’re invited to ‘Like’ and to ‘Follow’.
• I have a Patreon account which youse are also invited to support.

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Blogging 2020 : A Summary

For the record, like …

For much of the year, the blog was mostly show notes for Yeah Nah Pasaran!, but I managed to squeeze in a few other bits and pieces. So — also for the record — we spoke to the following during the course of the year:

• Emmi Bevensee • Joan Braune • Shane Burley • Seyward Darby • Zvi Dav • Alex DiBranco • Caterina Froio • Hannah Gais • Emily Gorcenski • Abner Hauge • Patrik Hermansson • Sarah Hightower • Nina Jankowicz • Greta Jasser • Laura Jedeed • Max Kaiser • Anastasia Kanjere • Shalini Kantayya • Annie Kelly • Samantha Kutner • Talia Lavin • Eviane Leidig • Alana Lentin • Graham Macklin • Shannon Foley Martinez • Charlotte Mears • David Neiwert • Roy (Paparoa) • Antti Rautiainen • Stephanie Reist • Matthew Remski • Alexander Reid Ross • Kaz Ross • Shuddhabrata Sengupta • Evan Smith • Jeff Sparrow • Megan Squire • Spencer Sunshine • Emily Tamkin • Tom Tanuki • Elise Thomas • Louie Dean Valencia-Garcia • Kelly Weill • Jason Wilson •

Thanks to our guests and thank you for listening!

January (5)

I kicked off the year by announcing that I gots stickers. In December, I still do, so if you’d like some, drop me a line via slackbastard[at]protonmail[dot]com. I also wrote about a CANCELLED! gig organised by some local nazi metalheads: ‘Sad!’. As for YNP!, it began with an interview with Jeff Sparrow about his book Fascists Among Us: online hate and the Christchurch massacre (Scribe, 2019); you can read a recent review by a member of Aotearoa Workers’ Solidarity Movement here.

February (6)

I wrote about Tsar Vladimir chucking anti-fascists in jail and took a closer look at some of the Australian users of the defunct neo-Nazi website Iron March.

March (6)

In addition to the usual, I published some antifa notes.

April (6)

Five years after they shambolically staggered onto the Australian political stage, I took a moment to ask ‘Reclaim Australia, Five Years Later : Where Are They Now?’. I also paid tribute to the Black Star kolektiv.

May (6)

I republished ‘The Australian Scene’, Jack The Anarchist, Red & Black, No.5, April, 1973 by sadly-departed Sydney anarchist Jack Grancharoff (1925–2016) and also done a Trot Guide update.

June (7)

June was a laddish month, in which I disclosed the location of the nazi groupuscule’s social centre in Rowville and published some further details about its membership. The lease on the property was subsequently CANCELLED! but the boys are eagerly preparing for the upcoming RaHoWa! by carrying on as they always have. I also published some further antifa notes, being an attempt to make notes about antifa.

July (7)

I published an updated version of A Brief Guide To The Australian Far Right, took note of #j25antifa and had another opportunity to yell at Facebook.

August (8)

‘The Base’ got a guernsey this month (not that any body was paying much attention), Cucker Tarlson went full antifa, I wrote a letter to Nick Cave about CANCEL! culture and stuck my nose into Friendly Jordies ~versus~ Australian Unemployed Workers’ Union.

September (7)

In September I wrote about Rehabilitating fascists : Lauren Southern, Sky News & Media Diversity (and how the fascists among us and the Christchurch massacre can be only dimly glimpsed thru the rear-view mirror of NewsCorpse) and examined some of the daft material assembled by the NSW state government and its anti-radikal program Step Together.

October (5)

On a roll, I wrote about Rise2Peace & Step Together to combat ANTIFA!.

November (7)

I made a token, trump-related post and looked at how local nazis progressed From Antipodean Resistance to the National Socialist Network, which included naming Antipodean Resistance’s co-founders as being Matthew Baston and Douglas Paterson.

December (7)

Well, there’s this post, but also some token anarchist notes, more antifa notes and a post about how some local semi-pro anti-semites got cucked.

Finally, I done a coupla interviews this year (for Mont Icons and Where’s My Jetpack?) and published a few things elsewhere, including Galea in prison, Southern on TV: the state of the far right (Overland).

Oh yeah. Like every other schmuck, I gotta Patreon, which you’re welcome to throw money at if you’re so inclined. It contains a few score more posts about All The Things, and because one or three people have requested it, I plan on doing some (more) merch next year.

See also : Blogging 2019 : A Summary (December 27, 2019).

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Yeah Nah Pasaran! #050 w Jason Wilson on 2020 : December 24, 2020

On this week’s episode of Yeah Nah, our final one for 2020, we talk to journalist and semi-regular guest (January, April, June, September) Jason Wilson all about Trump, viruses and 2020.

Jason recently wrote Sky News Australia is increasingly pushing conspiracy theories to a global audience online for The Guardian (December 21, 2020), which inter alia took note of the fact that Lauren ‘The Great Replacement’ Southern has now been fully absorbed into the reactionary Borg of Murdoch’s local version of Fox News.

A fitting, Aussie-style tribute by CEO Paul Whittaker and Sky News management to the victims of the massacre her rhetoric helped inspire.

See also : ‘In digital, the right-wing material is 24/7’: How Sky News quietly became Australia’s biggest news channel on social media, Cam Wilson, Business Insider, November 6, 2020.

4.30pm, Thursday, December 24, 2020 /// 3CR /// 855AM / streaming live on the 3CR website

• You can listen to the podcast on Apple, Spotify and other platforms.
• We also have a Facebook page for the show, which you’re invited to ‘Like’ and to ‘Follow’.
• I have a Patreon account which youse are also invited to support.

Posted in Anti-fascism, Broken Windows, Death, History, Media, State / Politics, That's Capitalism!, War on Terror | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment